Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rosie Huntington-whiteley



(1 Samuel 7:12)

expression here looks like a hand pointing the past. Passed twenty or fifty or seventy years, however, until The Lord helped us. Through poverty, through wealth, through sickness, through health, at home, abroad, on land, at sea in honor and dishonor, in sadness, in joy, in sorrow, in triumph, in prayer and temptation in the home and home we no longer have until the Lord helped us.

But this expression here, also points forward from here. When a person raises a certain sign and write on it so far, indicates that it still did not come to an end and that, therefore, still has to go distance. In that journey will be more tests, more joy, more temptations, more triumphs, more prayers, more answers, more fatigue, more strength, more fights, more victories. Then come the diseases, infirmities and death. And it ends with everything? No!, There's more: waking up in the likeness of God, the thrones, harps, songs, psalms, white dresses, the face of Jesus, the company of saints, the glory of God, the fullness of eternity and immensity of His glory.

Cheer believer! confidence and lift up grateful our Ebenezer, that is our stone of help that is Jesus, he who helped us this far, help us until the end of the day. The faithfulness of the Lord is eternal, His mercy is new every morning. God loves us as we are and we, never lies, their promises are true, his covenant with us is eternal. Remember those promises you made during the year?: At this moment I am thinking of you, never leave you, never leave thee, Be not afraid, I'm with you, I'm your help, I'm your comforter, I am with you in tribulations, I will heal your wounds, I will give new life to your children, My eyes are on you, I am who lift your head, not humiliate you, My peace I leave you, My peace I give you. Not your heart be troubled or afraid, I will sustain you and I will deliver, You are my servant, my chosen, I make all things new, I will counsel you and watch over you, I will make you lonely roads and rivers your wilderness, I am your Lord, your Savior, I will bless the work of your hands, do not distress yourself, I am your God I will strengthen thee, yea, I will uphold thee, I chose you and not rejected you, Put your hope in Me, I shall deliver you from the sadness, I myself will deal with all who oppressed you, build houses and live in them, "Vengeance is mine, I'll pay; None weapon formed against you shall prosper, I will grant the desires of your heart: My presence shall go with you, I myself will go before thee: I will protect you wherever you go, I love you with an everlasting love; Even in old age, I'll take care of and will hold , I'm on your side, I'll help you, I forgive your sins and healthy your ills, I take care as the apple of my eye, I will give you health and I will heal and I heal, I wipe away your tears, I will make you enjoy My salvation, I will never forget you, I shall soon do you justice, I will heal your nation, I stand at the door and knock. If you hear My voice and open the door of your heart, I come in to him and dine with you and you with me.

How wonderful is the view that the expression here presented to our eyes, when considered in light of our one and only Lord and Savior, Jesus.

This beautiful reflection I thank my dear friend Patricia. Blessings

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jcpenney Salons Chi Straightners


