on police and military occupation of the electrical installations of Light and Power Centre. FRONT ENERGY WORKERS, MEXICO

of workers affiliated to the Organization WFTU www.fte-energia.org
LFC away and proceeds to settle its commitments rescinding the 1994 decree by which the parastatal had been created. As announced by the government, the rights of the electricians would be safe by over-compensation than those specified in the law.
All workers would be eliminated and the operation of LFC would then be made by the Commission Federal de Electricidad (CFE). The police and military occupation sheltered the income of electricians (scab) of sister union (SUTERM) which, together with military technicians will take care of the public electricity service in the Valley of Mexico.
Measurement State power is unacceptable and reprehensible. Successive governments have pursued a policy shift denationalizing to have delivered more than 300 corporations and their subsidiaries, 49.4% of total electricity generation capacity nationwide,
July 31, 2009. Far from complete nationalization, expressed in the electrical industry integration, we proceeded to fragmentation and privatization.
Alteration of normal association
Luz y Fuerza del Centro pact grew out of a shameful association with Salinas de Gortari to prevent the extinction of 2% of shares Foreign companies must have occurred in 1999, according to the nationalization decree power in 1960.
With this, the government obtained the consent of the union representing EMS shift to regressive reforms from 1992 to the Public Service Act Electricity, thus allowing electrical current privatization rampant poaching. The union wanted to have a policy never own power, however, followed a path functional state. Derived from the conflict
union election of 2009, which put the union in a situation of Alteration of Normal Association, one of the contending parties (the Green header by Martin Esparza) made repeated efforts to publicly promote the confrontation with the state, under conditions of weakness, internal division and political isolation. The State responded by taking to the forces of coercion LFC power plants, decreeing the demise of the company and the liquidation of all over 40 thousand active workers.
Meanwhile, the Mexican Electricians Union accredited lacks legal representation, because nobody has recognized legal personality, its functioning is de facto, with the intolerance of the group "Green" and, worse, a tragic policy in association industry and labor. That group is the responsible for causing the unfortunate situation now and it is assumed representative of the electricians who betrayed him.
electrical output from the base
a) negotiate the return of all the work
In the difficult circumstances it is necessary to address possible solutions to conflict. The proposal is to agree FTE Industrial Integration, even if not in the conditions proposed in previous eras. CFE and LFC must be integrated into a single industry, for one, into one company. The CFE would then assume the job responsibilities as a substitute employer, ie, NO electrician would be cleared but retain Job title field with relevant work. The employment relationship would be under the current collective bargaining agreement through the same SME, agreed on short-term perspective, to unify the working conditions in a single Collective Agreement of the Electricity Industry and organizations into a single union, Mexican Union of Energy, whose field of work is the direct implementation of the generation, transmission, distribution and marketing of electricity across the country. These decisions would be made democratically by all the general assemblies of the electrical workers.
Under current circumstances, the resolution would necessarily be negotiated. In this option requires a basic option, the bureaucratic trade union apparatus, headed by Martin Esparza, abruptly causing a confrontation with the state, whose effects now affect all electricians, no legal, moral and political to represent workers.

association, the political leadership would take the SME itself, whose existence is at issue now, while there are 20 electricians who hold, there will be EMS, it can only disappear if no members since its existence is not subject the decree of suppression LFC. Restore normal
association is a necessity and the procedures to be implemented soon. Need to be replaced democratically in a timely manner, the electoral process because otherwise there is nobody to establish even bargaining who appearance, to personality accredited to the obvious collective wisdom of an economic nature, in order to terminate the individual and collective labor relations, the government will soon be filed with the Federal Board of Conciliation and Arbitration.
political solidarity with the electricians
The scenario caused not allow for hesitation or turning back the wheel of time. NOT enough bullying, name calling and intolerance, not even the defense or the constitutional controversy. Green group, provoking the disaster, he confused the class struggle to a cockfight. It was not necessary or inevitable have arrived at this point.
therefore quickly build out of BASE is the only option, even with the home front divided and being outside the workplace. We believe that social solidarity organizations, national and international, have expressed support for the electricians as a whole rather than individuals, ie support to the SME as an institution rather than its destroyers. Proposals should consider solidarity with the decisions of the base electrician promoting: the return to work of all electricians in the fullness of rights through a negotiated settlement of conflict in the context of integration of the electricity industry nationalized. Mobilization at all levels and in all parts must be characterized by an explicit rejection of illegal electricity privatization nationwide.
The FTE of Mexico calls the base electrician (active and retired) to emergency at this time acting reflective, critical and decisively to correctly orient the solution of the conflict. Neither the source of work, or the collective agreement nor the union have to extinction as inevitable or catastrophic fate. Time has been lost, have missed opportunities, the state has unleashed the aggression induced from within, but has not lost the war. There are alternatives and worker-friendly outputs even if not the best scenario. The condition is in the decision control of the electricians, consciously directed, organized and mobilized. The social and political solidarity organizations have a duty to support political positions right, not spontaneous or improvised. Social participation is necessary because the electricity industry is in the nation, not to the state and less government, not even one of the electricians. Health and Social Revolution!
Workers Front of Energy of Mexico
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