5 to 7 February 2010 was carried out in the community of Paso de Reina, Oaxaca, Mexico Seventh Meeting of the Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers (MAPDER). The United Peoples Council for the Defense of the Green River (COPUDEVER), La Ventana, educational, and Human Rights Center Nu'u Kandii Ji, hosted indigenous organizations rural, social, networks, researchers and other allies in the struggle against dams in the country. Over 300 people came together in this community that is intended to be displaced by the construction of the Hydroelectric Project Step Queen of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
At this meeting we share the struggles of resistance against dams in Mexico as a step in the struggles of MAPDER. In addition to many international solidarity and the presence of important allies, the resistance came from Jalisco, Colima, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Veracruz and Mexico City. Among the experiences that were shared fellow Yesca Dam, which will largest dam in the country and their kind, and where the peasants who resist have noticed the damages, of unfulfilled promises by the CFE. The same case on the Cerro de Oro dam between Oaxaca and Veracruz that after decades still fighting for fair compensation to the suffering and dispossession experienced by the construction of this project. On the other hand it was announced on the claims of the CFE to build more dams in Chiapas including hydroelectric project Tenosique before Boca del Cerro, 2012, and is part of a network of dams on the Usumacinta River. There are also 4 other projects in Chiapas, including the reactivation of the dam Itzantún and for which peers of this resistance shared their struggle for years managed the project's cancellation. In the case of Colima also shared the problem of the damaged around the mangroves, the gasifiers and the prey El Naranjo. We could not miss putting on the table and refer to the situation of prisoners in Brazil and the example of the MAB fight.
The encentro celebrated the fight and victory against the dam Archdeacon in the state of Jalisco and the relentless struggle of Mrs. Guadalupe Lara. Also celebrated the victory in the fight against Parota Dam in Guerrero state under the banner of CEPA. But we also assume that the fight will overcome the attempts to build the dam Zapotillo Dam in Jalisco and Oaxaca Queen Pass.
During the meeting we developed an information panel on Dams and Climate Change with the help of Gustavo Castro of Other Worlds / Chiapas and the report on the meeting of the COP15 in Copenhagen and the challenges we as a movement toward the COP16 in Cancun, Mexico . To do this we helped Alejandro Villamar of the Mexican Network of People Affected by Mining (REMA). Among the conclusions that sore is that you can not separate the issue of dams and climate change. Therefore, progress in this meeting was the consciousness that must MAPDER COP16 presence of Cancún and get ready for it. Another of the entries was excellent exposure Front Workers of Energy (FTE) who described the energy situation in the country, the national energy matrix, the trends and challenges climate change.
the participants then we distribute in four workshops. One was on legal strategies in the struggle against dams and for this organization supported the COA and the Center for Human Rights Nu'u Kandii Ji. The other workshop was about the experience of MAB in Brazil and a video projection result of the visit of a delegation of MAPDER the MAB in 2008. For this helped us HIC-Al. The third workshop was on Dams and the fourth workshop on water management alternatives and energy, both workshops coordinated by Other Worlds / Chiapas. And of course, could not miss visiting the place where we intended to bring the curtain of the dam Paso de Reina, where we reflect group and where we reiterate our commitment to fight against the dam and in defense of a beautiful river and a people united by the defense of their land, their territory, their culture and life.
Another important element in the meeting was the breadth of partnerships. Researchers, international solidarity, young students, sociologists, among others joined the fight against dams. In addition, to applause it was agreed to make more alliances with other sectors, which is the Red Mangrove.
With the support of IMDEC and Other Worlds / Chiapas move into one of the challenges of MAPDER for this year: the preparation of the III International Meeting Against Dams which will take place from 1 to 7 October 2010 in the community Temacapulín, Jalisco, where he intends to build the dam Zapotillo. Tables of reflection on what would be the objectives and themes of encentro, how we organize to support commissions and participation of the meeting were some of the objectives we achieved in the MAPDER VII.
Apart from the joy, harmony, dance and sharing of life was important to note the presence of women in the fight antirepresas as a fundamental pillar of the resistance. Also took up the position of the coup in Honduras and the tragedy of Haiti.
Finally, prepare the actions that are in every state on March 14, International Day of Mobilization Against Dams. Including paint, demonstrations, press releases, advertisements for radios, seminars, forums, workshops, making blankets, campaigns, stickers, buttons, audiovisual diffusion, among others.
The following is the statement:
REYNA "CELEBRATION Vistoria FACE AND AGAINST THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL DAMS " The Seventh Meeting of the Movement of People Affected by Dams and Dams in Mexico and in Defense of Rivers (MAPDER) community was held in Paso de la Reyna, Jamiltepec Municipality, Oaxaca, on 5.6 and February 7, 2010, to reiterate our opposition to the construction of dams in Mexico.