CHRISTMAS A date to celebrate? Christmas or Nativity (Latin for life-giving birth). According to the dictionary is used in connection with the birth of Jesus, Mary or of John the Baptist. What characteristics is Christmas? holiday that celebrates nearly everyone is related to peace and love is associated with the birth of Jesus to exchange gifts during the main character is Santa Claus Is Christmas a Christian holiday? Was Jesus born on December 25th as traditionally taught? Are we God's children celebrate Christmas? To answer these questions and discuss the teaching of the Word of God on 4 themes: 1-the date of the birth of Jesus, 2-a Christmas tree, Santa Claus 3-on, 4-gift exchange. 1. The date of the birth of Jesus While the Word of God does not tell us an exact date, we can infer an approximate date of birth from the facts, mainly in the Gospels. According to information can be assured that Jesus was not born on December 25 but on October} {Tishri. To demonstrate this we will use two lines of argument: First line of argument, Jesus' death occurred during the feast of Passover (Luke 22:7, 15, Jn 18:39), which was celebrated in the month of Abib 14 or Nisan (Exodus 12:2-6, 13:4-5), which corresponds roughly to the month of April in our calendar. The ministry of Jesus as the majority view of scholars lasted three and a half years, this means that his ministry began in the month of Ethanim Tishri {} which corresponds roughly to the month of October. The first 6 months are for the period between the baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:9-11) and his participation in the first Passover (Jn 2:13). During this period the main events were: Mr 1:12-13, 14-15, Lk 4:14-15 temptation in the wilderness John 1:29-34 John's testimony regarding Jesus Jn 2:1 weddings Jn 2:12 trip to Cana Capernaum Three years passed between the respective Easter (Jn 5:1, Jn 6:4 and Luke 22:15). The most important events of the first year are reported in JN3: 1 to Jn 5:1. The age of Jesus begins his ministry was about 30 years old (Luke 3:23, Nm 4:3) and therefore his birth must have occurred in the month of Ethanim or Tishri (October). John the Baptist was born in April {first month Nisan in the Hebrew calendar} is six months older than Jesus (Luke 1:26-38), this indicates that Jesus was born in October {Tishri in the Jewish calendar 7th month}. It can be shown that Jesus was not born in December, but in the month of October. It should be added also that when Jesus was born, the shepherds fields, keeping watch by night over their flocks (Luke 2:8-20). Is known to occur in the months of the first rains, which correspond to the months of Elul and Tishri Ethanim {}. If Jesus was not born on December 25, how did this date to be part of the church calendar? Secular history shows us that the date in question was the date on which the pagans celebrated the birth of the sun god. The festival was called the Nativity. On the occasion not only celebrated the birth of the sun god but also the other gods (Osiris, Orus, Adonis, etc..) Since they were all from the same legend of Tammuz. In Rome the festival was known as the Saturnalia (17th to 24th December) and Brumalia (December 25). This festival was the most vile, immoral and degenerate was a time of debauchery when all restraints of law were set aside. In Babylon, the birthday of Tammuz was celebrated on this date, with great festivities, celebrations and drunkenness. Compton's Encyclopedia 97, the American, British and others indicate that the absence of Jesus' birth date, the churches of Eastern and Western selected in the fourth century date for the conclusion, agreeing first on 25 December and second on 6 January. Later, in the fifth century, left the first time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and it was established that the second would be that of Jesus' encounter with the Three Kings (Epiphany). Before the fourth century never celebrated the birth of Jesus. The pagan festival to the people liked and did not want deleted. The church attempted to harmonize the ancient celebration of the birth Christ and in this way, the pagan festival of "The Nativity" was introduced with a Christian guise in our culture. Where did the pagan celebration? Christmas has its origins in ancient Babylon of Nimrod. Who was Nimrod? Nimrod (default), the son of Cush, grandson of Ham son of Noah (Ge 10:8, 1Cr 1:10) was the founder of the Babylonian system. Nimrod built the tower of Babel, Nineveh and other cities (Ge 10:9-12). Nimrod