Monday, February 14, 2011

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Western societies tend to celebrate every 14 February "Valentine", "Friendship Day" or "Valentine." There emerges as a character representative of this celebration the known figure of "Cupid."


Who was St. Valentine? Who is Cupid? What is celebrated on February 14, when enjoyed by millions of lovers, or for not less traders?


According to historians, several thousand years ago were widespread on the earth to idol-worship. Among the wide range of deities was a god pagan whose origin is very remote and ignored, which represented the "forces of the Universe" and "ruled the world from the darkness" and he worshiped the peoples of Central Europe.

. Those

older pagan peoples worshiped this god by three elements: water, earth and fire. That is, different sacrifices and honored him on land, using water and fire, it was believed that only thus could appease the wrath of this being that their subjects felt horrible, because not only its appearance but also because he sowed terror over all the earth and was ruthless. According to the beliefs of peoples old, this being evil lay in the midst of the shadows and darkness.

. Under

pagan customs, the only way to quell the constant wrath of this evil spirit was with ceremonies in which he entertained as chief guest. Thus, with excess temporarily satisfying carnal appetite of God and every true period should repeat the rites to keep calm at this sinister being.


Researchers have failed to decipher at what stage of the story appeared the character of darkness in the towns of ancient Greece. However, more specific citations and clear about it appear in the first graphics of civilization when the Pelasgians and Achaeans then from central Europe began to settle in Greece in the fifteenth century a. JC Those early Greeks knew this god who initially called the "fruit of worldly pleasures."


Over the years, Greece was developed and extended its paganism. The people adopted the worship of this evil god and perform regular ceremonies. Then, when civilization came into its heyday decided to name it differently, less bizarre and more in line with the development of high culture, then designated as "Eros", ie "god of pleasure."

The Greek god Eros, then the Romans call




According to Greek mythology, Eros was the result of the pleasures of Venus and one of her lovers: Mars (the other lover was Mercury). Vulcan was the husband of Venus.

. In line

mythology, Venus presided over all the pleasures and festivities were extremely obscene, so that the Greeks were due to to please her son Eros, who was the "fruit of the pleasures humans. "

. The Greeks adopted

Eros as one of their gods in the process of invasion and acculturation of other civilizations conquered by them. They knew that God had a hideous appearance and fearful. In order to fully adopt their culture, the Greek priests decided to give a beautiful appearance that was consistent with the "dignity" of a god (remember that the Greeks were fans of physical beauty), so it was accepted by all the people. Under this concept, considering that Eros was the son of Venus and Mars, then gave the appearance of a naked youth blooming.


Centuries later, when Roman Empire conquered Greece, there was again the phenomenon of acculturation, that is, the invading Roman people absorbed the Greek culture, including their religious beliefs. Thus, then, as the Romans knew the Greek gods, including Eros.


But the clever, haughty Roman Empire, when adopted beliefs or customs of other peoples, subjected to transformation processes to validate his greatness and dominion over other cultures. The ancient Greek gods were no exception and they varied their looks, names and dates to entertain, not his roots or where they came from.


image naked Greek god Eros adolescent was transformed into an even younger, feminized and wings. Then they called him ... Cupid!

Cartoon Cupid.

The Romans chose a special day to celebrate this new god "Cupid" from the "carnal pleasures" in order to indulge in orgies. As the Greek belief said that Eros was the result of the fertility of Venus, the Romans now disposed to locate the "Cupid" in the month of the Roman pagan fertility, ie, in February. They chose to be on 14 just half of the month, when we start planting in the fields.



passed centuries of glory and fortune for the Romans. The empire began to decline. And by that time, Christianity had taken too much boom as Jesus had shocked the world.


The Romans tried to save his fallen empire clinging to anything that would allow them to survive and then, in a political calculation as a maneuver to prevent their disappearance, adopted Christianity.


the decadent reign of Rome was to reconcile the pagan beliefs with Christian faith to maintain balance in their village. For this replaced the pagan festivals by men "saints" of Christianity.


the case of the conclusion of the February 14, Cupido was removed and was instituted by "Valentine." Today there is no certainty of who was this saint, as the Roman-Catholic historians themselves are contradictory.

Some say that Valentine (or Valentino) was a heretic, who failed to gain the favor of the papacy to be archbishop, he renounced the faith and embraced Gnosticism, founded a secret society.


Meanwhile, others say he was a martyr Christian died in Rome on 14 February in the year 273, by order of Emperor Claudius II, because according to legend Valentino opposed an imperial edict banning marriage for couples in that year because they needed men for his army. However, some others contradict this and argue that there was such opposition to Valentino and he died at Terni, in the year 306. That is, on this issue, researchers have failed to agree.


But that God initially identified as "the reigning world from darkness," then called "the fruit of worldly pleasures, then designated as the Greek god Eros "and later as the Roman god" Cupid "are all the mismopersonaje. And in that same match finally came to the name "Valentine".


Scripture clearly says that the darkness is the kingdom of sin and perdition (John 12:46), and the prince of this world is Satan (John 16: 11). Furthermore, the Scriptures warn that we must not walk after other gods (Deuteronomy 6:14).


Some sectors have said that Christians "Valentine" or "Valentine" is not appropriate to hold by faith in Jesus Christ every day there is love of neighbor and not a single time of year, so it should be celebrated as the Day of Friendship. " Although the argument is valid, the remedy has been absurd and contradictory, because what was just proposed changing the name "Valentine" by the "Friendship Day", but the pagan roots of this celebration is held .


Even the Church of Jesus Christ makes the same historical mistake today, preserving the date pagan and change only the name to discontinue the formalism, but not reject the root of the pagan celebration.


The Bible speaks accurately to the children of God should not follow the standards of conduct established by the ways of the world, but our mind is renewed for us to check what is the good will of God, pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2 .)


should not forget that the celebration of February 14 was devoted to revelry, sexual invocations and all sorts of carnal debauchery abominable and harmful. Some do not hesitate to compare the "Valentine" with the Day of Halloween, the ancient roots of pagan and idolatrous acts relied on for centuries.


In fact, Valentine has spiritual origins, which are contrary to biblical principles. Pagan fables associated with Cupid and Valentine, and the establishment of 14 February for this celebration has transcended through time until today.


Will a Christian ancient paganism? God warns that children should no longer, in any form of idols. "You shall not worship their gods, nor serve them, nor do as they do ..." (Exodus 23:24).

. Obviously

currently trade in the West is interested sustaining the idea of \u200b\u200b"Valentine" to achieve higher sales and unscrupulous, powerful launch publicity campaigns to encourage the public (especially youth) to consume various items with the handling of the theme of love.


The confusion about love and eroticism is reaffirmed in this celebration while advertising specialists today are struggling to handle the most noble feelings that God has given to humans, such as love and friendship, hands with mercantilist purposes.


But born-again Christians do not require "special days" to commemorate love or friendship. Just remember Jesus Christ every day, who showed what true love and true friendship and faithful.


Each time, the follower of Christ can express love for their fellow men with gifts and remind them that God loves them so deeply, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life .

Le is now to you to decide if you follow the ancient pagan festivals according to the dictates of the world or, on the other hand, voluntarily choose to obey God.


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