Thursday, March 31, 2011

Safenet Usb Super Ultra

* The inclusive concept of the Development Plan ... * The PVD commitments will be fulfilled to 100%, says Héctor Yunes * Opinion Poll mayors and officials * start very "straight" the new mayor * Okay, Fair entrepreneurs "My First Enterprise Learning Playing"

For Quirino Moreno Maybe April 1, 2011

* ** From 10 ... Veracruz Development Plan, recently submitted by the Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, includes not only the demands expressed by the public consultation forums held in February and March, but also integrates many projects to encourage the inhabitants of all regions. This inclusive concept is what has earned the highest accolades in all sectors, farmers, businessmen, women and youth in the state executive are a man of commitments and responsibilities fulfilled ...

*** I said! CDE President of PRI, Héctor Yunes Landa said he is convinced that the goals set forth in the Development Plan have a specific term compliance, fulfilled 100 percent and society will be judged by Veracruz at the end of the presidency of Javier Duarte Ochoa ...

*** Who will? Who owns the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a tunnel inside the Government Palace, to prevent certain official is seen when entering or leaving your office, and thus avoid all citizens who seek solutions to their problems ? We are told that, of course, the tunnel does not lead to the governor's office, who uses the usual route, but going to another office very close to the chief executive ... The other clue is that it is not about the clerk's office Government, Gerardo Buganza ... This reminds us of the tunnel was former Mayor David Velasco to avoid the entire public hearing ...

*** Ruben's poll ...! This time, it is the presentation of the 2011-2016 Development Plan Veracruz, Javier Duarte in the WTC Boca del Rio, the question was: what do you think the presentation event? Some are aspiring future, so first ladies:

*** Elizabeth Morales, Mayor of Xalapa .- "I think a proposal consistent, responsible, Transparent, formal, as is our lord governor, proposal sets the direction, destination, the project objectives, the work that we will all make for a prosperous Veracruz "...

*** Zita Pazzi, the Municipal President Pánuco .-" It was extraordinary this presentation of Veracruz Plan development, I feel that a precedent the Governor Javier Duarte, this is a great demonstration of how things are going to do and will do "...

*** Sara Luz Herrera, Mayor of Alvarado .- "This is excellent, everything the governor said Javier Duarte in Development Plan for these six years," ...

*** Alberto Silva, Mayor of Tuxpan .- "The event was extraordinary, this is a very clear vision of what needs to be for us Veracruz and mayors is essential because we can enlist and allows us to link up in the governor's policy Javier Duarte, it is important to advance the municipal development plans, but the hand of Mr. Governor, so in the north, as we just defined, especially with that has to do with the fight against poverty, because we agree with it, economic growth, job creation, rural areas and large potential water we have "...

*** Tony Macias, a businessman and father of Javier Duarte .- "This event presentation Veracruz Development Plan was extraordinary, in order, said order and efficiency, that is the motto of the plan and he is succeeding in a very short time, I'm very optimistic, I know Javier very closely and I know he will do "...

*** Mauritius, Staff Auditor ORFISA .-" It was great this launch event, what will this Development Plan 2011-2016 Veracruz, very well thought out, well structured, well defined in a fundamental, performance indicators, this is really the point, because it will give more resources to who is more efficient in the use of resources and the people most in need "...

*** Paco Portilla, Mayor of Córdoba .-" It extraordinary what Veracruzanos Announces Development Plan, this is a planning strategy that has made the government and render the fruits arising from the Governor Javier Duarte, because what is done with computers and planning and organization has good results "...

*** Jesus Lopez, Director of Colver .- "This was a strong message of the Governor Duarte, very clear, especially to combat poverty, the settlement did not fit for it, I liked what he said about economic growth, better distribution of wealth, the issue of public finance was a very complete presentation "...

*** Dip. Jorge Carvalho, President of the Congress of Veracruz .- "This presentation not only extraordinary, this is the voice of the people of Veracruz are over nine thousand who participated in forums, across from Veracruz, now gives faith of a democratic project, a Republican project, which no doubt the governor Javier Duarte Ochoa will, without precedent, not only in el Congreso, un Congreso armonioso, unido, sino un gobierno y un estado unificado, vamos hacia el desarrollo y vamos para adelante”…

*** Héctor Yunes, Presidente del CDE del PRI en Veracruz.- “Mira, me da mucho gusto estar presente en un evento, en donde el Gobernador Javier Duarte cumple con un compromiso legal, un compromiso que le obliga la Ley, en la que hace compromisos concretos y específicos, en lo que por ejemplo él se comprometió a bajar de la media nacional, el lugar que tiene Veracruz en materia de pobreza, hablo de la creación de nuevos parques industriales, hizo compromisos en materia de empleo, de turismo, en materia de transparencia y buen government, I believe that in a short speech said a lot and made many commitments, said housing numbers, fifty thousand houses per year, the governor is saying we want specifics, not generalities because it can be evaluated, it is a young politician, mature, modern pore, who knows that work needs to be evaluated and is setting goals, that we really like the Veracruz "...

*** Dip. Ernesto Callejas Briones licensed and General Secretary of SNTE Section 56 .- "Today is a special day for Veracruz, because somehow, who heads the government, which have many Veracruz tells us that hope and plan is, and always pleasant to hear as a compromise, our governor, because we are involved all sectors, "...

*** Mark Theurel, mayor of Coatzacoalcos .-" I thought excellent, very concise presentation, with clear goals, with time, very punctual and indicators, see that it is very clear what to do, a great statesman, as a good administrator, our governor brings clear idea of \u200b\u200bnumbers, what need to do to Veracruz, coincident with southern Veracruz, with this sample gives what may well in future, only to Coatzacoalcos, and cancel all discharges into the sea, today we have a clean beach, gives us signs of compliance, and Mrs. Karime Macias, and gave us an area for a park for children of Coatzacoalcos, I mean that the governor and Mrs. Karime Macias, our countrymen, we are giving immediate results "...

*** Alfredo Gandara, Mayor of Poza Rica .-" This event was great, because this presentation of this plan focuses on the realities that Veracruz, I think that is based in which all citizens, through various organizations were proposing and that will allow for six years, we have to state prosperous we want "...

*** Juan Manuel Vazquez, Mayor of Perote .-" We see a young governor with fresh ideas, mature and well structured, with a long term, developing Veracruz in terms of poverty, it is very important, with the support he is giving to the municipalities, I am proud of Governor Javier Duarte and grateful for the opportunity I have today to be Mayor of Perote and be your friend "...

*** Dip. Pepe Yunes, President of the Social Development Commission, federal .- "This was an event that highlights the great call Duarte has the governor and ultimately, particularly your expectations, generating a vision plan, which underpins and modernity, certainly strengthens the productive apparatus and regional development planning, now come together to accompany the governor Duarte Representatives of all sectors of society, fighting poverty is a problem toral as you have seen, where is prioritizing resources and actions, no doubt, be very careful to coordinate from the Chamber of Deputies Budget projects with management. "

*** Ask! Américo Zúñiga Martínez made the opening of the training course and municipal authorities took after the presentation of the 2011 Audit Manual issued by the Supreme Audit Authority of the State of Veracruz (ORFISA) ... A regional presentation of the 2011 Audit Manual Representatives members attended the Monitoring Committee LXII Legislature of the State Congress ...

*** Tomb-donkeys! Interesting this training for municipal authorities, looking for a large percentage of irregularities in the Public Accounts of the municipalities are related to the ignorance and even ignorance of those who manage these accounts and exercise resources in the municipalities ...

*** The donkey will not walk in fear! By the way, tell us that after two or three former mayors who now face justice for diversion or embezzlement now the new mayors will personally ORFISA's appointments and are more aware of the recommendations, courses and

training ...
are slow! Yes, it is true that the productive sectors of the entity, such as business, must begin to rebuild strong leaders and representatives or solid eradicate aberrant seeking government intervention ...

*** Do not be! And, now there are candidates with business, promoted and sponsored by the state government, which is absurd, no doubt ... The worst thing is that these aspirations individuaos have fincado rough pounding in the media and the disqualification of the other candidates, but in reality these novice bullfighters bring nothing under his arm to give the business association ...

*** Now is the time gentlemen! It is therefore important that business leaders go as a product of consensus and dialogue among entrepreneurs, to serve the guild leaders said y no sólo se sirvan a sí mismos…

*** ¡Duro…duro…duro…! Y es este punto neurálgico, en el que está poniendo el acento el principal aspirante para la presidencia del Consejo Coordinador Empresarial, Carlos Luna Escudero…

*** ¡Achis! ¿Sabrán el secretario y subsecretario de Seguridad Pública estatal, acerca del “Grupo Pantera”, que uniformados afirman que son una empresa de seguridad privada y que opera en algunos puntos de la ciudad, pero en especial en la zona habitacional Del Bosque, donde los vecinos afirman no haberlos solicitado jamás?... El problema is that there are neighbors who complain of the arrogance with which these young soldiers are operating there and charging (demanding) the weekly rate ...

