Monday, February 28, 2011

Templates For Cars Cake

* Sign the governor National Tourism Agreement
* Meets entrepreneurs Veracruz-Boca del Rio, Tomas Ruiz
* If necessary, create links between the business chambers and Youth: Américo
* Create state DIF Veracruz Wills Program
* Contempla el Gobierno implementar un programa de retiro voluntario

Por Quirino Moreno Quiza
Marzo 1 2011

*** El avión, el avión… Seguramente que muchos turistas llegarán a nuestra entidad, como consecuencia de la firma del Acuerdo Nacional por el Turismo, que se realizó ayer en la ciudad de México, y donde participaron activamente el presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa y gobernadores de muchas entidades. Por supuesto que el Ejecutivo de Veracruz fue de los primeros en rubricar el documento, debido a que nuestro estado es uno de los que tienen más riquezas que compartir con los visitantes. Los resultados se verán muy pronto, ni
doubt ...
Tabajara *** I will not do that ... no, if the Job Fair yesterday tendered thousands of work throughout the state, many Veracruz now have the opportunity to engage in some work and get paid . The generation of jobs, if I remember correctly, was one of the proposals that his campaign reiterated Governor Ochoa Javier Duarte, and these events confirms that his proposals were not electioneering, but real interest in promoting development in the entity. Good for those attitudes that taken out of poverty for many families ...

Auditor audited ***! We say that last Friday, the citizen Leonor Martinez was the victim of arrogance and abuse of those who are supposed to be our public servants. That day, at approximately 10:30 pm, Mrs. circulating on Americas Avenue in a Ford Fiesta, on reaching the corner Pípila stopped because the light was yellow. Seconds later he was hit by a white suburban van, apparently for speeding, gave them no time to brake. Immediately they got out of the truck driver and otherwise, the entire front of bodyguard, insulting, Leonor, saying it was an old asshole who could not handle, which obviously should have been a woman who caused the accident. When it was clear that they caused ... to Despite the arrogant and violent attitude of the guys, said they had been at fault and wait for transit. Moments later got out of the Suburban "the flamboyant" Comptroller General of the State, Ivan Lopez, who with great arrogance, far from calming "their dogs," mockingly asked my aunt to stop "shit" and not remove them time. Do as you wish, but she had to lose. "You do not know who gets, so do not fuss and pull arm." He then climbed into the van and went ... "These are the ones to look after our money, money from the Veracruz? ...

*** To which you Chencha Truje! Unionized employers in the metropolitan area Veracruz-Boca del Rio met with the owner of the SEFIPLAN, Tomás Ruiz González, and took time for expressing concerns and other reasons ... The representatives of the local productive sectors were direct and concise ... After several hours Meeting the money men in Veracruz they agreed another round of meetings with Secretary Ruiz Gonzalez, who heard the alert and questioning the business approaches Veracruz ...

*** This is urgent, gentlemen! By going as a guest to inaugurate the State Fair Employment First, the voice of Special Committee on Employment and Productivity, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, said it is necessary to establish links between the business chambers of Xalapa and the organization and youth, to help them incorporate more quickly to productive sectors .. . "That is linking all those who graduate from universities, with the demands of the Kanak demands the Canacintra, Coparmex and all chambers of commerce, professional profiles and job training, we must fight for boost in Xalapa their industry knowledge, our city is home based and offers extraordinary educational and employment "...

*** Legal certainty ... With the signing of the agreement between the State DIF and the College of Notaries of Veracruz, people with disabilities and adults over 60 years, with limited resources, get your free will which guarantees legal certainty to avoid family conflicts, ensuring that the person will be fulfilled ...

*** From Convention ... One of the concerns of the governor of Ochoa Javier Duarte is to give legal certainty to all the people of Veracruz, President of the Board referred the State DIF, Mrs Karina Macias Duarte, therefore, "the actions arising from this agreement, in addition to providing greater certainty legal population will strengthen the culture among the most vulnerable segments. " ***

coverage ... The scope of this cooperation agreement and the legal certainty generated will be the focus of the program sponsor Wills Veracruz ... To ensure statewide coverage and facilitating access to this program, applicants will access through DIF State and municipal DIF systems, said ...
tax Rights ... Mrs. Macias Duarte proposed to negotiate with the governor Javier Duarte Ochoa issuing a decree that allows the charging of fees exempt tax instruments that result from this agreement so that the benefit to adults and people with disabilities is complete ...
social function ... Juan Antonio Nemi Dib, director general of the State DIF, and Capitanachi Ramses Lopez, president of the Council Directors of the Association of Notaries Public of the State of Veracruz, signed the agreement with which, said the representative of this association, "is satisfied with the social function where appropriate and we reaffirm our commitment to the Veracruz" ...

