Thursday, March 31, 2011

Safenet Usb Super Ultra

* The inclusive concept of the Development Plan ... * The PVD commitments will be fulfilled to 100%, says Héctor Yunes * Opinion Poll mayors and officials * start very "straight" the new mayor * Okay, Fair entrepreneurs "My First Enterprise Learning Playing"

For Quirino Moreno Maybe April 1, 2011

* ** From 10 ... Veracruz Development Plan, recently submitted by the Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, includes not only the demands expressed by the public consultation forums held in February and March, but also integrates many projects to encourage the inhabitants of all regions. This inclusive concept is what has earned the highest accolades in all sectors, farmers, businessmen, women and youth in the state executive are a man of commitments and responsibilities fulfilled ...

*** I said! CDE President of PRI, Héctor Yunes Landa said he is convinced that the goals set forth in the Development Plan have a specific term compliance, fulfilled 100 percent and society will be judged by Veracruz at the end of the presidency of Javier Duarte Ochoa ...

*** Who will? Who owns the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a tunnel inside the Government Palace, to prevent certain official is seen when entering or leaving your office, and thus avoid all citizens who seek solutions to their problems ? We are told that, of course, the tunnel does not lead to the governor's office, who uses the usual route, but going to another office very close to the chief executive ... The other clue is that it is not about the clerk's office Government, Gerardo Buganza ... This reminds us of the tunnel was former Mayor David Velasco to avoid the entire public hearing ...

*** Ruben's poll ...! This time, it is the presentation of the 2011-2016 Development Plan Veracruz, Javier Duarte in the WTC Boca del Rio, the question was: what do you think the presentation event? Some are aspiring future, so first ladies:

*** Elizabeth Morales, Mayor of Xalapa .- "I think a proposal consistent, responsible, Transparent, formal, as is our lord governor, proposal sets the direction, destination, the project objectives, the work that we will all make for a prosperous Veracruz "...

*** Zita Pazzi, the Municipal President Pánuco .-" It was extraordinary this presentation of Veracruz Plan development, I feel that a precedent the Governor Javier Duarte, this is a great demonstration of how things are going to do and will do "...

*** Sara Luz Herrera, Mayor of Alvarado .- "This is excellent, everything the governor said Javier Duarte in Development Plan for these six years," ...

*** Alberto Silva, Mayor of Tuxpan .- "The event was extraordinary, this is a very clear vision of what needs to be for us Veracruz and mayors is essential because we can enlist and allows us to link up in the governor's policy Javier Duarte, it is important to advance the municipal development plans, but the hand of Mr. Governor, so in the north, as we just defined, especially with that has to do with the fight against poverty, because we agree with it, economic growth, job creation, rural areas and large potential water we have "...

*** Tony Macias, a businessman and father of Javier Duarte .- "This event presentation Veracruz Development Plan was extraordinary, in order, said order and efficiency, that is the motto of the plan and he is succeeding in a very short time, I'm very optimistic, I know Javier very closely and I know he will do "...

*** Mauritius, Staff Auditor ORFISA .-" It was great this launch event, what will this Development Plan 2011-2016 Veracruz, very well thought out, well structured, well defined in a fundamental, performance indicators, this is really the point, because it will give more resources to who is more efficient in the use of resources and the people most in need "...

*** Paco Portilla, Mayor of Córdoba .-" It extraordinary what Veracruzanos Announces Development Plan, this is a planning strategy that has made the government and render the fruits arising from the Governor Javier Duarte, because what is done with computers and planning and organization has good results "...

*** Jesus Lopez, Director of Colver .- "This was a strong message of the Governor Duarte, very clear, especially to combat poverty, the settlement did not fit for it, I liked what he said about economic growth, better distribution of wealth, the issue of public finance was a very complete presentation "...

*** Dip. Jorge Carvalho, President of the Congress of Veracruz .- "This presentation not only extraordinary, this is the voice of the people of Veracruz are over nine thousand who participated in forums, across from Veracruz, now gives faith of a democratic project, a Republican project, which no doubt the governor Javier Duarte Ochoa will, without precedent, not only in el Congreso, un Congreso armonioso, unido, sino un gobierno y un estado unificado, vamos hacia el desarrollo y vamos para adelante”…

*** Héctor Yunes, Presidente del CDE del PRI en Veracruz.- “Mira, me da mucho gusto estar presente en un evento, en donde el Gobernador Javier Duarte cumple con un compromiso legal, un compromiso que le obliga la Ley, en la que hace compromisos concretos y específicos, en lo que por ejemplo él se comprometió a bajar de la media nacional, el lugar que tiene Veracruz en materia de pobreza, hablo de la creación de nuevos parques industriales, hizo compromisos en materia de empleo, de turismo, en materia de transparencia y buen government, I believe that in a short speech said a lot and made many commitments, said housing numbers, fifty thousand houses per year, the governor is saying we want specifics, not generalities because it can be evaluated, it is a young politician, mature, modern pore, who knows that work needs to be evaluated and is setting goals, that we really like the Veracruz "...