*** Buenos comments ... Fair has created entrepreneurs "My first company, Playing Learning", organized by the Faculty of Accountancy and Administration from the Universidad Veracruzana Xalapa campus, and in this program, administered through the Department of the Universidad Veracruzana Linking and Higher Education Foundation Company (FESE), is given the opportunity for students in grades 5 and 6 th grade, supported by teachers and students of the faculty, develop business projects, which generates small entrepreneurial spirit and consciousness that allows them tomorrow to have a different view of the work force and the self-employment. The Rector Raúl Arias Lovillo, accompanied by officials of the university, as Rafael Olvera Carrascosa, Director of the Faculty of Accountancy and Administration, among others, made a tour visiting each of the stands exposed by small, congratulating them on such a significant effort ... @ quirino.moreno twitter: quirinomq / quirino.moreno

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gamecopyworld Call Duty 4

* Expand water infrastructure, formidable challenge: JDO

* Raul Zarrabal Ferat, "up as head of the Secom?

* Announce International Salsa Festival in Boca del Rio

* Denise Dresser, at the Museum of Anthropology on April 1

* The relationship of the PRI with the governor will be a healthy nearby: HYL

Quirino Moreno
By March 29, 2011 Maybe

*** The WTC burst ... A day Veracruz present the Development Plan 2011-2016, Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa took part yesterday in the Water Congress "Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge" in the World Trade Center of Boca del Rio. In the same place will present the PVD on Wednesday at 18:00 hours, which include, of course, all works and actions to be taken in this administration. Surely the site is really full of people who want to join the work to be performed in the office of Javier Duarte.

*** Water for all ... Expand Veracruz hydraulic infrastructure for water supply and ancillary services to many municipalities in the state is a challenge formidable, and one of the most important issues on the agenda for the next government, confirmed the governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, WTC Congress.

*** Will? .. Sounds much Raul Zarrabal Ferat, current Secretary of Communications of state government, as the new holder of that Ministry, after the alleged resignation would say already submitted Guillermo Herrera Mendoza ...

*** Urgent Telegram !!!!! Innocent When Yanez Vicencio was asked his opinion about the president's remarks CDE PRI, Héctor Yunes Landa made in the sense that IPE lottery must go because all governments are bad managers, said colosista leader who does not believe that it is a capitulation to an overwhelming market that continues in its efforts to subdue the ideological power and political power to reduce the degree of sovereignty to the ritual authorities to install and remove, where even is able to veto anyone who threatens the existing structure of domination, so he asked to be given an opportunity to explain that statement because he , better than most, knows that a party in a differentiated society, and not otherwise known, "is a cluster around a substantial agreement, as is the protection and respect for the Constitution, laws have directly or indirectly determined by the recipients, to fight for democratic representation, no compromise in the custody of the sovereignty, public education away from all dogma, to recover the social meaning of the State .. .

*** There will speak! Well, taxi drivers are 4 leaders, and a more anonymous, which tell us that the fight against corruption in the issue of taxi concessions will never have credibility, but until you return to the time when you decided these things was one Jose Mendoza Loyola, which they claim that as a hobby, lying on your bed about 80 concessions taxi plates, as would the very same Mac Pato Rico ...

*** Dunes and wetlands ... The chairman of the Standing Committee on the Environment of the State Congress, Ainara Rementería Coello, attended the inauguration of the Second National Workshop on Coastal Dunes and Wetlands, the same that seeks to foster a discussion to generate alternatives and tools for conservation and sustainable management systems, beaches, dunes and wetlands. The event, which opened in the name of Governor Duarte Javier Ochoa, Victor Alvarado Martinez, Secretary of Environment of the State, had the presence of MP Amezcua Carlos Aceves and Daniel Morales Ismael Mendez, CNA, Edward M. Recagno Peters, INE, Vladimir Pliego Moreno, CONANP, Manuel Molina, CEO of SEMARNAT, and Admiral José Jesús Ocaña Garcia of the Mexican Navy, among others ....

*** Rotundo failure ... that back in Acayucan, almost three months into the City Administration, Mayor Fabiola Vazquez said to have direct contact with the public and implemented "Monday's open house, they say the first municipal government attended the first three Mondays and real pa'l there are no council members ..

*** Will? .. Be true that there are irregularities in the Ministry of Communications in the order of two billion pesos ... but these resources sent by the Federation comprises different administrations of this administration secretaries Communication Fidel, as were Juan Aguilar de la Llave, Raúl Zarrabal , Marcos and Guillermo Herrera Theurel ...

*** Appointment tricolor ... Finally he decided the new state leader of the PRI, Héctor Yunes Landa, and yesterday named the journalist Pepe Valencia as its news director ...

*** Pure Glamour ... Mayor Oluta Villa, Fernando Kuri, who walk not understand him and his family in luxury SUVs and, as they say, "pulling faces", that it upsets the people and is so offensive to those who have less. Go advisors who have ...

*** Attention salsa ... The drums, gourd and began to ring key in Boca del Rio after the announcement that next May will host the International Salsa Festival. The Festival will be developed by the City of Boca del Rio and the experienced producer Luis de Llano .... It was reported that the festival will not cost boqueño City Hall, as Luis de Llano It has focused on getting sponsorships from commercial companies first-line national and international ...

*** Charanga Habanera ... The Festival organizers have been more than eight months quietly, so you have confirmed the presence of artists such as Oscar de Leon, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Willie Colon, El Gran Combo and La Charanga Habanera, which brings down the house of the Cuban capital. Salvador Manzur Undoubtedly tourism policy is marked by the governor Javier Duarte, which is to promote tourist destinations with major events, different, and without costing ...

*** Ojooooooo ... The local MP Xalapa, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, said the approach will be vital with the mayors, treasurers and trustees with the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local and Body Control for the proper management of public resources and adequate oversight and transparency of the same ... Meeting in the northern town of Poza Rica, Américo Zúñiga took voice at the Annual Meeting and Orientation Training Local Authorities 2011, where he expressed that it will be vital that the new city officials governed under the Control Manual 2011, it has been updated to government accounting that is required today ....

*** What about me I can do? .. On April 1, at 10 pm, will be the journalist Denise Dresser at the Museum of Anthropology. Comes invited by the Civil Partnership Citizen Otero. The Conference is entitled: What about me I can do? 10 proposals for changing Mexico ...

*** The 401 ... Before hundreds of students, teachers and parents, the mayor pointed out that it is intended to bestow the next 3 months, 4 computers to each school, so that the 401 schools in the municipality have this important tool to study and added "these supports in addition the construction of domes and classrooms, rehabilitation and waterproofing paint, plus thousand backpacks, school supplies and furniture that will deliver next week, so that together we be the city of education "...

*** Basic Tools ... Alondra Sosa Lara, student Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez School, afternoon shift, on behalf of the student community benefit, thanked Mayor Alberto Silva for their valuable support and considered this issue as historic, by providing basic and necessary tools for them to achieve their educational ...

*** A 10 years ... 1023 with the assistance of municipal public servants, held the "Annual Meeting of Training and Guidance for Local Authorities 2011." In that event, the holder of ORFISA, CP Audirac Mauricio Murillo, presented the 2011 Audit Manual and stated that ten years of the existence of this body in charge, is a mature institution that has achieved important and is faced with challenges to overcome. Among these is the implementation of the new government accounting, which will modify the technical criteria for auditing the municipalities ...

*** Budgets ... Similarly, said it is necessary that the State of Veracruz has a system of performance evaluation of the government budget, so that, based on assumptions grounded in results, verify the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of municipal spending and its impact on social and economic conditions State. *** Collaboration ... That training will continue this Thursday 31 March at the World Trade Center (WTC Veracruz-Boca del Rio). Kicking off with registration of attendees from 14:00 hrs. In the meeting of which will sign a partnership agreement with the Ministry of Finance and Planning (SEFIPLAN), with the presence of C. Governor, Dr. Javier Duarte Ochoa ...

social infrastructure ... The municipal president Elizabeth Morales García made a public recognition of the state governor, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, for raising infrastructure social and actions for the common benefit of Xalapeños, and thereby contribute to growth and development of the capital of Veracruz ...

*** Zaaaaaaaa ... The governor of Veracruz Javier Duarte de Ochoa, explained that for Xalapa is provided for the construction of the distributor Hill Road Galaxy and the second stage of the collector Emiliano Zapata, located in the neighborhood of the same name ...

*** Van 100 days ... Considered as a historical fact As part of its commitment to the education of children and young people, stipulated in the plan 100 days, the Mayor Alberto Silva Ramos, handed over 120 computer equipment for 30 school buildings in rural and urban, in its first stage ...

*** Jaramillo in Tuxpan ... Accompanied by Commander of 39 Infantry Battalion, José María Bernabé Martínez, the regional delegate of the SEV, Ludivine Ramirez Ahumada, plus naval representatives, body building complex and educational authorities, Silva Ramos recalled that the Secretary of State Regional Infrastructure, Arturo Jaramillo Diaz, the local government recognized as the best of Veracruz, "by that way we will continue to be recognized in all areas, "said ...

*** In Poza Rica ... The local MP Xalapa, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, said the approach will be vital to have the mayors, treasurers and trustees with the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local and the Supervisory Body for the proper management of public resources and adequate oversight and transparency of the same ...

*** The
Control Manual 2011 ... Meeting in the northern town of Poza Rica, Américo Zúñiga took voice at the Annual Meeting of Training and Guidance for Local Authorities 2011, where he expressed that it will be vital that the new city officials are governed under the Control Manual 2011, it has been updated to governmental accounting that is required today ...

