Again, the social and armed conflict that Mexico is, is demonstrating a profound crisis, caused mainly by facto government of Felipe Calderón and Ulises Ruiz impunity in Oaxaca, have demonstrated their vileness is armed aggression against the Caravan of Support and Solidarity with the Municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca.
The Mexican regime has chosen entirely by war and militarism, to hamper political solutions. Also, to maintain their privileges the Mexican oligarchy has completely colluded with drug traffickers and paramilitaries.
culprit is the government and big business who have used the paramilitary groups for social control, the use of terror to rule, to do business in violation of Costitución, Privatization of Natural Resources and seize the property of the nation and to quell any outbreak of protest.
The society organized harassment, threats and provocations have persisted in an attempt to stem end first and then the process of organizing people. Militarization and the reactivation of paramilitary groups are the main instruments which gives the government to do so.
This time, they played an important part of people's hearts at the news of the companion Beatriz A. Darling, a member of CACTUS and Antero Jyri Jaakkola , partner international observer from Finland and missing comrades. We
visible solidarity to the families of our fallen comrades, and support to require the submission of the missing alive, punishing those responsible for the murders committed in the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala, as well as the release Triqui paramilitary in this community.
Publication manager: LIGHT OF DAWN BELASKO saladeprensa
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