* ** Amarilllaaaa? ... German Sayula there in our report that Luis Arturo Ochoa won the contest for the leadership of the livestock one local municipality, by sending to third place at regional leader CeNeCe Celestino Gómez Carmona. President Arturo Ochoa, Manuel Muñoz (people say very close to former deputy Fredy Ayala) secretary and former Mayor Oscar Ayala delegate to the Regional Livestock Union South. No doubt the presence of Oscar Ayala will not do anything to grace the deputy Jacob Velasco ...

*** What little ... Union leaders and Ejidatarios North Communards (Neonatal Unit) attacked reporters from news agency image of the Gulf and refused to allow interviews with farmers who accompanied them in a demonstration against the owner of the Sedarpa, Tomas Carillo ...

*** Ok ... To reduce the costs to have the state government in the payroll of its employees in the coming days will launch a voluntary retirement program, which seeks to obtain significant savings in economic resources ...

*** Thomas Siiiiii ... Ruiz González, Secretary of Finance and Planning, said there will be adjustments to the budget units, where there are plans to implement a voluntary retirement program, which grant extra benefits to state employees who choose to voluntarily retire and have a significant savings and apply it works and benefits the public ... ...
*** PAN leadership disclaims event of absence to Josefina ...

*** Wwwwoooowwww ... As part of the celebrations for World Day for Rare Diseases, Antiga Tinoco said that staff will redouble guards, as the attendance at these celebrations is high and therefore the rate increases hurt people ...

*** Vaaaaaaaaaaaa ... The Autism Association Veracruz asked the Health Sector of state and federal governments support the construction of the center of attention to this sector the population that needs special care comprehensive, on Monday met with local authorities in Boca del Rio and Health ... ***

Aaaaajaaaa ... In High School Bachelors and Luís A. Beauregard will be held on Crime Prevention Forum conducted by personnel of Morelos CERESO students at the secondary level, in order to raise awareness among youth about the culture of the various crime prevention through talks and video screenings ...

*** This siiiiiiiiiiiii ... Sergio Lopez Esquer regretted that many mayors complain about the poor state in which patrols are therefore indicated that it is the duty of the Selectmen to give proper maintenance ...

*** Ooooraaaaleeeeeee ... The Commissioner IPAX, José Martin Gomez, reported that as of March will be giving special watch Social Security clinics in the southern state ...

*** Sipiiiiiiii ... That the director of the People's University of Veracruz, Guillermo Zúñiga Martínez said the Institute of Higher Education has sufficient capacity to meet demand rejected from the Universidad Veracruzana (UV). "I just say that if they want to graduate to come to this university, that's just tell everyone who wants to finish college" ...

*** Jiiiiiiiiiiii ... Although the formation of local committees Civil Protection has been a slow process to date is estimated that 50 percent of municipalities have already complied with this measure and integrated its committees, considered the local MP plurinominal, Alma Rosa Hernández Escobar ...

Education *** Environmental ... During the civil ceremony which took place Monday in the Elementary School "Hugo Topf, the municipal president Elizabeth Morales Garcia stated that the City Council actions initiated to promote environmental education, civic, road and respect the rights of others and contribute to the integral formation of new generations, he urged parents and students to join these tasks ...

*** Report ... Víctor Pérez del Valle, regional representative of the Mexican Social Security Institute in Northern Veracruz, presented his report of Work Work Programme 2010 and 2011, before the H. Advisory Council, the highest governing body, institution, to take stock of what the Institute conducted during the past year for its users, said the health agency that serves 2 million represents 362 000 Veracruz, approximately through Regular regimes and Opportunities, which accounts for 57 percent of the total population in the upstate ...

