There is nothing created that is not manifest in his sight, but all things are naked and opened the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13. God through Jesus Christ will judge the secrets of men. Romans 2:16. Nothing Hidden Who among us would support that your environment exactly knew everything he does, says or thinks during each of their journeys? What a shame if our most miserable secrets were revealed in broad daylight! But he whose appreciation should care more than our neighbors know absolutely everything that happens in us. And one day we will have to give account of everything we've done over there that we have been provided. This perfect knowledge of God astonished the author of Psalm 139:7: "Where do I go from Your Spirit? And where can I flee from your presence? ". However, this concern may be changed in an unparalleled joy. This occurs when the believer, conscious of being a sinner, I acknowledge and confess it honestly before God. So you agree with God and takes the place that God can reveal Himself to him as the God of grace and forgiveness, the Savior God. "How precious to me, O God, your thoughts!" Says the believer. "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts ... and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:17, 23-24). Desde entonces podrĂ¡ avanzar en ese camino eterno con el socorro de Dios a cada paso. No teniendo ya nada que ocultar, andarĂ¡ en la luz de la gracia divina. Bendiciones.
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