was the one who started the great global organized apostasy which has dominated the world until now. Died prematurely, Semiramis, his wife, spread the story of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit in his son Tammuz Semiramis then became the "Queen of Heaven, the mother of the child-god" Babylon and Tammuz (Nimrod reborn) under various names (Osiris, Hercules, Bacchus, Adonis, Jupiter, and others) became the divine Son of God " Sun. " In the Babylonian system, "the mother and child" became the main objects of worship. Conclusions The origin of Christmas is so in ancient Babylon. Pagans in the known world celebrated this date centuries before the birth of Jesus. Jesus, the true Messiah was not born on December 25. The apostles and early church never celebrated the birth of Jesus on that date or anywhere else. There is the Word of God or any instruction mandate to celebrate this event. In contrast, if there is a mandate to observe the occasion of his death (1 Cor 11:24-26) 2. The Christmas tree along with the tradition of celebrating the birth of Jesus, the world has taken other Christmas customs, including the Christmas tree. What is its significance? A fable Babylonian Semiramis claimed that claimed that the overnight a large tree came from a dead strain which symbolized the birth of a new life Nimrod, who was personified in the person of Tammuz. She stated that each anniversary of his birth, Nimrod would gifts the tree. The date of his birth was 25 December. The idea was developed and spread so that many nations adopted their own legends of sacred trees. Eg Romans decorated their trees with red berries during the Saturnalia and New Year, decorated their homes with green colored crowns. The modern Christmas trees appear to have originated in Germany during the Middle Ages consisted of pine trees decorated with apples. Called paradise tree representing the Garden of Eden. German families arming the tree at home on December 24, the feast day of Adam and Eve. As the day after Christmas was celebrated, candles incorporating the ornaments. The candles represent Jesus as the light of the world. In the 16th century, Christmas trees became more popular, giving rise to the current "Easter tree." In the 19th century the tree was introduced to England and was popularized by Prince Albert, German husband of Queen Victoria. The trees were decorated with garlands, candles and other items. German settlers introduced it in the U.S. in the 17 century. In the 19th century became popular in other European countries. In China and Japan, the tree was introduced by Christian missionaries over the centuries 19 and 20. Conclusions? Whatever the difference between the old tree and the use of which is given in the present, nobody can deny that the customs are things of man and God says that "the customs of the people are vain" (Jer 10:2-3), that is worthless, empty and add power to the true worship. Like other pagan rites, the use of the Christmas tree was taken from paganism. In Scripture, the green tree is associated with idolatry and false worship (Deuteronomy 12:2, 1R14: 23, 16:4 2R, 2R17: 10, Ez 6:13) 3. The Father Christmas The legend begins with a real person, Saint Nicholas who lived in the fourth century. Although one of the most honored saints, little is known about him. He lived in Lycia, a province in Asia Minor and the tradition says he was in Egypt and Palestine as a young man. He was bishop of the church in Mira. During the period of persecution of Christians by Diocletian was arrested and later released by Constantine the Great. In 1087 his remains were taken to Bari, Italy, a place that became a point of pilgrimage in his honor. He was elected patron saint of Russia and Greece. The transformation of St. Nicholas in Santa Claus began in Germany between the Protestant churches. It was called the "christ for children" and was associated with the feast of Christmas and giving gifts. It is said that secretly gave gifts to the daughters of a poor farmer and gave rise to the custom of giving gifts in secret on the eve of St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 6), which date was later changed to Christmas. Hence the ratio of Christmas with Santa Claus. Later, his legend went to France where he was called Father Christmas. In the German colony of New York began to be called Santa Claus. Conclusions Much has been said about this issue. There are many explanations for the existence of man in red, the most usual "we must not deprive the child of illusion." Is it right before God to teach children lies?. The irony is that parents punish their children by telling lies and, yet, to get the Christmas they have children one of the greatest lies in history (Lev. 19:11). The Santa Claus is a character invented by man, the result of a centuries old tradition that has been bequeathed to us by our parents. It has no relationship with Jesus and his birth. 