*** His leadership ... External Perez del Valle in accordance with the commitments made by the CEO, Daniel Karam Toumeh, the members of this delegation we join his leadership, the more efficient the services are provided to the beneficiaries ...
tests highlighted ... thanks to the federal government and the worker-employer contributions are invested 352 million pesos, approximately, in infrastructure and equipment, which was upgraded service ever provided by the Institute ... Proof of this is the start of the three multislice helical CT scanners installed in general hospitals Zone (HGZ) No. 11, Xalapa, Veracruz 71, and 24 of Poza Rica, and the two Digital Mammography units, the three units radiological ultrasonographists obgyn four third-level and two-ray automatic film "X" and three of Mammography ...

*** Many medical ... As for the supply of drugs is covered 98.65 percent of the demand of 349 000 prescriptions monthly prescribed, thus overcoming the president's goal achievement 97 percent ...

*** Increase coverage ... Del Valle Ibarra summarized the achievements and objectives to achieve this year, whose main purpose is to expand the coverage of social security, combating irregular practices in order to ensure respect for the rights of workers through a sustained and accurate control ...

*** Temporary disability ... In terms of economic benefits, the delegation eroge 2.0154 million, of which 3.9 were used for the payment of compensation Overall, 187 to cover 99 000 660 certificates of temporary incapacity to work, protecting a total of 1 million subsidized 90 000 219 days, 7.7 million for aid to pay funeral costs to beneficiaries; 289.2 for payment of annuities; 24.6 million for pensions and Temporary Provisional; 206 000 for payment of awards of Law, also the highest percentage was represented to have disbursed 1.635 billion to cover payments to retirees and pensioners of the Institute ...

Courses guaranteed *** ... In the Department of Social Security (CSS) located in Xalapa, Coatepec, Tuxpan, Boca del Rio, Poza Rica and Tlapacoyan 1239 courses were offered to 19 305 thousand students. Similarly developed 257 courses endorsed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, which were delivered 124 records of Labour Skills that promote social inclusion of students in the labor sector ... As regards the financial funds, these were managed in an honest, rational, thorough, fair and transparent, said Perez del Valle ...

quirino.moreno @
twitter: quirinomq / quirino.moreno

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Lord Sabbath??

1 .- What did Yahshua on the Sabbath? Exo. 20:8

2 .- How long did each day of the week? Gen.

1:23,31 3 .- When the Sabbath begins and ends? Lev. 23:32

4 .- What is the day of preparation? 15:42

Mar. 5 .- Why the Jews were condemned in the days of Nehemiah? Neh. 13:15-22

6 .- What should we do the Sabbath? Isa. 58:13-14

7 .- How Yeshua kept the Sabbath? Luc.

4:16 8 .- Do we help others on the Sabbath? Mat. 12:10-13

9 .- What was the special sign that Yahweh gave to His people? Eze. 20:12,20

10 .- What institution is specially designed to help people to remember the creation? Exo. 20:8-11, 31:16-17

11 .- For the benefit of whom was the Sabbath? Mar. 2:27-28

12 .- Yashua wanted his followers to beware the Sabbath? Mat. 24:20

13 .- How Paul kept the Sabbath? Acts 13:14, 42, 44 Acts 16:12-13 Acts 17:2

14 .- What biblical evidence is there that Yahweh wants you

a meeting of worship on Sabbath? Lev. 23:3, Heb. 10:25

"The Sabbat is presented as a new institution but as having been established in creation. It must be remembered and observed as the memory of the Creator's work. Pointing to Yahweh as the one who made heaven and earth, distinguishes the true God of all false gods. All who keep the seventh day, they imply through this act that are worshipers of Yahweh ...

Yahweh gave me six days in which to work, and requires its work to be done within six days allocated for that. Necessary and merciful acts are permissible on the Sabbath, the sick and the sufferers at all times be treated, but the work of superfluous should be strictly avoided ... Those in the Sabbat discuss business matters or make plans, are considered by Yahweh as if they were engaged in the business transaction itself. To sanctify the Sabbath we should not even allow our minds deal with mundane things of nature. "

"It would have been universally kept the Sabbath, the thoughts and affections of men have been directed to the Creator as the object of reverence and worship, and would never have been an idolater, an atheist or unbeliever."
While preparing for the Sabbath must continue throughout the week, Friday is the day par excellence of the preparation. Through Moses the Lord said to Israel: "Tomorrow is the Sabbath, the holy Sabbath of Yahweh, what you like baking, cocedlo, and whatever you wish to cook in water, cocedlo in water, and everything on, keep it for you until tomorrow. " "The people went about and gathered it, ground it in mills or beat it in mortars, and cooked it in pans, and made cakes of it." Exo. 16:23, Num 11:8. They now had something to do to prepare the bread that I was sent from Heaven, and the Lord commanded that they did on Friday, the day preparation. In this test was attached to Israel. Yahweh wanted to test whether or not they would keep His holy Sabbath.