*** Dip. Ernesto Callejas Briones licensed and General Secretary of SNTE Section 56 .- "Today is a special day for Veracruz, because somehow, who heads the government, which have many Veracruz tells us that hope and plan is, and always pleasant to hear as a compromise, our governor, because we are involved all sectors, "...

*** Mark Theurel, mayor of Coatzacoalcos .-" I thought excellent, very concise presentation, with clear goals, with time, very punctual and indicators, see that it is very clear what to do, a great statesman, as a good administrator, our governor brings clear idea of \u200b\u200bnumbers, what need to do to Veracruz, coincident with southern Veracruz, with this sample gives what may well in future, only to Coatzacoalcos, and cancel all discharges into the sea, today we have a clean beach, gives us signs of compliance, and Mrs. Karime Macias, and gave us an area for a park for children of Coatzacoalcos, I mean that the governor and Mrs. Karime Macias, our countrymen, we are giving immediate results "...

*** Alfredo Gandara, Mayor of Poza Rica .-" This event was great, because this presentation of this plan focuses on the realities that Veracruz, I think that is based in which all citizens, through various organizations were proposing and that will allow for six years, we have to state prosperous we want "...

*** Juan Manuel Vazquez, Mayor of Perote .-" We see a young governor with fresh ideas, mature and well structured, with a long term, developing Veracruz in terms of poverty, it is very important, with the support he is giving to the municipalities, I am proud of Governor Javier Duarte and grateful for the opportunity I have today to be Mayor of Perote and be your friend "...

*** Dip. Pepe Yunes, President of the Social Development Commission, federal .- "This was an event that highlights the great call Duarte has the governor and ultimately, particularly your expectations, generating a vision plan, which underpins and modernity, certainly strengthens the productive apparatus and regional development planning, now come together to accompany the governor Duarte Representatives of all sectors of society, fighting poverty is a problem toral as you have seen, where is prioritizing resources and actions, no doubt, be very careful to coordinate from the Chamber of Deputies Budget projects with management. "

*** Ask! Américo Zúñiga Martínez made the opening of the training course and municipal authorities took after the presentation of the 2011 Audit Manual issued by the Supreme Audit Authority of the State of Veracruz (ORFISA) ... A regional presentation of the 2011 Audit Manual Representatives members attended the Monitoring Committee LXII Legislature of the State Congress ...

*** Tomb-donkeys! Interesting this training for municipal authorities, looking for a large percentage of irregularities in the Public Accounts of the municipalities are related to the ignorance and even ignorance of those who manage these accounts and exercise resources in the municipalities ...

*** The donkey will not walk in fear! By the way, tell us that after two or three former mayors who now face justice for diversion or embezzlement now the new mayors will personally ORFISA's appointments and are more aware of the recommendations, courses and

training ...
are slow! Yes, it is true that the productive sectors of the entity, such as business, must begin to rebuild strong leaders and representatives or solid eradicate aberrant seeking government intervention ...

*** Do not be! And, now there are candidates with business, promoted and sponsored by the state government, which is absurd, no doubt ... The worst thing is that these aspirations individuaos have fincado rough pounding in the media and the disqualification of the other candidates, but in reality these novice bullfighters bring nothing under his arm to give the business association ...

*** Now is the time gentlemen! It is therefore important that business leaders go as a product of consensus and dialogue among entrepreneurs, to serve the guild leaders said y no sólo se sirvan a sí mismos…

*** ¡Duro…duro…duro…! Y es este punto neurálgico, en el que está poniendo el acento el principal aspirante para la presidencia del Consejo Coordinador Empresarial, Carlos Luna Escudero…

*** ¡Achis! ¿Sabrán el secretario y subsecretario de Seguridad Pública estatal, acerca del “Grupo Pantera”, que uniformados afirman que son una empresa de seguridad privada y que opera en algunos puntos de la ciudad, pero en especial en la zona habitacional Del Bosque, donde los vecinos afirman no haberlos solicitado jamás?... El problema is that there are neighbors who complain of the arrogance with which these young soldiers are operating there and charging (demanding) the weekly rate ...

*** Buenos comments ... Fair has created entrepreneurs "My first company, Playing Learning", organized by the Faculty of Accountancy and Administration from the Universidad Veracruzana Xalapa campus, and in this program, administered through the Department of the Universidad Veracruzana Linking and Higher Education Foundation Company (FESE), is given the opportunity for students in grades 5 and 6 th grade, supported by teachers and students of the faculty, develop business projects, which generates small entrepreneurial spirit and consciousness that allows them tomorrow to have a different view of the work force and the self-employment. The Rector Raúl Arias Lovillo, accompanied by officials of the university, as Rafael Olvera Carrascosa, Director of the Faculty of Accountancy and Administration, among others, made a tour visiting each of the stands exposed by small, congratulating them on such a significant effort ... @ quirino.moreno twitter: quirinomq / quirino.moreno


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