"We know as Yahweh because we know the character of His Son, Yahshua.
John 14:7-9
The character of Yahweh Yahweh
is the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and the end. One of the names ; Yahweh is "I am." He has no beginning or end.
Yahweh is the creator of the universe. To make this possible, He existed before creating the world.
Yahweh is the power and supreme authority over all things. Nothing can happen without yahweh know and let that happen.
Yahweh reveals all we know of He is an Elohim him personally makes itself known. We do not know everything about Yahweh, each of us can know him a little
Yahweh is sovereign.
not always know why some things happen, but if you know Yahweh. He has a purpose for everything.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9).
Yahweh created the world only to give the order to its existence. has no limitation of power. He knows all things. He is always present.
The main features of Yahweh is His holiness and love.
Yahweh is holy. He is unique, sinless and completely different. He has all moral perfection. In the all goodness is represented.
Yahweh goes beyond just love, Yahweh is love. Nothing He does is out of His love. Because the greatest love is that He sent His Son Yahshua to die for our sins.
The Elohim Creator Yahweh
made heaven and earth than we know. He spoke to the elements and the earth was formed. A Yahweh likes to create. His ultimate creation was man, a free and moral agent. He took some clay and formed man, which he called Adam. Yahweh commanded Adam to put names to all animals, fish , birds and all the other things he had created. Yahweh wanted Adam and his wife Eva live in the beautiful Garden of Eden to care for animals and garden.
The first sin against Yahweh.
know that Satan was the first to rebel against Yahweh. Satan was a steward (angel) who wanted to take over Heaven, so Yahweh expelled him and sent him to the ground like a fallen angel. The spirit of Satan as a snake or serpent, first came to Eve in the Garden of Eden and tempted her to disobey Yahweh eating from the tree of good and evil. Then she invited Adam and he ate the forbidden fruit. As soon as they ate the forbidden fruit Adam saw that Eve was naked. They felt shame and tried to covered with fig leaves. Yahweh created man and woman and said that His creation was good. When sin entered the world, the man realized that his body was bad. Adam and Eve were ashamed of Yahweh saw them naked, felt like they were hiding something. The sin of disobeying Yahweh by eating the forbidden fruit was the cause of his expulsion from the garden and were removed from his right to speak face to face with Elohim. As descendants of Adam and Eve, all born with a sinful nature. Although they were tempted by the serpent, Adam and Eve broke their covenant voluntarily Yahweh. For his actions sin entered the world. The only way the curse of sin could be broken was a perfect sacrifice. Redemption
The purpose of redeeming mankind is to unite the communion that was broken by sin. Yahweh not intended to make the world as it is today, but He has provided the road to redemption.
Yahweh wants us to be His people and we do not have sin in our lives. During the first 4000 years (or during the time of the Old Testament), Elohim provided a temporary sacrifice people to receive forgiveness for their sins. Once a year the people's sins were symbolically thrown into a lamb that was expelled from the community. This process should be repeated annually. The priest listened as people confessed their sins. Then he sacrificed an animal and provided the supply of blood and sins of the individual.
Yashua, the Lamb of Yahweh, is the permanent sacrifice for our sins. Yahshua's blood brings forgiveness for our sins.
By sending His Son, Yahshua, Yahweh made a New Covenant with civilization. Only a perfect man could be killed. Yahshua was the only person who could meet all these qualities, he was born without a sinful nature.
When people are born, they bring with them a seed of rebellion in their hearts. This is known as the seed of Adam. As children grow, this spirit is the cause of his disobedience and rebellion against rules and authority.
Yahweh restored His relationship with mankind. The spirit that exists within man also wants a relationship - a relationship with a higher power, the Creator, Yahweh. The Elohim dust that created the first man, put a hole in the heart of each person reserved for Yahweh's Spirit dwells in the gap. When Ruas Hakopesh comes to dwell in a person, he fills that gap and you experience true peace and joy.
Many people resist the Spirit of Yahweh and put other substitutes, but none of them satisfied for very long. There is always a longing for something to fill that empty space. Alcohol, drugs, illicit sex, perversion, entertainment, gambling, etc.., That many people try I left with a feeling that nothing will satisfy this need than Yahweh. To find Yahweh you must first recognize Yahshua as the Son of Yahweh. You must pray and believe in Him and be saved by faith. Shalom.
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