These instructions from the very lips of Yahweh, are for our learning. The Torah is a perfect guide, and if your pages were studied with prayer and with a ready to understand, no one need be in error in that regard.

Many need to be instructed as to how to present at meetings for worship of the Sabbath. Should not appear at the clothes divine presence in the service during the week. Everyone should have a special suit to attend the worship of the Sabbath . Although it is not lawful to adapt to the fashions of the world, our outward appearance we should be indifferent. We shower and dress with elegance, even when no-frills, no-frills. The children of Yahweh must be clean inside and out.

shall be completed on Friday preparing for the Sabbath. Be careful to leave all your clothes in order and stop cooking that has to be cooked. Cleanse your shoes and take your bath. You can leave everything ready, if you take this as a rule. The Sabbath should not be used to fix clothes, cooking food, or entertainment or any other worldly occupation. Before sunset, leave aside all secular labor and make journals disappear profane. Explain to children that your e indúzcanlos procedure to assist in the preparation, in order to observe the Sabbath according to the commandment. We

carefully observe the limits of the Sabbath. Remember that every moment is sacred time. Whenever possible, employers must grant employees the hours are between noon Friday and the beginning of the Sabbath. Give them time to prepare, so they can greet the day of Yahweh with peace of mind. By so will not suffer any prejudice, even in relation to temporal things.

There is yet another point to which we give our attention on the day of preparation. On that day all the differences between siblings in the family and the church, must be removed. Move away from the soul of all bitterness, anger or resentment. With humble spirit "confess your sins to each other and pray for one another, so that sanéis" San. 5:16.

Before the Sabbath, both the mind and the physical must disengage from all secular business. Yahweh placed the Sabbath at the end of the six days of work, for man to stop and consider there that profited during the week ended, in preparation for the kingdom of purity that no offender will be admitted. We each Sabbath to settle accounts with our soul, to find out if the week just ended brought us spiritual profit or loss.

sanctify the Sabbath to the Lord means to eternal salvation. Yahweh said: "Those who honor me, honor." 1 Sam. 2:30.

The Sabbath in the Family .-

Before sunset, all family members should meet to study the Torah, sing and pray. In this respect We are in need of reform, because there are many that are becoming reluctant. We have to confess faults to Yahweh and to each other. We must make special provisions for each family member can be prepared to honor the day that Yahweh blessed and sanctified.

must not lose precious hours of the Sabbath, levantándoos later. Family on the Sabbath should rise early. Waking up late, it's easy to complicate with the morning meal and the preparation for the study of Torah. This results in a hurry, impatience and precipitation, resulting in the family to see possessed of feelings inappropriate in that day. Thus profaned the Sabbath, it becomes a burden, and his approach will be to her before a cause of dissatisfaction rather than joy.

We must not, on the Sabbath, to increase the amount of food or prepare more variety than the other days. On the contrary, the Sabbath meal should be simple, should be eating less than usual, to take the mind clear and able to understand spiritual matters. Overeating dulls the mind. The most precious truths can be heard without being appreciated, being a mind obscured by improper diet. By eating too much of the Sabbath, many have contributed more than you know to dishonor Yahweh.

While people should refrain from cooking the Sabbath, it is not necessary to eat cold food. On cold days, it should heat the food prepared in the previous day. Meals that are simple and should be appealing and attractive. Whether to make any special dish that the family does not usually eat every day.