4. The exchange of gifts is probably the most universal custom of the Christmas celebration is the exchange of gifts, often associated with the person of Santa Claus. When it adopted the Christmas celebration in December also adopted the customs of pagan festivals. The Romans, for example, celebrated the Saturnalia between 17 and 24 December and the holiday was fun, parties and gift exchanges. When the Germanic tribes adopted Christianity and began to celebrate Christmas, they did give gifts to each other. In some European countries (like Italy and Spain) children receive gifts on January 5, while in others the gifts are handed out on December 6, the feast of St. Nicholas, patron saint of children. Is it biblical gift exchange? Some see here a way out "Jesus at birth received gifts from the Magi." However, the word of two clearly teach that the wise men did not arrive at the birth of Jesus until much later (Mt 2:10-11). Why did the Magi brought gifts to Jesus? Jesus was the King of the Jews and the Eastern custom is not customary to enter into the presence of kings and great characters with empty hands. Magicians were not instituted any new custom to exchange gifts to honor the birth of Jesus. Acted according to his habit to appear before a king (Matthew 2:1-2, Matthew 2:11) Conclusions The custom of exchanging gifts has pagan origins. This activity has nothing to do with Christianity, does not celebrate his birth nor honor to Him is an activity which if truly in the name of Jesus would even absurd. People observe a day when Jesus was supposedly born spending all the money he is able to give gifts to relatives and friends and forget to give honor and property who are celebrating ("This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me" Mt 15:6-9, Isaiah 29:13) Finally there are those who insist that despite having its origin in a pagan custom, now there is no Christmas to honor the Sun, but to honor Jesus. God does not want to honor him as our conscience dictates us (Deuteronomy 12:30-31, Jer 10:2-3), He wants us to honor him as commanded in His Word (Jn 4:24, Jn 17:17) God not accept the worship of people who wanted to honor Jesus do so by adopting a pagan custom (Mt 15:6, 9, Jos 24:15) We've known as a Western Christian nation, but without knowing we are in Babylon. The challenge is found again in Scripture: "Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins" Rev 18:4. Additional background on the subject Babylon Babylon was a famous town in the valley of Shinar, whose foundation early due to Nimrod is described in Scripture under the name of Babel (Ge 11:2-9). The name Babylon is used symbolically in Rev. 14:8, 17:1-5, to designate the idolatry, superstition, lust and the prosecution made the people of God adapted Other pagan festivals to Christianity: June 24, assigned to the cult Day of Baal. In Britain the Druids celebrated with flames of fire to the god Baal (Nimrod as divine). When the church adopted the date as the date of the birth of John, the fires fires called San Juan. August 15 and Pagans who worshiped the mother goddess venerated for centuries. To attract the pagans, the church ordered to use the name of Mary, the mother of Jesus instead of Diana, Isis, Astarte, Artemis, etc.. Thus on 15 August, the day of the festival of Isis or Artemis, was simply changed the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (1950, Pope Pius XII) Hebrew Calendar Hebrew Months Biblical citation Abib or Nisan Ex April 12: 2, 18, 13:4 or Iyar, May Zif 1R Est 8:9 6:1 Sivan Tammuz June July August Ez Ab Elul 8:14 Neh 6:15 Ethanim September or October Tishri Marchesvan n November 1R 1R 8:2 6:38 7:1 Tebet Zac Chislev December January February Sebat Zac Est 2:16 1:7 3:7 Adar March Est. The Hebrew months were lunar months, ie from one new moon to another. These months were computed for 30 and 29 days alternately. The new moon was always the beginning of the month. In this scheme the Jewish year was shorter than the astronomical year almost 11 days and therefore the Jews interspersed days to match the periods. Hashem} {God continue to bless them''Shalom''