Guidelines and indicators ... Under this scheme, Américo Zúñiga said the municipal authorities of northern Veracruz, local representatives and officials of the Government of the Manual Control 2011 is an essential guide to sort the various items of public spending and public works, along with guidelines and indicators to measure the physical and financial progress of federal public funds, the accounting determination of income and expenses ...

** * Advice and resolution ... Américo Zúñiga Martínez asked the municipalities north of the state's proximity to the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local and Control Authority, it will be in two units where you will find all the advice and solution to all your questions concerning the issue of control, good management and transparency of current expenditure: "We are obliged to good management of public resources, that as public servants we are obliged, if we the people of Veracruz and Veracruz will thank us" ...

*** The first press conference ... That the State Steering Committee Chair of the PRI in Veracruz, Héctor Yunes Landa, announced Monday morning at the first press conference of the Committee, the journalist José Valencia Sanchez will be the new Coordinator of Media Policy Institute ... The Breakfast offered by the Tri State Committee was announced that the press conferences PRI will take place on Monday at 10 ½ am in the Board Chairman of the Policy Institute, or the city where you are on tour ...

*** It is very healthy ... Accompanied by general secretary Erika Ayala and Jesus Rios national delegate Múñoz Medellín, Yunes Landa said the party's relationship with the governor Javier Duarte is a healthy closeness, "that healthy distance than ever spoke, in this case will not work with us because we are a party committed to the actions of state government "...

*** In all the history ... Yunes Landa asserted that the confidence in the administration of Duarte de Ochoa, "not only because fellow, not only for being the most votes from the Veracruz in history but because these over a hundred days have earned the trust of society by their pubic policy of firmness and restraint without detriment to the effectiveness "...

*** Ok, I Tavo ... With the presence of the most important state media, President of PRI in Veracruz, said that soon the party will announce the new image of the party newspaper, website and magazine Dialogues ... Yunes Landa Gustavo Cadena Mathery reported that shall ensure, so honorary direction of the magazine Dialogue, which will reprint the game after many years ...

*** Vaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... Héctor Yunes emphasized that at 2 weeks of assuming the leadership of the PRI, has been reunited with all sectors and organizations that make up the tricolor and with former presidents and former Secretaries-General ...

*** ... Nearly 70 thousand 600 thousand 627 students of senior high schools throughout the territory of Veracruz, conducted the National Assessment of Academic Achievement in Schools (LINK) from 5 to 7 April, the secretary reported Education, Adolfo Mota Hernández ...

*** are dedicated ... Mota secretary detailed the evidence that will be applied to students who reach the last grade of upper secondary education, as well as terminal education schools both official and private schools, in order to know the extent to which youth are able to implement to the real world situation, knowledge and skills in reading and mathematics acquired throughout their school career ...

*** Ooozuuuu ... "The municipalities of Veracruz and its municipalities are building next to the state representative, Javier Duarte Ochoa, municipal governments more open, democratic and social participation, "said Andrade ...


*** Series ... Before the holder of the State Audit Institutions Veracruz (ORFISA), Mauricio Murillo Audirac who started in this county in the north a series of workshops to be held in Boca del Rio Coatzacoalcos, the munícipe Alfredo Gandara said ORFISA is the guarantor of transparency in public resource management and accountability thanks to timely advice and guidance ...

*** From the Committee ... the same way he said it is helpful to have the support of the members of the Monitoring Committee of Congress State as thanked the local deputy and chairman of the supervisory commission, Américo Zúñiga Martínez ...

... Then
*** urged to submit an initiative that provides for stronger penalties for environmental offenders, Fernando Yunes Marquez, local deputy for the XXII district, urged the state governor, Javier Ochoa Duarte as well as various state and federal authorities to undertake the necessary actions so that all mangroves in the State of Veracruz are declared as protected areas ...

*** These ecosystems ... Congressman expressed Yunes concern about the state saved more than 30,000 hectares of mangroves exist in the state and regretted that most of these ecosystems lack the necessary protection to avoid their being used improperly, "Veracruz is one of the states with largest land area of \u200b\u200bmangroves are being destroyed themselves by unscrupulous people, either filling them, extracting natural resources or pollute them, thus seeking to profit from them, "he added ...

*** The actions ... Deputy Jorge Carvallo Dolphin reiterated his support for measures security that the Government of Javier Duarte de Ochoa tool to combat crime Interviewed organized ... in the halls of the Legislative Palace stressed that these actions are to safeguard the peace, social peace and harmony of society ...


*** On Monday morning ... That CDE secretary of the PRI, Mr. Juan de Dios Sánchez Abreu, was present in the salute to the flag on behalf of the PRI state president, Héctor Yunes Landa ... The event was attended by Professor Juanita Velazquez Aquino, President the Icadep, Mr. Miguel Angel Hernandez Correa, President of Icadep of Xalapa, and staff ...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bollywoods Best Boobs

* Get the owner of the Conagua, José Luis Luege Tamargo

* Agreement Signed PRI and state political associations

* That the general Sergio Lopez Esquer in the coming days will be relieved ....

