Thursday September 10, 2009 Energy Forum XIII
FTE * September 24, 2009
XIII Energy Forum FTE poaching Privatization of Electricity and Water
16:30 hs. Hotel Sevilla Serapio Rendon and Sullivan, Colonia San Rafael. Mexico City
* * This September 27, 1949 anniversary of the nationalization of electricity, the Mexican industry is denationalized. More than 300 multinational corporations, subsidiaries and prestanombres, have seized national heritage. Neoliberal governments and privatized nearly half the total power generation capacity nationwide.
electric Nationalization of 1960 was proposed by the workers. In extraordinary national conference, democratic electricians we in 1975 the first Law of Public Electricity Service, which was amended returned in 1992 to conform to the "reforms" to Article 27 of the Constitution made by the de facto free trade. The counter-reform of 2008, approved by all political parties, endorsed and extended the privatization process poaching in oil, gas, electricity and all fossil and renewable sources of energy.
The privatization process has been disgraceful, with robbery in the light of day from the desk of five bureaucrats Energy Regulatory Commission. The concept of service public has been perverted and fragmented energy work process, favoring only the process of value to the excessive increase of private profit. is not only the hydrocarbons, which includes all primary energy sources for electricity generation. Water, wind, geothermal, ocean energy, biofuels and even radiation del Sol are being privatized by the neoliberal state is deeply resenting the nation.

The constitutional law is broken. In the Valley of Mexico, energy privatization reached intolerable levels and project plans to expand these anti-national processes. ALL political parties and governments have surrendered to imperialism.
This situation is unacceptable for Mexicans constitute the majority of the living Nation. To analyze these serious scenarios, the Front of Energy Workers, labor organization affiliated with the Global Union Federation has organized the XIII Forum of Energy. We invite the workers and the general public to actively participate in this event.
From now rose with more force and conviction, our battle cry: We fight for the Re-nationalization!
nation will recover for direct ownership of natural resources, their collective heritage, sovereignty, independence
XIII Forum FTE Energy Privatization
poaching Electricity and Water
Open: Barbara Oaxaca, SME.
Introduction: Carlos Alaniz, FTE.
* Paper:
1 - Privatization of renewable energy. Dr. David Bahen
, FTE.
* 2 - Privatisation of water in the valley of Mexico.
Mr. Eduardo Hernández, CTA.
* 3 - Power Privatization in the valley of Mexico. Mr. Francisco Javier Sainz
, FTE.
* 4 - The stealthy rise of electricity tariffs.
Mr. Sergio Gonzalez Broca, FTE.
* Panel Discussion: Speakers and attendees. Final Declaration: Arturo Rivera, FTE.
* Driving: Roberto Gutierrez Rico, FTE,
* Jorge López
Islands FTE. *
September 24, 2009, 16:30 hs. *
Hall Tel 53-68-96-02
Hotel Sevilla Serapio Rendon 124, corner of Sullivan,
Col. San Rafael, Mexico City