In family worship, children also take part, each with its own Torah, reading it one or two verses. Let there be singing then a favorite hymn, followed by prayer. In this, Yahshua gave us a model. The Lord's Prayer was meant to be simply repeated a formula, but it is an illustration of how our prayers should be simple, earnest and comprehensive. In sincere request, count to Yahweh your needs and squeezed gratitude for His favors. Thus saludaréis to Yahshua as a welcome guest in your home and heart. Families should avoid long sentences and remote issues. Those prayers angry, rather than being a privilege and a blessing. Make the prayer time an enjoyable and interesting time.

preaching Worship occupy only part of the Sabbath. The remaining time will be spent at home and be the most precious and sacred than the Sabbath provided. Much of that time should parents spend with their children. In many families, younger children are left to themselves, in order to entertain them as best they can. Left to themselves, children will soon become restless and begin to play or deal with illegal things. Thus the Sabbath loses its sacred importance to them.

fine weather, parents should leave the children to walk through fields and forests. In the midst of the beautiful things of nature, explain him the reason for the institution of the Sabbath. Describe them the great work of Yahweh's creation. Tell them the earth, when He did, it was beautiful and sinless. Every flower, shrub and tree correspond to divine purpose. All about what the man rested his eyes, delighted him, suggesting thoughts of divine love. All sounds were harmonious, and consistent with the voice of Yahweh. Show him that was the sin that marked the perfect work, that the thorns, thistles, grief, pain and death are the result of disobedience to Yahweh. Make them notice also that, despite the curse of sin, the Earth still shows the goodness of God. The green fields, trees, haughty, the cheerful sun, clouds, dew, the solemn silence of the night, the magnificence of the starry sky the beauty of the moon, bear witness to the Creator. Does not drop from heaven no drop of rain, no ray of light shines on this ungrateful world, without testifying to the long-suffering and love of Yahweh.

Speak to the plan of salvation, that "Yahweh so loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16. Repetidles the sweet story of Bethlehem. Presentadles as Yahshua was a dutiful son to parents, as was young faithful, diligent, helping to provide the support the family. That way they can give the impression that the Saviour knows the probations, difficulties and temptations, hopes and joys of youth, so being able to give sympathy and support. Occasionally, Needles interesting stories contained in the Torah.

A sunset, raising his voice in prayer and hymns of praise to Yahweh, celebrating the end of the Sabbath and Yahweh calling for assistance for the care of the new week.

We have seen some of the things we do on the Sabbath, with the help of Yahweh will go each day co `prendienda more the great importance of this holy day. Shalom.


Monday, February 14, 2011

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Western societies tend to celebrate every 14 February "Valentine", "Friendship Day" or "Valentine." There emerges as a character representative of this celebration the known figure of "Cupid."


Who was St. Valentine? Who is Cupid? What is celebrated on February 14, when enjoyed by millions of lovers, or for not less traders?


According to historians, several thousand years ago were widespread on the earth to idol-worship. Among the wide range of deities was a god pagan whose origin is very remote and ignored, which represented the "forces of the Universe" and "ruled the world from the darkness" and he worshiped the peoples of Central Europe.

. Those

older pagan peoples worshiped this god by three elements: water, earth and fire. That is, different sacrifices and honored him on land, using water and fire, it was believed that only thus could appease the wrath of this being that their subjects felt horrible, because not only its appearance but also because he sowed terror over all the earth and was ruthless. According to the beliefs of peoples old, this being evil lay in the midst of the shadows and darkness.

. Under

pagan customs, the only way to quell the constant wrath of this evil spirit was with ceremonies in which he entertained as chief guest. Thus, with excess temporarily satisfying carnal appetite of God and every true period should repeat the rites to keep calm at this sinister being.


Researchers have failed to decipher at what stage of the story appeared the character of darkness in the towns of ancient Greece. However, more specific citations and clear about it appear in the first graphics of civilization when the Pelasgians and Achaeans then from central Europe began to settle in Greece in the fifteenth century a. JC Those early Greeks knew this god who initially called the "fruit of worldly pleasures."


Over the years, Greece was developed and extended its paganism. The people adopted the worship of this evil god and perform regular ceremonies. Then, when civilization came into its heyday decided to name it differently, less bizarre and more in line with the development of high culture, then designated as "Eros", ie "god of pleasure."

The Greek god Eros, then the Romans call




According to Greek mythology, Eros was the result of the pleasures of Venus and one of her lovers: Mars (the other lover was Mercury). Vulcan was the husband of Venus.