* In the towns of Xalapa and Veracruz were Mochan 9 million pesos of

Subsemun ... * Initiate water today tandem Xalapa colonies

Quirino Moreno
By March 28, 2011 Maybe

more ... *** A visit Governor Ochoa Javier Duarte receive the morning of Monday the head of the Commission Nacional del Agua, José Luis Luege Tamargo, who will participate in three events of great importance for the country and, of course, for the entity. The first, in Xalapa, this is the inauguration of the Second National Workshop on Coastal Dunes and Wetlands. Then, in Boca del Rio, opened the First Congress of the water: "Water for the Cities: Responding to the urban challenge" and also inaugurated the exhibit area of \u200b\u200bthe Congress. The intention of the state executive is to ensure water supply in all homes in the geography Veracruz *** PVD ... ... Although the Veracruz Development Plan began preparing for several months, the document underwent changes that occurred as a result of consultation forums organized by the State Government in municipalities of northern, central and south of the entity, in order to hear the voice of all the people of Veracruz, on the various issues that were submitted for consideration. The final text, which includes all the suggestions of citizens participating in the forums, be formally presented Wednesday at a major event be held in the city of Boca del Rio. Javier Duarte de Ochoa, in developing countries, returns to the inclusive plan that pleases both the population are rumors ... ... *** In cases that are handled in the media rumors as truths is always very difficult to give channel that information, because it is more politicking than real, which by the way the head of Social Communication duartista government, Gina Dominguez Colio, aware of crime reporting from its meaning, has brought the breed properly ... *** Winds ... The System Water and Sanitation Metropolitan Veracruz, Boca del Rio Medellín, led by José Ruiz Carmona, he a program to address the drought and water supply in underserved neighborhoods ... The program will involve the dredging of the pipes of water treatment plant in El Tejar, Medellin, and deep wells that supply the liquid to the population of the metropolitan area .... Alongside the SAS intensified his campaign for distributing water care media and lectures for students at basic level in order to rationalize the use of liquid ... *** Water vaaaaaaaa ... Yesterday, the PRI in Veracruz signed an agreement with the Green Party of Mexico, and state political associations Unity and Democracy, United Democratic Veracruz Via Veracruz, Political Association Cardenas and Veracruz Democratic Forum to participate in coalition in the special election in Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta ... *** A folton ... The leaders who signed the agreement were Javier Enrique Chávez González, representative of the PVEM, by Unit and Democracy, Guillermo Zúñiga Martínez, José Luis Arcos Jimenez, United Democratic Veracruz, Amadeo Flores Villalba, of Via Veracruz, of the Political Association Cardenista Antonio Luna Andrade, Manuel Zamora Casals, Veracruz Democratic Forum, and Héctor Yunes Landa, by *** With the PRI ... ... 5 and already the leader in his message Tri State said that the alliance signed by the PRI with the PVEM and five state political associations "is a respectable, high-alliance policy consistency, so I'm sure the citizens of Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta must recognize their vote for our common proposal "... *** ... Yunes Landa Pooooooooowww emphasized that unlike partnerships" dark and incomprehensible to the spurious and legitimate, "the alliance that has signed the PRI is baseless and unfounded, there are no ideological inconsistencies or projects opposing government, by making it clear understanding to the voters ... ... *** Sipiiiiiiiiiiii JDO meets with staff of the Naval Military Zone. Javier Duarte Governor, Admiral and Commander Arturo Guillermo Maldonado Hill talked about the coordination carried out to ensure safety ... ... Announces Vaaaaaaaaaaaa *** Javier Duarte works for a total of over 2 thousand 500 million pesos in its first stage in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Xalapa, Cordoba, Orizaba, Misantla, Nanchital, San Andres Tuxtla, Poza Rica, Alamo and Panuco, after installing the first regular meeting of the Technical Committee Public Trust Management Expenses for Payroll Tax to Work Personal and take the oath to members. The president said Veracruz that his government works to promote a new vision "we all have an obligation to manage the resources of the trust with order, efficiency and transparency, for the sake of Veracruz," said ... ... Sounds *** Oooouuuchhh strong, very strong and version that General Sergio Lopez Esquer no longer stand the pressure in the coming days will be relieved .... Upload the sub, is asked Monday ... *** In INECOL ... That the President of the Legislative Commission on the Environment, Natural Resources and Water, Ainara Rementería MP Coello, will attend on Monday 28 March at 10:00 hours , the Second National Workshop on Coastal Dunes and Wetlands to be conducted on the premises of the Institute of Ecology in Xalapa ... *** Jeeeeeeeeeeeee ... For the municipalities of Xalapa and Veracruz will cut more than nine million dollars of the budget allocated by the Subsemun ... *** ... Malandros Miraaaaaaa dressed as soldiers broke yesterday shortly after midnight in the facilities of the municipal headquarters of Paso del Macho Aaaaaazuuuul ... ... *** The State Government should take the hands of municipal elections Coxquihui and do not incite violence, as happened in the past process, said Secretary of the Board of the local Congress, Loth Noooooooooooooo Melchisedet ... *** ... The local PAN deputy, Loth Segura Juarez denied that the federal government's condition and 70 programs and more opportunities to be promoted in a special election of Joseph Azueta and Zzzzzaaaazzzz Coxquihui ... *** ... About 80 percent of the municipalities that resulted in property damage in the Public Account 2009 and have presented their evidence and arguments, but that does not mean that they are clean, said local deputy Américo Zúñiga ... According to the report submitted by this organization, municipalities are still within 30 days of evidence and arguments ... * ** Yyyyyyyyyyyyy ... Deputies members of the Housing Commission met with the director of the Fund, Rubem Höfliger Topete, who reported to the Fund for Reconstruction of federal institutions went 4 000 500 million pesos for the 2011 budget and seeks to leverage these resources to 20 billion ... *** In Cosoleacaque ... By attending the delivery of support consisting of equipment and supplies to producers of corn in this area affected by floods caused by Hurricane Karl and Tropical Storm Matthew, the secretary of Agricultural Development, Rural, Forestry and Fisheries (Sedarpa), José Tomás Sánchez Carrillo said, on instructions from Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, will follow up the commitments made to the producers of this region of the state ... *** Ok ... On Wednesday 23 March, the Secretary of Government, Lagos Erick Hernandez, his office received a visit from the mayor of Ixhuatlán de Madero, Elías Benítez Hernández, who asked him to convey to the Governor Javier Ochoa Duarte of its request for support efforts of their countrymen to get ahead ... 315 ... *** Xalapa is in the process of recovering its status as a city of flowers thanks to the work of the 315 employees of the Parks and Gardens, said the municipal president, Elizabeth Morales Garcia, to attend the celebration of the Gardener ... *** Performance and dedication to the staff ... area and union leaders led by General Secretary of the Independent Workers' United Front of Parks and Gardens, the mayor acknowledged the performance and dedication shown by staff in these first three months of work, "make the city look prettier and we are recovering the city of flowers "... *** 24 000 ... Veracruz scholarships will go ahead: Javier Duarte de Ochoa. "I want to make a special announcement, endorsing the administration's commitment to lead and say I am honored by the media that these 77 000 fellows through the State System of fellowship, that these 24 000 trainees through PRONABES system and that these fellows thousand elite athletes have not stopped their scholarship through the state government, "said ... ... That *** Okyyyyy Communications Undersecretary Raul Zarrabal said there is no basis to audit the of a thousand bridges administration announced last ... *** Today, today, starts today in Poza Rica ... ORFISA train mayors and aldermen on the management of public resources across the state. For munícipes, treasurers, auditors, internal comptrollers, public works directors and council members are informed about how to manage their finances, the Authority of the State Audit Institutions Veracruz (ORFISA), are summoned to a meeting on 28 and 31 March and the first of April, where they will train in the field of finance and management of public resources ... *** Ffffiuuuu concluded the event ... professionalization of the police patrol programs and departments of the Institute of Police Auxiliary and Wealth Protection for the State of Veracruz (IPAX) in the north, organized by the Office of Human Development by Ignacio Hernández Berruecos. (Digital Exchange) *** Zzzzzzaaaaaa ... Buenos Aires Cabildo unanimously approves Convention FIDE Program, as part of the Trust Fund to Support Energy Savings Program Sector Eléctrico (FIDE) se pretenden instalar cerca de 45 mil luminarias en el municipio de Veracruz, lo anterior logrará disminuir los índices delictivos en colonias porteñas, así lo aseguró Carolina Gudiño… *** Seraaaaaa… Protestas, Carnaval y retenes enloquecieron vialidad en Coatza… *** Gluuup… En operativo en San Andrés Tuxtla, la AVI rescata a una mujer secuestrada; hay tres detenidos. El plagio ocurrió desde el 7 de marzo y desde entonces se realizó la búsqueda… *** Me lleva la que me trajo… Por segunda vez en este mes aumenta el kilo de tortilla a 12 y 14 pesos… *** De las 20:30 a las 21:30… El gobierno de Javier Duarte de Ochoa se joined the international campaign "Earth Hour", promoted by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF, for its acronym in English) to create awareness among people about the effects of climate change ... from 20:30 to 21:30 lights almost all units were turned off, except the areas of health and safety ... *** Shows solidarity ... The president's statement was to state that all state government offices to join this international action, as a shows solidarity in favor of protecting the environment ... The Ministry of Environment called on people to continue implementing simple conservation measures energy, to help care for the environment ... ... *** The actions contemplated by the Government of Veracruz on the agenda as a priority issue of climate change, implementing the appropriate actions in this matter. Thus, both actions will be driven to reduce greenhouse gases and adaptation to change ... *** ... The blackout protection for "Earth Hour", which took place on Saturday, did not include the secretariats of Health and Safety ... Hospitals, health centers and areas dedicated to the protection of citizens, they remained lit for the State Government's intention is to raise awareness climate change, but do not neglect the health or physical integrity or property of Veracruz *** Ojoooooooooo ... ... That will start on Monday from water tandem Xalapa colonies and Mayor Elizabeth Morales said the flow water from the dams are located in Quimixtlán, Puebla, is below 10 percent of normal, forcing to take this step ... *** A roll cenopista ... After holding a working meeting with members of the National Confederation of Popular Organizations in Veracruz, the State Steering Committee Chair of the PRI in Veracruz, Héctor Yunes Landa accompanied by Secretary General Erika Ayala Rivers and the state leader of the CNOP Alejandro Montano Guzman made a tour of the facilities CNOP *** Manual Control ... ... The Supreme Audit Authority of the State of Veracruz (ORFISA), will hold the "Annual Meeting and Orientation Training to Local Authorities 2011, 28 and 31 March and 01 April this year, which will release the "Manual Control", which contains tools, technical and financial accounting for the performance of administrative tasks municipalities ... *** The advertising rates ... At exactly 12:00 midnight of the day, to the president of the Media Commission, Victor Geronimo Caamal Borges and White counselors Castañeyra Chavez Viveros Carolina Garcia, Executive Secretary, Hector Alfredo Roa Morales, certified the completion of the stages of receipt of the documentation relating to fees advertising that can be applied in various forms, for the employment of space aimed at promoting the vote for candidates for elective office during the Extraordinary Elections Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta cover, and that media registered ... ... requires employers Ooozuuuuuuuu *** Comptroller to investigate Fidelity bridges ... Augusto Zamora asked the State Comptroller to investigate this case and act accordingly ... ... Linda Ruby *** Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii will be accountable to the Comptroller, because they tell us that the State Comptroller conducts audits for the Youth Institute of Veracruz and opinion as to whether or not there are irregularities in the management of Linda Ruby Martinez Diaz as head of this body ... Lorena Piñon Rivera, d ice upon arrival found that programs have been operating regularly ... ** * Ooooraaaleeeee ... The State Government will continue with adjustments within the General Directorate of Traffic and Transportation of the State, in order to improve the service that is offered throughout the territory of Veracruz to citizenship, said the Government Secretary Gerardo Buganza Salmeron ... @ quirino.moreno twitter: quirinomq / quirino.moreno

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cost To Post Cd In Uk

* Duarte and Calderon talked about Laguna Verde ...
* Veracruz ranks third place in national migration
* Very active in Congress Pepe Zorrilla Yunez
* Discard CRIVER niños enfermos por nucleoeléctrica
* Instalan en Xalapa la Comisión Municipal de Ecología

Por Quirino Moreno Quiza
Marzo 26 2011

Nuestra solidaridad con Alfonso Salces, ante la pérdida
de su señora madre, Sara Fernández Lavid viuda de Salces

*** Laguna azul… Si bien Laguna Verde no es aquella Laguna Azul de Brooke Shields, la nuestra no es sólo bonita, sino que cumple una función muy específica. Por cierto que hace unos días la visitaron el gobernador Javier Duarte, el secretario de Energía, los directores de la CFE y otros invitados special. Just to talk about it, this Thursday the president met with Veracruz President Felipe Calderon at the official residence of Los Pinos, where they talked about the situation of the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant ...

Veracruz is not Japan *** ... The situation in Laguna Verde takes power after the nuclear crisis in the country as a result of the Asian tsunami that hit coastal areas of the four main islands that make up this powerful nation and has had an impact worldwide, both environmental and health fields, even in the political aspect. In discussing the security of the Laguna Verde, if there is preparation in case of an accident in one of the reactors, and any anomalies that may affect the nearby population. So important was the meeting of President with Governor of Veracruz, it prevents any opportunistic grab the theme to attract reflectors and comment on a matter as delicate as specialized ... *** I

or ... We argue that in the event which was held on 88 Anniversary of the League of Agrarian Communities, back in the refrigerator Acayucan, things got ugly, as the audience, seeing that they are not satisfied with the food they promised, leveled the decorative fruit who was in the presidium ...

