Organization workers affiliated to the WFTU
www.fte-energia.org night, the Federal Preventive Police and the Federal Army the direct order of Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, took by assault the facilities Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LyFC). An hour later, already on October 11, Calderon issued the Decree of Termination of our business, unconstitutional and illegally selling off more than 44,000 active workers and is a real coup.
This infamous and cowardly attack on the Mexican Electricians Union (SME), is also a serious attack on the rights and achievements of the entire labor movement and popular, putting workers and the people in a true emergency social status. It
federal executive who has orchestrated this senseless and vicious campaign against the working class, in their abject servility to the international financial institutions, transnational corporations and the U.S. empire. They have no qualms about declaring war on the workers and the people, to put the country on the brink of a social and political confrontation of massive proportions. Calderón and congeners have lied with impunity, having at all times with the help of major media companies, including Televisa, TV Azteca, Goals and Cadena Tres. Installed at the electrical workers in the dock, losjuzgaron, sentenced and executed the sentencia, sin haber tenido el menor derecho a la defensa propia.
La estrategia gubernamental fue clara, desaparecer a un sindicato clasista, crítico, combativo y nacionalista. La forma no importó, había que hacerlo a toda costa. Para ello instrumentaron el cónclave, donde representantes de las cámaras patronales, gobernadores, dirigentes de algunos partidos políticos, medios de comunicación y el propio ejecutivo federal, tomaron la decisión: ACABAR A TODA COSTA CON EL SINDICATO MEXICANO DE ELECTRICISTAS. Esto como una Decisión de Estado.
Pero la torpeza gubernamental no conoce límites y tampoco riesgos. Apostaron a una rendición rápida del Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas, do not know the working class. The SME decided not to surrender, fight to the horizon of their strengths and exercise their right to rebellion. Here nobody surrenders, or is going to go on their knees to beg no pardon, we will not ask our executioners any sympathy. Why we are here with you, all together, to unify the popular resistance to neoliberalism, to join with the victims, the homeless, the excluded and exploited by the greedy and savage capitalism. To recover what is ours, what belongs to all workers and the people, to make our country, a country where ideals become a reality for Freedom, Justice and Democracy, where no one is enriched with the work of others. This is our Nation Project,
alternative to neoliberalism.
why this National Assembly of the Popular Resistance resolves to work on the following axes Programmatic:
1 .- unconditional and unrestricted express our solidarity with our brothers in the Mexican Electricians Union, strongly demanding: the immediate repeal of Decree LyFC extinction, the output of police and military forces of the workplace electricians Army back to barracks, and immediate return to constitutional legality.
2 .- Reject Calderon economic package that the House of Representatives just passed a few days ago, where increased taxes and create new ones. No more taxes on workers and the Mexican people, we want more salary. 3 .-
summon everyone, build a National Assembly of all the movements, without exception and with full participation. In the fight against our class enemies, we fit all, organizations, unions, associations, federations, confederations, fronts, groups, trends, movements, political parties, etc.
4 .- Raise the banner of struggle of the workers and the people, such as;
a) Defense of Food and Energy Sovereignty. b) Defense Education Public, free and secular.
c) Defense of Social Security, and Intergenerational Integral. d) Defense of purchasing power and decent.
e) Defense of Indigenous Rights and Culture, Respect for the San Andrés accords.
f) Protection of National Heritage, Cultural and Social.
g) Political Liberties and Constitutional Rights.
h) Freedom of political prisoners, cessation of persecution and criminalization of social activists.
i) Stop the repression and immediate return of the Army to its barracks.
j) Defense of National Sovereignty, cease-Payment of Debt.
k) Protection of our Workers Migrants.
l) Defense Luz y Fuerza del Centro, Strike payments until they return to work, union members at the Mexican Electricians Union.
Because of this, we propose the following Plan of Action:
1 .- To support the Assembly of the Resistance throughout the national territory in all states, municipalities and regions. For this, drive and perform basic assemblies, in places of work, study, bedroom and culture, to form action committees to support the EMS.
2 .- For the momentum of the Assemblies of Resistance: State, Municipal and Regional integrate an organizing committee for this visit all 32 states the republic, and drive with the support of local organizations, the convergence of all forces.
3 .- National Campaign Information and Organization, civil resistance actions in support of the SME, such as, printing and distributing flyers, preparing and placing of blobs, blankets and wall newspapers, organization of information and agitation brigades; massive use of alternative media like the Internet, community radio, etc.; lights information, seedlings and intermittent closures of public and media, financial and fundraising provisions for electrical resistance, by boat (Bancomer Account # 0168715246) and centers (Dpvo Coapa: bone Calzada # 381 Col. Los Girasoles. Dpvo Azcapotzalco Solomon Street s / n Col. Electricians. Lisbon Street SME Technical School # 46 Col. Juárez and Local SME Association of Antonio Caso # 45 Col. Tabacalera).