. In line

mythology, Venus presided over all the pleasures and festivities were extremely obscene, so that the Greeks were due to to please her son Eros, who was the "fruit of the pleasures humans. "

. The Greeks adopted

Eros as one of their gods in the process of invasion and acculturation of other civilizations conquered by them. They knew that God had a hideous appearance and fearful. In order to fully adopt their culture, the Greek priests decided to give a beautiful appearance that was consistent with the "dignity" of a god (remember that the Greeks were fans of physical beauty), so it was accepted by all the people. Under this concept, considering that Eros was the son of Venus and Mars, then gave the appearance of a naked youth blooming.


Centuries later, when Roman Empire conquered Greece, there was again the phenomenon of acculturation, that is, the invading Roman people absorbed the Greek culture, including their religious beliefs. Thus, then, as the Romans knew the Greek gods, including Eros.


But the clever, haughty Roman Empire, when adopted beliefs or customs of other peoples, subjected to transformation processes to validate his greatness and dominion over other cultures. The ancient Greek gods were no exception and they varied their looks, names and dates to entertain, not his roots or where they came from.


image naked Greek god Eros adolescent was transformed into an even younger, feminized and wings. Then they called him ... Cupid!

Cartoon Cupid.

The Romans chose a special day to celebrate this new god "Cupid" from the "carnal pleasures" in order to indulge in orgies. As the Greek belief said that Eros was the result of the fertility of Venus, the Romans now disposed to locate the "Cupid" in the month of the Roman pagan fertility, ie, in February. They chose to be on 14 just half of the month, when we start planting in the fields.



passed centuries of glory and fortune for the Romans. The empire began to decline. And by that time, Christianity had taken too much boom as Jesus had shocked the world.


The Romans tried to save his fallen empire clinging to anything that would allow them to survive and then, in a political calculation as a maneuver to prevent their disappearance, adopted Christianity.


the decadent reign of Rome was to reconcile the pagan beliefs with Christian faith to maintain balance in their village. For this replaced the pagan festivals by men "saints" of Christianity.


the case of the conclusion of the February 14, Cupido was removed and was instituted by "Valentine." Today there is no certainty of who was this saint, as the Roman-Catholic historians themselves are contradictory.

Some say that Valentine (or Valentino) was a heretic, who failed to gain the favor of the papacy to be archbishop, he renounced the faith and embraced Gnosticism, founded a secret society.


Meanwhile, others say he was a martyr Christian died in Rome on 14 February in the year 273, by order of Emperor Claudius II, because according to legend Valentino opposed an imperial edict banning marriage for couples in that year because they needed men for his army. However, some others contradict this and argue that there was such opposition to Valentino and he died at Terni, in the year 306. That is, on this issue, researchers have failed to agree.


But that God initially identified as "the reigning world from darkness," then called "the fruit of worldly pleasures, then designated as the Greek god Eros "and later as the Roman god" Cupid "are all the mismopersonaje. And in that same match finally came to the name "Valentine".


Scripture clearly says that the darkness is the kingdom of sin and perdition (John 12:46), and the prince of this world is Satan (John 16: 11). Furthermore, the Scriptures warn that we must not walk after other gods (Deuteronomy 6:14).


Some sectors have said that Christians "Valentine" or "Valentine" is not appropriate to hold by faith in Jesus Christ every day there is love of neighbor and not a single time of year, so it should be celebrated as the Day of Friendship. " Although the argument is valid, the remedy has been absurd and contradictory, because what was just proposed changing the name "Valentine" by the "Friendship Day", but the pagan roots of this celebration is held .


Even the Church of Jesus Christ makes the same historical mistake today, preserving the date pagan and change only the name to discontinue the formalism, but not reject the root of the pagan celebration.


The Bible speaks accurately to the children of God should not follow the standards of conduct established by the ways of the world, but our mind is renewed for us to check what is the good will of God, pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2 .)


should not forget that the celebration of February 14 was devoted to revelry, sexual invocations and all sorts of carnal debauchery abominable and harmful. Some do not hesitate to compare the "Valentine" with the Day of Halloween, the ancient roots of pagan and idolatrous acts relied on for centuries.


In fact, Valentine has spiritual origins, which are contrary to biblical principles. Pagan fables associated with Cupid and Valentine, and the establishment of 14 February for this celebration has transcended through time until today.