*** Why? ... It caused surprise that the death anniversary ceremony of XVII of Luis Donaldo Colosio in the entity held by the PRI class last Wednesday did not mention the name at any time of SLEEP García ...

*** Pure Exhibitionism! .. from Coatzacoalcos have reported that the annual report of the Southern Livestock Union, and deputy leader Jacob Abel Velasco in his report "showed" the brother of Mayor Jorge Baruch Custodio, Soconusco Township, for a claim is settled. Emphasizing that "this is a special case and will shortly be reported." Terribly wrong and deputy leader, is still breathing on the wound by losing the local livestock Soconusco ... *** What bathed hit! .. livestock in the same report Mr. Jacob Velasco Julia Martínez Yepez, DVM, a native of Acayucan, because it stated that "by its wrongdoings as the treasurer had to terminate." What a way to continue BRONCHIAL right? .. *** File

dead ... How is it that several state government agencies have decided to send a dead file holds a lot of unpaid bills; other half paid and others that found in white? .. .

*** Third Place ... The President of the Civil Partnership Advances Veracruz, Alejandro Vázquez Cuevas, met with Mr. Rolando García Alonso, Coordinator for International Relations and Inter Migration Institute ... Veracruz ranks third nationally in migration, in addition to its southern border is a step of undocumented Central Americans and Europeans, as is the municipality of Acayucan. Such situations involve a Veracruz in insecurity, since the "coyotes" and have new types of crime to make the person in question gives them the money they require to pass it to the U.S. ... ***

Conchas ... The Secretary of Government, Erick Lagos Hernandez, served in its offices in Government House, 50 representatives of the Maquiladora workers Sugarcane "La Concepción", located in the municipality of Jilotepec, who yesterday had taken the government offices to demand payment owed . The employees were led by Víctor López Hernández, secretary general of Section 101 of the Trade Union of Workers of the Sugar and Allied Industry in Mexico ... *** Charges ...

published Notice Convergence has convened the militants, supporters, fraternal organizations, citizens and members of political organizations social and non-governmental organizations, indigenous communities and civil society in the municipalities of Jose Azueta Coxquihui and Veracruz State, to participate in the internal process of convergence for the selection and election of candidates for the offices of aldermen members of the municipalities in the state's electoral process of 2011 Special ...

*** On your mark ... THE Electoral Institute General Council regular meeting held Veracruz at the headquarters of the Federal Register of Electors, where he held the first balloting of citizens to serve on the boards of the polling day Election Day May 29 in the municipalities of Coxquihui and José Azueta ... For the city of Coxquihui, a total of 10.088 registered citizens in the roll call were a total of 1.012 randomly selected, of whom 493 were men and 519 women .... Meanwhile, in the municipality of José Azueta, a nominal list consisting of 18.092 people, the system gave a total of 1.836 randomly selected citizens, consisting of 887 men and 949 women ....

*** The list ... The Federal Register of Electors will be delivered no later than March 30, 2011, the National Center for Print, the list of randomly selected citizens in 12 points, sorted alphabetically by electoral district and local the inner city and section election, and the letters inviting candidates to board ... ***

Prevention is better ... The DEM Brigadier General Efren Soriano Aguirre, commander of Military Zone 26 in the region of Xalapa and Lt. Col. Homer Gamboa held a working meeting with the State Coordinator of the Center for Control, Command, Communications and Computer C-4, Arturo Romero Montes de Oca, who endorsed them close coordination with all federal forces and acknowledged delivery in security operations led by Javier Duarte Ochoa governor in the state, thanks to which has failed to protect life and property of all the people of Veracruz. Commander on his visit Soriano Aguirre was able to observe the progress of the 2011 program on crime prevention, anonymous call 089, 066 and emergency response to combat extortion 01,800,398 6774 ...

*** In Mexico City, DF ... The legislature Veracruz José Francisco Yunes Zorrilla participated, in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee on Social Development, in analysis session of the Public Accounts Commission's 2009 Monitoring the ASF, to know the outcome report of the supervisory board and to make assessments as appropriate care in the paragraph of that document ...

*** Ensure transparency in use ... After the meeting, Yunes Pepe joined the regular session in full, up to three initiatives rostrum to present a draft decree to amend sections 5, 30, 41, 80, 81 and 82 of the Social Development Law, with the intention of transparent use of public resources in social programs, expand areas of focus and give greater autonomous powers to the National Evaluation of Social Development Policy ...

*** Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ... The proposals, which include the incorporation of linking broader powers to the states, as well as criteria for selection of members of targeted CONEVAL the neutrality of its members, were welcomed by a full twenty legislators joining the initiative. *** Ok ...

dismisses nuclear CRIVA sick children, noting that there is no scientific evidence to establish that the disability of one hundred children of Alto Lucero, Vega de Alatorre being treated at the CRIVA are related to the proximity of Laguna Verde plant, the agency's director, Abel Gutierrez urged the public and state authorities to provide more grants and support for this center, because it already has problems of liquidity to operate and purchase equipment ...

*** Vaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... 500 million of weights increased the budget this year will be channeled to the agricultural sector in the state, said Undersecretary of Livestock in the state, Francisco Cesar Servin, by releasing the budget approved for this year is 1.200 billion pesos ... ***

Aaaaajaaaaaaaa ... Sefiplan made available to the public REC04 format to meet the requests of owners of vehicles that are current in their payments of tenure, but that do not meet the benefit in having debts in other vehicles who sold without making the change of ownership ... The format is available to taxpayers in any offices of the State Treasury, as well as virtual office of Finance at: . The deadline is March 31 ...

*** Uuuuuzuuuuuu ... The Veracruz Institute for Rural Development and Fisheries (Invederp) perform this 2011 174 million dollars to promote its programs, such as acquisition of agricultural tools, beehives, outboard motors, rolls of wire, rice seed, bean seed, seed corn, temporary employment, equipment, production units, coffee fertilization, support to producers of cattle and planting gardens ...

** * Aaaaazuuuucaaaaarrrrrrr ... The Secretary of Government, Lagos Erick Hernandez, served in their offices at the Government Palace to 50 representatives of the Maquiladora workers Sugarcane "La Concepción", located in the municipality had taken Jilotepec ... administrative offices to demand payment that due. The employees were led by Víctor López Hernández, Secretary General of Section 101 of the Trade Union of Workers of the Sugar and Allied Industry in Mexico ...

*** A tuxpeñita ... "Tuxpan is targeted for the installation of the Technology Park, offer the ground and the necessary facilities for this project innovation and transformation of the economy is built here, "said Mayor Alberto Silva Ramos, in the act of signing the agreement incubation between the City and the Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), which will support enterprising citizens, being Tuxpan spearhead such projects ... ...

*** Curricular Education Secretary, Adolfo Mota Hernández, inaugurated the 1st. Normal Meeting State Education 2011: Teacher training and curriculum reform, where he highlighted the remarkable role of Veracruz regular teachers in their work with educators of children and youth of the entity ...

*** The Field ... By attending on behalf of Governor Ochoa Javier Duarte of the celebration of 88 anniversary of the League of Agrarian Communities and Peasant Syndicates of Veracruz, José Tomás Sánchez Carrillo, Secretary of Agricultural Development , Rural, Forestry and Fisheries (SEDARPA) said that the CNC is the force that moves the field of Veracruz, as they are the foundation and primary food ...

*** From the farmers ... The owner of Sedarpa said the League of Agrarian Communities is a bulwark, banner, strength and spearhead the defense of the interests of farmers, said need to take other attitudes toward the field and thus summoned to see the field differently, building public policies with a clear vocation productive competitiveness and integration ...
Sipiiiiiiii ... As part of the commemoration the 17 anniversary of the death of Luis Donaldo Colosio, the PRI State Executive Committee, headed by its president Héctor Yunes Landa, made a call in her honor to remember their principles and ideals. Accompanying the tri state leader, the president of the Fundación Colosio, Innocent Yáñez Vicencio, Elvia Ruiz Cesáreo Technical Secretariat of State Policy Council, Deputy Carlos Aceves local Amezcua, Diana Santiago Huesca CDM president of the PRI in Xalapa, dozens of militants PRI ...

*** Your commitment ... With the support of the State Government and the social and private sectors, Xalapa takes its commitment to promote economic and social development with a vision of sustainability, said the municipal president Elizabeth Morales García, installing the City Commission of Ecology ...

ties ... ELIZABETH *** Morales stated that the creation of this body will promote urban development sustainable and forward-thinking, which strengthen the links between urban and rural, to the 470 colonies and five congregations achieve an integrated economic and social development.

quirino.moreno @
twitter: quirinomq / quirino.moreno

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where To Buy Glenn Anderson Banner

* The learning-error period of some staff has continued
* Javier Duarte meets with President Felipe Calderón
* Elizabeth Morales refuses to use public force to prevent demonstrations
* Will the rescue of the historic center of the city of Veracruz
* Increased the tables throughout the state is imminent

For Quirino Moreno Maybe
March 23, 2011

*** is true ... that the time-error learning of some staff has been extended and for nearly four months, but some people just do not learn, will not start, no furulan ... Is not it out there where they can begin the changes, which in some cases are truly urgent and necessary? ...