The meeting celebrated the temporary suspension of the construction of dams and Parota Archdeacon, but that does not mean stop fighting for the definitive cancellation of other projects.
affirm that the construction of dams is synonymous with historical and systematic plundering of natural resources, traditions and forms of life of indigenous, peasant and indigenous peoples in the country. Social and environmental impacts are cumulative and not structural and can compensate. The development policy of neoliberal governments imposes mega claiming benefits to communities and peoples. However, the only thing we have received are damages, broken promises, deception, repression.
therefore strongly reject the construction of the project "Multi-Purpose Water Use Paso de la Reina" in Oaxaca "; The Zapotalillo" in Jalisco; The project Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal in Manzanillo, in Lake Cuyutlán Colima.
also reject the process of privatization of water, energy and land, the criminalization and harassment of social movements in defense of territory, the imposition of high rates of consumption of electricity to rural communities across the country, funding and World Bank interference promotes these models of course development.
demand the permanent cancellation of the suspended projects to date: Archdeacon and San Nicolas in Jalisco and Guerrero Parota; compensate all damage caused by the Tindal project, Cerro de Oro and Archdeacon. Immediate withdrawal of the Federal Commission of Electricity of communities who oppose their presence, as well as respect for self-determination considering the commitments made by the Mexican government through the signing of the Convention 169 of the International Labour Organization. We demand an immediate end to the criminalization of social protest and the release of imprisoned comrades in Candelaria Campeche, extinction of arrest warrants and complaints against fellow Ixtepec, Xhadani, UCIZONI, John Zamora González, Rodolfo Chavez, Hugo Moreno and Hostotipaquillo ex_regidores Township and other social activists who currently suffer state repression either persecution, imprisonment and even murder, pursuant to the Constitution of the United Mexican States and the Economic Social Cultural and Environmental, which include the use and exploitation of natural resources for the people. Also the prompt return of the jobs of fellow Mexican Union of Electricians.
call on all communities, peoples, movements and social and political organizations to join and articulated in the national agenda of fighting, and the organized to attend the Third International Conference against dams on Temacapulín, Jalisco under the theme " eyes of the world are on Temac "which will take place from 1 to October 7, 2010. And the Conference of the Parties (COP) 16 meeting on climate change, from 29 November to 10 December 2010 in Cancun, Quintana Roo.
Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers.
Jamiltepec Paso de la Reina, Oaxaca, February 7, 2010
movements organizations: United Peoples Council on Defense of the Rio Verde (COPUDEVER), EDUCA BC Human Rights Center Kandii Nu Ji, Window AC, Radio Xejam, CACTUS AC Power Workers Front (FTE), CEPA-La Parota SNTE Section XXII, Ocotlán Peoples Coordinator, EDLC, CA Sierra Madre Alliance, COA, IMDEC AC, Prodefensa Arcediano, Huazolotitlán Parish, International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI), Other Worlds AC, SERAPAZ, Bios Iguana Defense of Mangroves, HIC AL, Americas Program, students at the University of Brasilia, ITVO, Human Rights Centre Miguel Agustín Pro, CDHAL; affected by the dam's Tindal, Cerro de Oro, Witness for Peace, Mexican Action Network Against Free Trade (RMALC) Bees Acteal, International Solidarity, Indian Council Uspanapa Valley BC Jamiltepec James Parish, Coordinator of United Peoples Ocotlán Valley, the Popular Revolutionary Front (FPR), Miahuatlán, Oaxaca en Resistencia Alternativa Young (JRA), Red Mexicana de Affected against mining (REMA), CEIBA AC / Comitan Pinotepa CEB National Union of Indigenous Communities of the Northern Isthmus (UCIZONI), National Network of resistance against high electricity rates, AMAP, EcoStar Diocesan Commission against the dam Paso de la Reina, Parish San Pedro Tututepec, Valdes Tataltepec Parish, Save Temac Committee, perhaps, Palmarejo, Save Temac AC, Other Worlds Chiapas.
San José del Progreso, Paso de la Reina Jamiltepec, Eagle Pass, San Gabriel Mixtepec Ixtayutla Corral de Piedras, Santa Cruz Zenzontepec, Tataltepec Valdes, Santiago Jamiltepec, La Luz Tututepec, Tataltepec Air Plan, The Ocote Tataltepec, Sand Stone, Ejido San Lucas Atoyaquillo, Santiago Ixtayutla, Ixtayutla Moisture, San Antonio Rio Verde, San Miguel del Puerto, National Pinotepa, Emiliano Zapata, Matías Romero, Temacapulín, Jalisco, Morelos, Chiapas Acteal, Xalapa, Veracruz.
- Gustavo Castro Soto
Francisco I. 49
Madero Barrio de Guadalupe 29230 San Cristobal
de las Casas Chiapas, Mexico
Tel (967) 6316643