Will a Christian ancient paganism? God warns that children should no longer, in any form of idols. "You shall not worship their gods, nor serve them, nor do as they do ..." (Exodus 23:24).

. Obviously

currently trade in the West is interested sustaining the idea of \u200b\u200b"Valentine" to achieve higher sales and unscrupulous, powerful launch publicity campaigns to encourage the public (especially youth) to consume various items with the handling of the theme of love.


The confusion about love and eroticism is reaffirmed in this celebration while advertising specialists today are struggling to handle the most noble feelings that God has given to humans, such as love and friendship, hands with mercantilist purposes.


But born-again Christians do not require "special days" to commemorate love or friendship. Just remember Jesus Christ every day, who showed what true love and true friendship and faithful.


Each time, the follower of Christ can express love for their fellow men with gifts and remind them that God loves them so deeply, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life .

Le is now to you to decide if you follow the ancient pagan festivals according to the dictates of the world or, on the other hand, voluntarily choose to obey God.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Early Should I Wax


"We know as Yahweh because we know the character of His Son, Yahshua.

John 14:7-9

The character of Yahweh Yahweh

is the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and the end. One of the names ; Yahweh is "I am." He has no beginning or end.

Yahweh is the creator of the universe. To make this possible, He existed before creating the world.

Yahweh is the power and supreme authority over all things. Nothing can happen without yahweh know and let that happen.

Yahweh reveals all we know of He is an Elohim him personally makes itself known. We do not know everything about Yahweh, each of us can know him a little

Yahweh is sovereign.

not always know why some things happen, but if you know Yahweh. He has a purpose for everything.

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:9).

Yahweh created the world only to give the order to its existence. has no limitation of power. He knows all things. He is always present.

The main features of Yahweh is His holiness and love.

Yahweh is holy. He is unique, sinless and completely different. He has all moral perfection. In the all goodness is represented.

Yahweh goes beyond just love, Yahweh is love. Nothing He does is out of His love. Because the greatest love is that He sent His Son Yahshua to die for our sins.

The Elohim Creator Yahweh

made heaven and earth than we know. He spoke to the elements and the earth was formed. A Yahweh likes to create. His ultimate creation was man, a free and moral agent. He took some clay and formed man, which he called Adam. Yahweh commanded Adam to put names to all animals, fish , birds and all the other things he had created. Yahweh wanted Adam and his wife Eva live in the beautiful Garden of Eden to care for animals and garden.

The first sin against Yahweh.

know that Satan was the first to rebel against Yahweh. Satan was a steward (angel) who wanted to take over Heaven, so Yahweh expelled him and sent him to the ground like a fallen angel. The spirit of Satan as a snake or serpent, first came to Eve in the Garden of Eden and tempted her to disobey Yahweh eating from the tree of good and evil. Then she invited Adam and he ate the forbidden fruit. As soon as they ate the forbidden fruit Adam saw that Eve was naked. They felt shame and tried to covered with fig leaves. Yahweh created man and woman and said that His creation was good. When sin entered the world, the man realized that his body was bad. Adam and Eve were ashamed of Yahweh saw them naked, felt like they were hiding something. The sin of disobeying Yahweh by eating the forbidden fruit was the cause of his expulsion from the garden and were removed from his right to speak face to face with Elohim. As descendants of Adam and Eve, all born with a sinful nature. Although they were tempted by the serpent, Adam and Eve broke their covenant voluntarily Yahweh. For his actions sin entered the world. The only way the curse of sin could be broken was a perfect sacrifice. Redemption

The purpose of redeeming mankind is to unite the communion that was broken by sin. Yahweh not intended to make the world as it is today, but He has provided the road to redemption.

Yahweh wants us to be His people and we do not have sin in our lives. During the first 4000 years (or during the time of the Old Testament), Elohim provided a temporary sacrifice people to receive forgiveness for their sins. Once a year the people's sins were symbolically thrown into a lamb that was expelled from the community. This process should be repeated annually. The priest listened as people confessed their sins. Then he sacrificed an animal and provided the supply of blood and sins of the individual.

Yashua, the Lamb of Yahweh, is the permanent sacrifice for our sins. Yahshua's blood brings forgiveness for our sins.

