Víctor Hugo Hernández / Sent
Chicomuselo, Chiapas. October 15, 2010. On 12 October this year, about 3,000 activists of the Emiliano Zapata Peasant Organization-CNPA OCEZ member of the Coordination of Autonomous Organizations of the State of Chiapas. (COAECH). And a member of the National Liberation Movement (MLN) in this population marched to protest against the exploitation of natural resources (mining).
Under the race day and 518 years of English invasion, the March to protest against the transnational BlackFire, well then go and slogans in the main streets of this town, and demanded that the government requested clarification of the murder of Roblero Abarca, who was assassinated on November 27, 2009 by assassins paid by the company. Mariano was a social activist against mining in Chicomuselo.
By questioning the leader of the CNPA OCEZ, Joachim Wilmar Lopez, on the march said, when asked. What are the reasons again this movement, the march on October 12 Chicomuselo today, "race day." Look for the government, for the official part, this day is the day of the race, for us, not the race day is the day of looting, is the day of the invasion of the English in Latin America, is the day of the foreign invasion of our people, that day was swept away, killed, kidnapped and subjected to our people, wiped out their culture with their language all that part of our cultural history and brought and imposed another culture, this twelfth day, the mobilization is given in this framework and present in this town of Chicomuselo because it was a town where there has been a process of resistance against looting of our natural resources, as they are now in other municipalities in this state of Chiapas, the mobilization of this twelfth day in this part of the 12 places here in Chicomuselo, precisely because the process of resistance will not stop, we learned that the company won an injunction BlackFire and we will not allow to take a step, not only BlackFire but any company that wants to try to get to Chicomuselo. We will not allow, this is an agreement we agreed upon among the peoples and communities and is, in this sense is based mobilization today conducted peacefully in this town of Chicomuselo.
The role of the federal government in this state and the mining BlackFire what is it? Watch us entry, we welcome the state government's position, of the performance that made the withdrawal of here, of course we welcome this decision by the government, but the state government has nothing to do with the grant, the grant is federal, ie, if they gain the shelter there is a risk that once again return to Chicomuselo and well, the federation will say that we will allow entry of more multinational corporations, plundering of our natural resources and biodiversity in this county and our municipalities.
Almost a year after the murder of Roblero Abarca, November 27, there are threats against the pastor of the church here and there Chicomuselo in the sights of the BlackFire other leaders, what is the position of the organizations? Wilmar Joachim said on this subject of mining, fighting not one, the fight is for all, we believe that there are not only Chicomuselo a process of resistance of our organization, but of all organizations and in that sense our fullest solidarity with those who have been harassed and of course we too have been being harassed by the companies, however we will not be intimidated Victor Hugo, we believe this is a just struggle of our communities and our people and we will defend at the expense of our own death even if necessary.
In this march the bulk of the people of this county, the rest are from other municipalities and commissions was agreement on the march.
You wonder how something more Joachin? I would say to communities is not against the people, this struggle, we are in favor of communities in favor of the noblest rights of communities, of people in defense of the environment, which is now good important issue, not statewide but worldwide and we are good in that fight, continue defending the rights they deserve the communities and our people, something happens
Joachin We Have not thought radicalize its position if not want to go the BlackFire? Right now, we know who won an injunction, we struggle is peaceful and it is possible to close Chicomuselo, if this is opposed to putting what will follow, but will to be the consensus with the communities because there is no break with that part of the respect our people, not mining, whether to life.
They called all the ejidos and communities, social organizations, indigenous, peasant and popular, to the churches of the poor to build together this process of social movement in defense of national sovereignty.
The country needs us, calls us to fulfill this part of history because we are confident that with us the brave spirit of the heroes who left us this country, of Hidalgo, Morelos, Villa el bravo north of Zapata, Bolivar, Sandino and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. So
himself argued against the use of electronic cards that the government tries to impose through the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) the steady rise of fuels that raise prices of transport, tortilla, and the basket.
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