4 .- To coordinate actions and efforts of mobilization and organization: a borough level, municipal, state, and finally national, building the convergence for all these levels, to unify and strengthen our struggles.
5 .- Based on the levels described above, discuss and agree on dates for a general strike of all Mexicans, to stop the offensive of the oligarchy and their state. Therefore, citing the November 5, to the completion of the second session of the National Assembly of the Popular Resistance declared permanent, even in the SME facilities Insurgentes # 98 Col. Tabacalera Center at 17 hours.
6 .- On October 30, National Civic Resistance Day People, pushing the impeachment and dismissal of injunction against federal officials who signed the decree LyFC extinction.
7 .- On October 30, convocation and holding of the first National Student Representative of the Movement, to be held in the facilities of EMS Insurgentes # 98 Col. Tabacalera Center at 12 noon. Fraternally
"For the Law and Justice Worker"
Mexico City, October 24, 2009
Unions: National Union of Mining, Metallurgy, Steel and Allied Workers of Mexican Republic, Union of Workers of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Alliance Tramway, Telephone Workers Union of Mexico, National Union of Workers of the Secretary of Energy, National Union of Workers of Petroleum Industry Trust, Union Service Workers of the powers of the State of Queretaro Trade Union of Employees of the University of Michoacán, Independent Union of Workers of the College of Bachelors, Independent Union of Workers of the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Independent Union of Workers of the College of Bachelors, Independent Union of Workers of the Autonomous Metropolitan University National Council of the Workers Independent Union of the Institute of School Education, Transport Workers Union of Federal District, Section XI National Union of Education Workers Confederation, SNTE-CNTE Section IX Section X SNTE-CNTE Section XIV SNTE-CNTE, Teaching of Valle de Mexico Sec. SNTE-CNTE XXXVI, Section XVIII SNTE-CNTE, SNTE-CNTE Section XXII Section XXIII SNTE-CNTE, Section Democratic XXX1 SNTE-CNTE Tlaxcala, D-III-24 ATM / INAH, Puebla Magisterial Democratic Council, Democratic Trade Union IPN, Democratic Workers West, Democratic National Executive Committee of the SNTE, International Union of Elevator Constructors, IPN Interdisciplinary Center for Health Sciences, Coordination of Defense Workers ISSSTE-CTYOD ISSSTE-viscosity, Confederation of Pensioners, Front Authentic Labor, National Coordination of SUTERM Electricians, National Assembly of Workers IMSS Scientific Research Coordination SEP, Teachers College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering IPN, National Independent Workers Union Health Potosino Union Front, General Assembly of District Government Employees Federal, State Council of Teachers Fight Potosi, Workers' Association of Metro Alliance of Health Workers and Public Employees, National Committee for Energy Studies, National Assembly of Democratic Workers, Collective of Democratic Workers of Puebla, Mexico Union of Jurists, International Workers Agreement National Federation of Trade Associations, Court on Freedom of Association, Independent Union UVM Texcoco, Indigenous Education Workers in Resistance.
social and popular organizations: Mexican Alliance for Self-Determination of Peoples National Peasant Confederation, National Association of Democratic Lawyers, American Association of Labour Lawyers, the Broad Opposition Front to Minera San Xavier, Peoples Popular Assembly of Oaxaca Communities Rural and Urban Alternatives, Fighting Organized Society, Popular Union Valle Gómez, AC, Urban Popular Movement of the Democratic National Convention, Nayarit Front for constitutional legality, Santiago Representative Committee Delegation Xochimilco, AMLO Resistance Movement, Assembly Zacatenco, Spirit of Eureka, Federation of Traders Settlers and the State of Mexico, Union of Lawyers of Mexico, Committee-Coacalco Legitimate Government, Civil Committee Ollin Mexica, Santiago Topalcatlalpan Representative Committee, Student Committee Metropolitan National Student Movement, Assembly of Networks and Social Movements, Center for Latin American Solidarity and Studies Australia, Cultural Epicenter Manuelita Saenz, Anthropological Studies Center CE-Reed, Coordination of Peasant and Indigenous Organizations of the Huasteca San Luis Potosi, Revolutionary Organization of People Worthy, Assembly of Sovereignty Food in the Valley of Mexico, the World Social Forum Promotion Committee Mexico, Independent Proletarian Movement, Ricardo Flores Magon Committee, Collective Groups of the Assembly of Barrios, Front of Social Organizations of Chiapas, Traders Union City Toluca, retired from the University Zacatecas, National Council of Peasant Organizations, The Drop-Double Strength, Chihuahua, Front AC Poblanas Peasant Organizations, the National Movement for Building a New Society Without Corn there is Country, Community and Cultural Center Free Workshops, CEPA-La Parota Unit Civic Felipe Carrillo Puerto de Querétaro, Social Front for Popular Sovereignty Zacatecas, CS