Friday, December 17, 2010

Cutting Of Chooridar Pajama Bint Ali


Noting that Miryam - Maria in Greek conceived Jesus {Yeshua} during a day of December, we see that Yeshua was born nine months later (that is, early October). During this time held in Israel and in any home where Jews live around the world, the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as Sukkot (or cabins), or Feast of Our Joy. The Jewish historian Josephus states that the person who has not been in Jerusalem for the Feast of Sukkot, do not know what joy is. This gives us a clue to understand the words of the angel to the shepherds because it is a Hebraism, "Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people, that you is born this day in the city of David ( Bethlehem) a Savior, who is Yeshua the Messiah "and showing us that it was during the Feast of Sukkot that Yeshua was born. The Bible tells us that there were shepherds in the same region (Bethlehem) fields, keeping watch by night over their flock, when visitation of the angel received the news of the Savior's birth. We have been taught wrongly for a long time, that the shepherds of Israel used to take their sheep at night during the month of December. This could never have happened and in December takes place the winter season. NOTE; A Jewish rabbi said: "The Christians were deceived because in December, no pasture in Judea. So Christ - Messiah was not born in December, because there were sheep herders to see lucas 2:1-8. Yeshua Ha Mashiach - Jesus Christ was born in October the Jewish calendar 7th month of Tishri''''in the fall. 6 months after John the Baptist. The shepherds always brought their flocks from the mountains to the pens before October 15, they do not winter in December {11:14} see Deuteronomy 2:11-12 Ezra songs 10:8-9,13'' December 9 is the month in the Jewish calendar.'' These Jewish shepherds tending the sheep without spot or wrinkle, because they knew they would be the chosen to be sacrificed in the temple in Jerusalem. Although they never stopped being shocked by the visitation of Malachim, believed the message given Eloha by the angel of Adonai, because as any Jew of that time, awaiting the coming of the Messiah. The news was given to the shepherds and not the priests who were the authority of the time, because on the Feast of Sukkot, the figure of the pastor is the center of the conclusion of each night of the party, during which The birth came to Shepherd of the shepherds, Yeshua the Messiah. Thus we see again that there are no coincidences in Eloha. In the Masorah of Yohanan, chapter 1 and verse 14, we find a key but very clear about the birth of Yeshua, we read: "And the Davar was made flesh, and dwelt among us ..." The word "habit" in Greek means "to tabernacle" or tent. Tabernacle or shop in Hebrew is: Sukkot. This shows that the time when Yeshua was born during the Feast of Sukkot, in Bethlehem, to fulfill the Scripture in Micah 5:2 which says: "And you, Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are the smallest among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel. " Finally, read in Uri / Luke 2:7: "And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a" manger "(in Hebrew: Suka or cottage), because there was no room for them in the inn. " Messiah} {The Messiah was not born in an ordinary stable. Bet all Yerushalaim lechem and was full of people the census ordered by the authorities and the Feast of "Tabernacles or Sukkot and having no where to stay, Miryam Suka enters a Jewish or cabin to give birth to her son. The Sukkah is a hut or bower, a humble, where Jewish families gather to remember those days that are passing through this world. They read "The Torah", pray and share food with family. Yeshua was born not in any time, but in a prophetic time. If we turn to the Scriptures, the Hebrew roots, themselves with the help of the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha-Kodesh) we will go to the richness of the revelation of the identity of the Messiah (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach). Although it costs us to understand, provided we can experience His love and patience, so we can grow in their knowledge, wanting to know the truth, leaving behind the legacy lies. The prophet Hosea, chapter 4 and verse 6 tells us in this respect: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge

Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Deforst Sasuages Fast


At the beginning of last century in the city of Berlin, came a lecturer at a university well known , and being crowded the room to challenge his students with this question: God created everything that exists? A brave student replied:''If he did.''Professor replied:''If God created everything, then God made evil, since evil exists, and under the principle that our works are a reflection of ourselves, then God is evil.'' The boy and the teacher felt overwhelmed, happy, boasted of having proved that the Christian faith was a myth.

Another student raised his hand and said:''I can do a question, professor?''The professor answered:''Of course.'' The boy asked,''"Professor, does cold exist?''The teacher is not expected that question, and says:''What question is that? Of course there is, do you never been cold?''The boy replied:''In fact, Professor, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat.''

The young man kept his conversation by saying:''Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, heat is what makes a body have or transmit energy. Absolute zero is the total absence of heat, all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction, but the cold does not exist. We have created this term to describe how we feel but we are hot.''

And the student asked another question to the teacher:''Is it dark?''The teacher replied:''Of course.'' The student replied,''professor is wrong again, the darkness does not exist. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. The light can be studied, the not dark. Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present.''

Finally, the boy asked the teacher:''Is there evil?''The teacher answered:''Of course there is, as I mentioned at the beginning, we see violations, crimes and violence worldwide, such things are evil.'' The student replied:''The evil does not exist, or at least does not exist by itself. Siplemente Evil is the absence of God. It's like cases or examples, a term that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result that the man does not have God present in their hearts. it is like the cold when there is no heat, or darkness when no light.''

entoces the teacher, after settling his head, was silent in the middle of the room, while all those young people who were there burst into applause for the young man who had spoken. This event came to the ears of the director of the university that call and congratulate the young man, and said that his participation had been masterful. The director asked:''What is your name?''Young said,''My name is Albert Einstein.'' Which later would become the mathematical physicist, brilliant mind, the most outstanding scientist of the modern era, Jewish - German, a man who believed in God {Elohim}.
Albert Einstein was born in Germany en1879 and died in 1955, the son of Jewish parents, was an American citizen.