*** But also ... on the premises in which the union with non-duartistas duartistas has generated a short circuit dreadful to do something fast, before they start to come to light today scandals yet been able to contain ... ***

Again ... The governor Javier Duarte Ochoa will meet again with the Mexican president, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, with whom the meeting would agree to discuss the World Water Day to be held in the city Mexico. The appointment is this Wednesday at 11 am ...

*** The best ... After five days of intense activities, Tajin Summit ended with excellent results. White Balance in violence, great economic benefit, more than 500 000 tourists and, last but not least, the visit of different personalities that gave the international flair he needed ...

*** They follow each other's throats ... Eulalio Ríos former mayor and current mayor Fararoni Gómez Gaspar Jimenez, Hueyapan de Ocampo, saying that Eulalio was assaulted at his home and he blames Don Gaspar ... *** Where is the mayor? .. a citizen acayuqueño manifested in the act of homage to 205 civic birthday of Benito Juarez, with a banner which required the presence of the former, Fabiola Vazquez, as he says this guy has become the custom since 2005 (the first time it was municipal president) not to attend such events, are only she and her sister, the former mayor, to the events of pure windowing and abounding chocholeo ... *** Crickets are passed ... Who in the small town of Soconusco, Mayor Jorge Custodio and consanguineous Baruch Baruch implemented Temo name "delegates" in a housing estate called Santa Cruz, as the absence of agent or subagent municipal delegates will ... ***
Ooozuuuuu ... Totonac Indians have lost their land ...
Chicontepec Paleocanal
*** Jiiiiii ... "The Totonacapan not deserve a luxury prison for kidnappers and drug dealers need health centers, schools and sources of employment," said José Jacobo Femat, national leader of the Confederation of Peasant Organizations and Popular ...

COCyP *** Gluuup ... That the Mayor of Papantla, Jesus "Chuchin" Cienfuegos, if you accept that recently received only maintenance of access roads to the Cumbre Tajin ... And several community roads are bad and only justified who are in search of support for repair ...

*** Sshhhhhhh ... That the Mayor of Xalapa, Elizabeth Morales García ruled urge support of the security forces to prevent demonstrations in the city, and therefore reiterated that his administration the emphasis on the dialogue with all groups of citizens ...

*** Mmmmmmmmttttaaaa ... By increasing temperatures and severe drought that is expected in the coming months, the city of Xalapa carry out tandem of water every third day so that all people can have water ...

*** in harmony and respect ... "We are convinced that Veracruz has everything to be the main destination country, as Tuxpan and its surroundings, which contain unique wealth that must be harnessed to generate employment positions in harmony and respect for the natural environment," said Governor Javier Duarte de Ochoa, opening with his wife Karime Macias Duarte world-class hotel Tajin Isla River & Beach Resort in the port ...

Tuxpeño Veracruz *** thriving ... The mayor Alberto Silva Ramos, to welcome, said: "These windows, walls and floors of this new hotel, are a reflection of the successful Veracruz that drives our governor Javier Duarte and now allows Tuxpan has the best hotel in Veracruz "... Extraordinary ***

organization ... The first authority of the municipality reported that with the completion of the highway Mexico-Tuxpan and Tampico Tuxpan instruments will lead to Tuxpan and north to its full development ... On behalf of the government and people of Tuxpan, congratulated the President of the Board of the State DIF, Karime Macias Duarte, by the extraordinary success and organization of the edition number 12 of the big party Totonac, Cumbre Tajin 2011 ...

*** Wooowww ... Members of the "Civil Association Pico de Orizaba "since last Wednesday left without potable water service to 800 residents in five colonies, by pleading no resources to afford to pay the operator for valves and maintain the network to operate erratically ...

** * Joooooooooo ... Will the rescue of the historic center of the city of Veracruz, where they are investing in the rehabilitation of various properties, but seek to extend the budget through the Inter-American Development Bank ...

weeeeeeee *** In other places ... Today begins the First Congress of Parents Municipal, where internationally renowned speakers will guide parents to have a good communication with their children, announced the seventh councilor of the municipality of Boca del Rio, Maria Cristina Arroyo ...

*** Oooojooooo ... Plagia armed group accused of the

Choapas ... ... Lift *** Ssiiiiiiiiiiiiii three armed men Cosoleacaque, says it was a religious leader, a taxi driver surnamed Barrientos and former Transit element State, who were probably raised by a heavily armed commando that was traveling in a pickup truck Monday morning on the street Young Heroes and Heroes Totoapan of the colony F. Gutiérrez ...

*** Vaaaaaaaaa ... Former employees of Section 50 of STPRM based in Paraiso, Tabasco, for 13 days began a march to Mexico City on Monday, passing by Coatzacoalcos, denounced alleged corruption and complicity that prevails between Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the oil union led by Carlos Romero Deschamps ...

*** Ooooooraaaaaleeeeeeee ... Demand the Aquarium of Veracruz meet Marine project ...

Tecolutla *** Claman Ooooozuuuuuuu ... more surveillance Veracruz farmers to curb cattle rustling SSP ...

*** Up and up the tortilla ... As of yesterday kilogram of tortilla costs 15 pesos, because this day also Maseca flour increased the thousand 300 pesos per ton price of flour, so the statewide increase is imminent ...

*** Excelenteeeeeeeee ... Knowing that Judge Glen Emma Rodriguez was honored by the Faculty of UV Law, for his outstanding career as a scholar and director of that institution. Attending the event were the Chief Justice of Justice, Judge Alberto Sosa ... The president of the UV Lovillo Raul Arias, President of the State Congress, Congressman Eduardo Andrade Sánchez, as well as judges of the state judiciary, public officials, alumni and family of the honoree ...

siiiiiiiiii *** Ooooh ... that saw the Electoral Institute General Council for the Electoral Process Veracruz Special to be held in the municipalities of Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta, CDE President of the PRI in Veracruz, Héctor Yunes, which said the Revolutionary institution is committed to working for the electoral process is conducted peacefully and respect, while ratifying their confidence the legality and impartiality of the Electoral Institute Veracruz ...

*** Brogan ... That the General Council of the IEV, Special Session of the General Council approved the agreement for determining the ceiling of expenses that can dispense the pre-campaign Political parties and coalitions during the election process Extraordinary, resulting in the municipality of Coxquihui $ 28,569.26 and $ 52,140.81 Joseph Azueta ...

*** Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta ... In this session, approved the public calls that start the procedure for integrate the Municipal Councils to be installed in the Electoral Process in the municipalities Extraordinary of Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta and calls by which invites citizens wishing to participate in the special election process, election workers as trainers or supervisors-training in each municipality ...

*** The Ojon ... It also approved the public notice inviting Mexican citizens and civil organizations to participate as electoral observers in the Special Electoral Process held in the municipalities of Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta ...

*** First and second balloting ... As another item of the day, held the draw for the calendar month and letter of alphabet as a basis for carrying out the procedures of the first and second balloting of citizens to serve on the polling stations on election day, being drawn in September, and people whose first name starts with the letter J ...

*** Media Monitoring ... Also, were submitted to the General Council and approved, Guidelines and Methodology for the operation and development of program monitoring media for the electoral process by-elections of municipalities and Joseph Azueta Coxquihui 2011, it will be in charge of the Social Communication Department, starting one day after the installation of the General Council and ending on the day of the elections of May 29 ...

*** mountain areas ... That the Secretary of the Environment in Veracruz, Victor Alvarado, said they are prepared for this dry season and wildfires ... assured that closely monitor the mountain regions and the valleys of the Cofre de Perote and Pico de Orizaba, in which work closely with the Department of Civil Protection ... These
*** ... The Ministry of Communications of Veracruz rescheduled the dates that the "Red Dragon" will serve in the municipalities Veracruz that require it, including Boca del Rio, so the delay in the resurfacing program began, said the mayor of Boca del Rio, Salvador Manzur Díaz ... This year there are plans to repave 35 colonies of Boca del Rio, said the munícipe boqueño ...

*** Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Social Development Secretary, Marcelo Montiel, denied that the resources of the Natural Disaster Fund (Fonden) will be handing out and the town of Sheep Pass is not entered. He reported that are still under review all the damages and it is unclear how much will the resources ...

*** This past March 17, the mayor of Sheep Pass, Adolfo Jesus Ramirez announced that 7000 hectares to be occupied for agriculture affected by Hurricane Karl, a water treatment plant, a trail and bridge pedestrian were completely destroyed, affecting 15 people and that the Fund does not provide the municipality ... Given this, Marcelito clarified that it will begin the management of resources ...