By sending His Son, Yahshua, Yahweh made a New Covenant with civilization. Only a perfect man could be killed. Yahshua was the only person who could meet all these qualities, he was born without a sinful nature.

When people are born, they bring with them a seed of rebellion in their hearts. This is known as the seed of Adam. As children grow, this spirit is the cause of his disobedience and rebellion against rules and authority.

Yahweh restored His relationship with mankind. The spirit that exists within man also wants a relationship - a relationship with a higher power, the Creator, Yahweh. The Elohim dust that created the first man, put a hole in the heart of each person reserved for Yahweh's Spirit dwells in the gap. When Ruas Hakopesh comes to dwell in a person, he fills that gap and you experience true peace and joy.

Many people resist the Spirit of Yahweh and put other substitutes, but none of them satisfied for very long. There is always a longing for something to fill that empty space. Alcohol, drugs, illicit sex, perversion, entertainment, gambling, etc.., That many people try I left with a feeling that nothing will satisfy this need than Yahweh. To find Yahweh you must first recognize Yahshua as the Son of Yahweh. You must pray and believe in Him and be saved by faith. Shalom.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Price For Sebaceous Cyst Removal


The boy put his warm clothes and told his father:

OK, Dad, I'm ready. "

His father, Pastor, said, 'Ready for what?

'Dad, it's time to go out and distribute our leaflets. "

The father replied, 'Son, it's very cold outside and it is drizzling. "

The boy looked surprised his father and said, 'But Dad, people need to know Yahweh even on rainy days. "

Dad answers, "Son, I'm not going to go out in this weather."

In desperation, the boy said, 'Dad, I can go by myself? Please?

His father hesitated for a moment and then said, 'Son, you can go. Here are the flyers, be careful. "

'Thanks Dad! "

And with that, he was off in the rain. The 11 year old boy walked the streets of the town, handing out fliers to people he saw.

After 2 hours of walking in the rain, cold, and its last wheel, stopped at a corner and looked to see if he saw someone to hand the wheel, but the streets were totally deserted. Then he turned toward the first house he saw, walked to the front door, rang the bell several times and waited but nobody came.

Finally, he turned to leave but something stopped him. The child again turned to the door and began playing the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his knuckles. He waited, something holding him there on the front door. He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.

came out a lady with a very sad look and gently asked

'What I can do for you, son. "

With radiant eyes and a smile that he cut the words, the child said:

'Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to say that Lord REALLY DOES LOVE .....* * and I came to give my last steering wheel that talks about the Lord and His great LOVE.

The boy took the wheel and left.

She just said

'Thank you, son, and that the Lord bless you. "

Well, the next Sunday morning the pastor was in the pulpit and asked the service began:

'Does anybody have testimony or want to say anything?.

Slowly, in the back row of the church, an elderly lady stood up. When he began to speak, a radiant look came from her glorious eyes

'No one in this church knows me. I had never been here even before last Sunday was not a Christian.

My husband died some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world. Last Sunday was a particularly cold and rainy day, and it was in my heart that day I reached the end of the road, as I had no hope or will to live.

I took a chair and a rope and climbed into the attic of my house. Well fastened and secured one end of the rope to the rafters, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck.

Standing on that chair, so lonely and brokenhearted I was about to shoot me when I suddenly heard the loud sound of the doorbell.

Then I thought, 'wait a minute, and whoever it is will go. "

I waited and waited, but the doorbell was becoming more insistent, and then the person started knocking loudly.

I asked myself, Who could it be?

Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me!

I loosened the rope from my neck and went to the door while the bell rang louder and louder.

When I opened the door I could not believe my eyes, my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever seen.

His smile, ohhh, I can never describe it! The words out of his mouth caused my heart died long ago, back to life, when he said in a voice of a cherub, 'Ma'am, I just want to say that Yahweh really loves her. "

As the little angel disappeared back into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read every word of the wheel.

Then I went into the attic to remove the chair and the rope.

I do not need more. As you can see. . . I am now a happy child of the KING.

As the direction of the church was in the back of the wheel, I come here to personally say THANK YOU to that little Angel of the Lord that came just in time and, in fact, to rescue my life from an eternity in hell. "

Everyone was crying in church.

Pastor from the pulpit down to the front pew where the little angel was seated, took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. ue Yahweh guide us in every moment of our lives. Shalom.