Alternative Technology Group, Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus in Defense of Land and Territory, the Alliance of Social Organisations, BC Centre for Economic Studies, Convergence of the New Country to the City, Class and Student Medical School of Medicine, UNAM, National Front of the Popular Urban Movement, the Movement for Unification and Struggle Triqui Oaxaca, Coordinadora Nacional Plan de Ayala, National Democratic Union, National Movement for Building a New Society, Schools Democratic Front February 25, The Barzón Popular Francisco Villa Popular Front, National Dialogue, Human Rights House of Indigenous Peoples Migrant Labor Research Center and Counseling Association, the Popular Union of Mothers and Fathers For Free Education, Mexican Network of Action Against Free Trade, Potosi Popular Front, Movement Ex Mining Real del Monte, National Farmers Federation, National Union Autonomous Regional Peasant Organizations, Defense Coalition Culture and the Arts, Frente Popular Revolutionary Resistance Front FES Aragón, Social Organizations Democratic Front, Popular Front, Council of Revolutionary Struggle FES-Zaragoza Zaragoza UNAM, Resistance Civil Pacifica Brigade 21, FIAN Mexico AC, Movimiento Ciudadano del Sur, Zapatista Social Movement, Calpulli Tlatoani-cooperative "New Earth Released" Social Conservation
Cultural Heritage, University Assembly UAM Xochimilco, SERAPAZ, Committee on Environment Ajusco Tlalpan CND, Friends of Puerto Rico Committee, National Council of Farm Organizations and Fisheries, National Coordinator students from the Faculty of Economics, Student Committee Metropolitan Garibaldi movement, Radio the kehuelga, Circulo de Estudios "Basement of the Condesa, the Democratic Campesino Front of Chihuahua, Jesús Piedra Ibarra Brigade, Settlers, Neighbors Culhuacan Resistance Front,, Promotora Association National Rural Development and Urban AC, Front National Lawyers for the Emancipation of the Proletariat, UNAM Engineering Faculty Student Assembly, Union of Citizens of Ecatepec, Libertarian Awareness, Research and Social Promotion, Collective Zocalo Mexican Movement of Solidarity with Cuba, Student Struggle Committee Polytechnic Defense Committee EMS UAM - Iztapalapa, SME Committee in Defense of UAM-Azcapotzalco, Faculty of Science, Student Assembly Arts, Fight Against Querétaro State, Ecological Network of Mexico City, Home of the Human Rights of Indigenous Migrants , Avance AC Republican for Change, Interdisciplinary Professional Association Mexico and the Social Parliament, Coacalco Democratic National Convention, the Committee to Combat High 5, Anahuac Valley Neighborhood Union AC, Atenco, Post Graduate College of Chapingo, the Defense Brigades of the Popular Economy, Oil, and Sovereignty Puebla National, University at UACM Resistance, Bed Movement in Defense of the Economy Hermosillo.
Political Organizations: Red de Izquierda Revolucionaria, Committee for the Promotion of Unity of the Socialists of Michoacán, Social Democratic Left Movement, National Organization of People's Power Movement Revolutionary People's Liberation Movement, Organization Construction of the Communist Party of Mexico, the Revolutionary Workers Party, Socialist Workers Party, Revolutionary Action Group, Group Internationalist Workers League for Socialism, Socialist Workers Organization, Socialist People's Party of Mexico, Mexico's Communist Party, Collective Memory and Freedom Communist, Marxist-Leninist Circle, Culture Association, Labor and Democracy, Socialism Revolutionary Mexico, Proletarian Left Forum, Civic Action Republican Movement in Defense of the People's Economy, Oil and Sovereignty, National Movement for Hope, the National Front in Defense of National Economy and Sovereignty, Labour Party, Democratic Revolution Party.
Publication Manager: Fernando Amezcua Castillo, Foreign Secretary.
view of the serious assault of the Mexican state against the SME's electricians FTE of Mexico considers that the three basic pillars for the fight are: 1 - political leadership, 2 - a proposal nationalizing electrical solution and 3 - the organized mobilization of the masses.
In this latter respect the people of Mexico Solidarity has shown strong willingness to fight. This was expressed in the march of 15 October and in multiple population initiatives taken by organizing events and gathering food.
however, still requires political leadership, now has centered around the defense of nationalized electricity industry and the actions of the masses to push for a decent and dignified solution to all electricians.
The FTE, present at the meeting on 24 October, was a significant unrest in several organizations and among the electricians themselves. The atmosphere was to make big decisions mobilization, in particular the need to agree the preparation of a National Strike Solidarity. However, Esparza himself deferred the decision despite the wishes by various organizations. Unemployment
believe should be encouraged, we reiterate that is 13 or 14 November on the basis of organizing actions seriously and urgently at whatever level possible.
Workers Front of Energy of Mexico
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