*** The media ... Parents should be more involved in the education of their children and not abandon them and leave this responsibility to third parties and the media have been in the growth process of children and young people, said senior lecturer in education and author, Angela Marulanda ... He said that the influence of the media has been negative for the younger generation, because they have learned to glorify violence, evil and negative ... *** In guevaaaaaaa

... Congresswoman Rementería Ainara known about the loss of dunes Chachalacas the sale of ejidos ...

quirino.moreno @
columnarepechaje @ gmail . com
twitter: quirinomq / quirino.moreno

Monday, March 21, 2011

Can I Give My 3 Month Old Anbesol

* Tajin Summit Concludes 2011 with over 500 thousand visitors
* There are state officials who are far from helping the governor
* Much anger among the people by the bad roads Xalapeños
* Prepare the PRI tribute to Luis Donaldo Colosio
* The State DIF give full support to indigenous artisans and children

For Quirino Moreno Maybe
March 22, 2011

*** And they gave us ten and eleven ... And at the Cumbre Tajin we do not find the moon, but we got to 500 thousand visitors in this very important Festival of Identity, which began on 17 and ended just yesterday in the town of Papantla. The event was attended by Governor Javier Duarte de Ochoa, his wife, Mrs. Karime Macias Duarte, and a host of personalities, who lived with the thousands of tourists who were enjoying family and generated income for Veracruz in that region ...

*** A charge ... The problem of governing with very questionable associates is that there comes a time in which the ruler has to bear the bad reputation of those who would actually help and not hinder ... ***

Paaaa suuuuu ... And those officials should have questioned the sensitivity and dignity to resign their respective positions in the state, at least to clarify the statements of those accused in his previous assignments ... ***

Cynics ... In fact, state officials far from helping the governor Duarte Ochoa, leaves the impression that they are seeking immunity-impunity for their actions in previous administrations cuestionadísimas ... In addition, there are others who are cynical and think, think, and to state that come to fund ... since they have also said that thanks to them, in this or that region, the PRI won the last election ...

*** To see pa 'when ... Well, there is much anger among the inhabitants Xalapeños by the bad roads that seen in several arterial roads, but especially in and out of the capital to Veracruz, and vice versa, where there are real pitfalls in recent months have caused a number of caroms of cars entering and leaving at an average speed and suddenly find themselves with caps caused by trailers or trucks ... Y. .. while not done the issuance of Xalapa, you have to propose a temporary solution, which would be related to signalized from the height of the Golf Club, coming to the capital and redesigning the entrance to the mall the Americas and nearer, the Animas mall ... in addition to other disclosures that should be more fluid broader and marked ... ***

Aplausoooos ... Most interesting intervention by the papanteca Concepción López, back in his homeland during the celebration of International Women's Day where he spoke of his experiences as a businesswoman and the choices women have in this field action ... In fact, his words tell us that raised the event that aplausómeto of Papantla ... *** Remembering

Colosio ... On the seventeenth anniversary of the death of Luis Donaldo Colosio, the PRI State Executive Committee and subsidiary Veracruz Colosio Foundation, have organized for Wednesday 23, major activities to political honor the memory of Sonora, at 10.00 mounted a guard of honor at the monument located in Pino Suarez and Bremont, in this capital city. At 17.30 pm in the auditorium Jesus Reyes Heroles, CDE PRI, will be held the conference "Work and Legacy of Colosio."

*** The mejorcito ... Governor Ochoa Javier Duarte said the Cumbre Tajin Festival 2011 has been the best in its history, as it exceeded all expectations in both attendance and in the organization, quality of artists tourism promotion, economic benefit and cultural promotion. The Veracruz governor said the purpose of Cumbre Tajin is able to express with pride what the people of Veracruz, the wealth so important that means to us, our culture, our art, our being to live, and I think we accomplished the goals. " ..

*** The house ... In order to give appropriate follow-up to the attention of various organizations, associations and unions, on instructions from the Chief Executive of the State, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, this day, was seen in the room together the Secretary of Government, the Power Workers' Union Executive Veracruz State, headed by its Secretary General, Juana Consuelo Méndez Vázquez. Erick Lagos also said one of the most important priorities and tasks of the government program is to give humane care to all guilds that have been formed in the state, but especially the union of workers in the Executive Branch to comply fully with the service ... Who said

*** mello ... The PRI is not afraid of the alliance of the PAN-PRD, as these parties only going to show the public the poverty and lack of ideology, not having a defined project or engagement, said Anabel Ponce Calderon, leader of ONMPRI in Veracruz. The local legislator, said that ideology is what gives support to a government project and their opinion is they do not have opposition parties. "We are not to alliances ... I feel the triumphs they have made, are triumphs that sooner or later it will show the public the poverty of ideology and lack of government program, because there can be solid at what they are playing "... *** Support

Indians ... Karime Macias Duarte said yesterday that "the State DIF give full support to indigenous artisans and the children are our greatest treasure is the family that we work every day with objective of giving a better quality of life. " He said that the Festival of Identity, Cumbre Tajin has been a resounding success, hundreds of families have participated in different attractions offered this annual celebration and the security and peace of mind you deserve Veracruz and visitors from other parts of the country. "This summit represents an important economic flow and give a better standard of living for this entire region, not only showed their beautiful, but the whole culture that represents the Totonac people, in the state" ... There was

*** other ... For the Mexican Alliance of Social Organisations (AMOS), Carlos Pascual's resignation as U.S. ambassador in Mexico, it's just a relief for both governments need to maintain and facilitate that country's interference in the affairs our nation's internal. The loss of confidence of President Felipe Calderón to Pascual, it was the cause but that basically means keeping the Mexican submission. *** Cover the eye of the male? .. From our perspective, this movement was only to "cover his eye on the male", once Wikileaks announced that the representative of that country thought about how public servants operate the ministries of National Defense, Navy Public Safety and the war on drugs, including some of the issues that were published, which would have generated disagreements in the Mexican cabinet ...

*** Oraaaaleeeee ... In a formal ceremony within a climate of harmony was the restructuring of the Club of Journalists delegation Veracruz AC Three Valleys, which served as a meeting of journalists in the region to be reporters from various media Papaloapan Basin. Mayor Carlos Cordova, in his speech showed love and respect for those who are engaged in communication and external: "Rather than make a note the main objective is to keep you informed throughout society in a truthful and timely work that must be recognized, because without you we would be a society devoid of information on what is happening to our daily lives "...

*** The party of merit and ... Alejandro Vázquez Cuevas, calls for the PAN to unite around the symbol of National Action, "do not come with hypocrisy and say I do not rule out for the senate", but my goal is to one side when we see a party "and merit" because since 2004, merit and we will win the governorship. All nominations are welcome and should be within a democratic process as it is lived in the PAN. " "Next year marks another momentous electoral and Veracruz is one of the States that contributes most votes, we owe it to win, do hereby call upon all who will be candidates to form a circle of unity and less rivalry "...

*** The meritorious ... During the commemoration of the 205th anniversary of the birth of Father of the Americas, Benito Juárez García, governor of Ochoa Javier Duarte said:" Living in a rule of law is to live with order, certainty, security, and is also to have the best guarantee for peace. " In the extension November 20 Cedar Street corner of this city, attended by Mayor Alfredo Gandara Vazquez Andrade and Joaquin Guzman, the United Grand Lodge of Mexico, AC, Bush endorsed the ideology Juarez Veracruz: "We reaffirm our commitment to comply and enforce the law, to exercise an honest government and delivery, a government act in order, to avoid improvisation and render good accounts "...

*** Example to follow ... Staff Veracruz Institute of Sport , headed by general director Rafael Cuenca Reyes, paid tribute and honor guard mounted Don Benito Juarez, as part of civic action and recovery so that the sports facilities of the IVD is called "Laws of Reform." The general director of the Veracruz Institute of Sport said the life and work of Don Benito Juárez has extended until today and no doubt will being an example for future generations ...

quirino.moreno @
twitter: quirinomq / quirino.moreno

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Orange Find Out Balance 2010

* Strange Veracruz roadblocks
* Javier Duarte Meets with President of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom
* Stops AVI former mayor of Fortin de las Flores
* Cumbre Tajin 2011 exceeded attendance expectations will create
* technology cluster in the region of Totonacapan

For Quirino Perhaps Moreno
March 21, 2011

*** What was that? Yes ... road blocks to Veracruz last Saturday are really strange ... group seemed more protests against the Army, Navy and federal forces in general, citizens ... Something strange happened with that ... We'll see ... Those who had to busting out the show for hours parked on the roads, we read the various signs, never really understood what it was ... But there were roads blocked by only 8 people holding hands, blocking thousands of motorists ... ***
Spring Summit ... At the beginning of spring, the Cumbre Tajin was filled with light, color and energy. Good vibes more than 50 000 attendees Miguel Bosé concert broadcast to those who organize this great festival that is slowly gaining a place at international level. And is that all State Government agencies, as directed by Javier Duarte Ochoa, have played their part in this event. Security, for example, is superb; the places to visit are clean and that speaks of a good organization. Congratulations to those who make this event possible ... ***
Summit leaders summit ... and if left untreated, this morning, Governor Javier Ochoa Duarte will meet again with President of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom, whom he invited to enjoy the Festival of Identity. Of course the American president did not think twice and came to know the history and traditions of Totonac culture. The meeting will be in the city of Xalapa, and discuss trade relations between Guatemala and Veracruz ...

*** Change set! Have you seen the Palace of Government is changing its image and is changing from red and green painted pistachio ... *** 205 years ... He was born March 21 1806 in San Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca, and will honor him this day, Don Benito Juarez Garcia who studied philosophy, but as his vocation always leaned toward the law, he joined the Institute of Arts and Sciences, receiving in 1833 a law degree. Benito Juárez held positions of alderman of the City of Oaxaca, Finance and Civil Judge, Deputy Local Government Secretary, Governor of Oaxaca and President of the Republic ... Laws designed to transcend our borders, to the extent that was why they were called "Hero of the Americas" ... *** A Poza ... Something else is changing are the events of the birth of Benito Juárez, same as the governor, would not the first time in the Parque Juarez but in the city of Poza Rica ... And here the mayor could lead the jalapeño, Elizabeth Morales ... ***
Zuuuuuuuuu ... In the absence of an agreement between the City of Chinameca and employees regarding wage increase, on April 5 could burst municipal workers' strike, as they requested 15% increase of wages and direct 7% in performance, basket and five-year and group life insurance, said the leader of the employees ...

*** Jeeeee ... Members of the Peasant Torch organization expressed confidence about the talks that the Governor of the State , Javier Duarte, will this day in Ministry of the Economy for, inter alia, discuss the loan request through the intermediary of SAE to the agency for the acquisition of the square located in front of the Abastos ...

*** A tuxpeñita, sickly ... Al the results of the survey being conducted in the two major works that ran the previous administration that presided Juan Ramón Ganem, one that was finished and the other in the process, the current administration in coordination with state authorities are integrating the complaint will be presented to relevant bodies for the mega fraud of more than 36 million pesos ... ***

Zaaaaaaaazzzzz ... SIMEV Masters loans require IPE and planted in front of the premises ...
*** In all the world ... The former mayor of Fortin de las Flores in the period 1995-1997, Caramon Joaquin Rafael Morales, was arrested by Veracruzana Research Agency (AVI) and pursuant to a warrant, entered the medium security prison in Amatlán La Toma de los Reyes, to be claimed by the Third Court of First instance, for the crime of fraud proceedings, against the City of Fort, in the administration of Ángel Sánchez Rincón ...

*** Permanent surveillance ... Three days after initiating the Cumbre Tajin Festival 2011, the Ministry of Health maintains constant surveillance on all food outlets installed inside and outside the Takilhsukut Theme Park, to ensure the health of visitors and tourists ... ***

hands ... The Directorate Against Health Risks sampling done daily living surfaces of the hands of food handlers to verify that indeed are clean and if not, at that very moment it is recommended to ensure hygiene and cleanliness diners in the area selling food ...
hygiene kit ... Each establishments have been given a hygiene kit ionized silver has a cubrepelo and masks, and avoid contamination of food handlers, are also being performed chlorine residual monitoring to verify that the water they are consuming and preparing the food is thoroughly disinfected ...

*** Gold ... Personal Secretary of Health and Sanitary District # 3 of Poza Rica also conducts lectures to food handlers throughout the surrounding area and are continuing delivering the 10 Golden Rules of Food Management and colloidal silver to disinfect water, fruits and vegetables ...

*** Diarrhea ... So far there have been complaints or reports regarding any contamination of food, but all people who come to the information modules are encouraged to if they feel sick or have some sort of diarrheal disease, immediately notify to go to verify the establishment could be closed ...

*** From showers ... Similarly, the bathrooms are being monitored area theme park, especially in the areas of internal and showers external areas of the camp, where chlorine and antibacterial gel delivery and soaps to all who stay ... also supervises all food handlers installed throughout the archaeological zone to the entrance of

Theme Park *** A distance learning offer ... After signing a cooperation agreement for the creation of a technology cluster in Totonacapan region, the general director of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Bustamante Yoloxóchitl Ten reported that they provide a range of distance learning, in addition to the Research Centre will address issues in the region and the Gulf of Mexico ... It will act on issues that are of interest to the entire region and that will also connect what's there with opportunities to develop innovation and business formation ...

*** El Tajin, mpio. Papantla ... In his third day, the Cumbre Tajin Festival 2011 exceeded expectations and the flow was increased by Miguel Bosé concert, said the director Solomon Bazbaz Lapidus, who said he sold out Saturday. ***

Ssshhhhhhhh ... Bazbaz said the economic flow approximated by Cumbre Tajin 2011 will exceed 120 million pesos for the whole region, because all the tourist infrastructure is at 100 percent, from Nautla, Gutierrez Zamora, Tecolutla , Papantla, Poza Rica, and Tuxpan Tihuatlán ...

*** Several institutions ... In an interview, the CEO of Cumbre Tajin said that this festival involves various cultural institutions such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian, various government institutions, as the Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI), National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), National Council for Culture and Arts (Conaculta) among many others ...

*** Po'siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Finally, Solomon Bazbaz stressed that what happens in Cumbre Tajin not happen anywhere in the world, so we are an international example, "because things are done well and everything is reflected in benefits for the region Totonac" ...
*** ... A hundred days of his government, the state ruler said Ochoa Javier Duarte no change in the cabinet, so it will remain the same political actors, the executive said so in Cordoba state to lead the delivery of public clean trucks patrols and furniture for schools in the city ...

*** Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyy ... Members of various civic organizations in the area metropolitan requested the intervention of the Secretary of the Navy to the rescue of mangrove Boca del Rio, the last stronghold of biodiversity in the metropolitan area that allows the reproduction of species, while water filters ...

*** In Mexico City City ... As part of an appreciation for the great boost tourism Eliuth the mayor has given Cervantes Ramírez Catemaco, in addition to publicly acknowledge the facilities extended to the completion of the staging of the play "La Llorona" in the last festival of the "First Friday of March, the mayor was invited as catemaqueño groomsmen in celebrating 10 years of this magnificent piece of theater ...

*** The first actress Silvia Pinal ... Note that in this important event which took place in the theater "Diego Rivera" also served as matron of honor the secretary general of the Association of Actors (ANDA), the first actress Silvia Pinal, who applauded the huge boost to tourism development Eliuth Mayor Cervantes is giving to the municipality, also thanked the support the city of Catemaco is offering Mexican actors and actresses, allowing demonstrate the art and culture, besides offering all and sundry shows first class free, exalting and promoting both Catemaco and the region ...

tuxtleca *** Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... The event was attended by the secretary general of the association of broadcasters, Rosalia Baun, municipal tourism director, David Brizuela Hernández, representatives of various national media as Televisa, Univision, TV Azteca, Reforma, El Universal, Notimex, among other personalities ...

*** Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Guillermo Herrera Mendoza acknowledged that 50 percent of companies developers who defaulted on the past administration of the state government received contracts of this dependence, more than 16 for the construction of bridges and the remainder for the construction of highways and rural roads ...

*** Aaaaa cabarets ... Ivan Lopez CANACINTRA test purchases from foreign suppliers ...
*** ... 200 carriers of the trade organizations CTM-CROC-CNOP blocked the road, known as Navy-wide access road entering and leaving the port of Coatzacoalcos, the problem arises after the company stopped making Multiver hiring unions who performed the work load-carrying ships to the warehouses or silicon ...

*** Oooooraaaaaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... Revenge of the former mayor of Texistepec, Saul Reyes, the whole town is suffering and primarily those of the communities where roads are in poor condition and have been aware that this with the approval of his council, without the approval of Congress local, sold the machinery owned by the municipality, including trucks, to leave without working tools to the new administration headed Anzalmetti Myrna Gutierrez, leaving a debt greater than 8 million pesos ...

*** A Fidelina ... Now knows that the former governor Fidel Herrera Beltran gives good time to participate in academic activities, both in the U.S. and London, while maintaining the slope of the country's political whims. This is what the column says Temple, the Reforma newspaper: "Like bees around honey and several former governors walk around the brand leader tricolor, Humberto Moreira. It is known that those who do not leave him alone asking a bone, sorry a little hole in your team are the Veracruz, Fidel Herrera, Ulises Ruiz of Oaxaca and Tamaulipas Eugenio Hernández. In fact, this desire to revive the political scene were leading Hernandez to visit the other day his successor, Egidio Torre, asking to speak with Moreira and convince him to integrate PRI CEN. So Eugene is not got no hands ...

Duarte *** Jjjjjmmmmm ... Requests the head of the SCT the rehabilitation of roads surrounding the Laguna Verde plant ...

*** Sssshhhhh ... No constructor admits to being among the 156 employers surveyed, said by the president of the Builders Association of the State of Veracruz (ACEVAC), Rafael Núñez Landa ...

*** Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ... FONDEN does not include the reconstruction of infrastructure in Sheep Pass, Mayor complains ...

*** Mmmmmmmmmmmmmttaaaaa ... About 3 thousand indigenous people marched in the main avenue to access Tajin archaeological zone in order to require federal and state authorities will slow the process of construction and privatization in protected areas ...

*** Aaaaazuuuuul ... Began Alejandro Vázquez Cuevas "Dialogues of Veracruz" with members of foundations, HB hotel in this capital city, the Civil Partnership ... Advances Veracruz *** Del IPN

... that the state government knows that education is the key to a prosperous future, because the mission is to educate, to balance the opportunities progress in the regions of the state, most notably that of Totonacapan, said the governor Javier Duarte Ochoa to sign with the director general of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Yoloxóchitl Bustamente Diez, an agreement for the creation of a technology cluster in this county ...
tools ... the state ruler said that the establishment of this new education facility expands the space demanded by the Veracruz, the aim is to train not only young, but about the tools to deal successfully with life ... He recalled that the Congress, as federal deputy, was actively involved to obtain resources for the realization of this project of great impact for the region ...

quirino.moreno @
twitter: quirinomq / quirino.moreno