One factor contributing to the decline of the contemporary church is the concern with the image and influence. The wrong idea of \u200b\u200bwinning people to Christ but winning for the world first is the worst philosophy. To suggest that Christians should try to make unconverted sinners are comfortable with the Christian message is fatal. Point as is, making the church a non-threatening place where unbelievers feel they naturally belong, not to torment those who are not Christians, instead of confronting her unbelief in the world to make friends rather than kept separate.
All this sounds very nice, warm and friendly this post-modern generation, but not the strategy for evangelism that has given us in Scripture. In fact, it is completely incompatible with sound doctrine. Is a form of engagement with the world. Santiago called spiritual adultery (James 4: 4).
There are several effects of this type of evangelism and doctrinal approach, for example, preaching has been replaced by entertainment, the truth has been displaced by the skepticism. Is attractive court with the world, but the Word of God says: "Do not be surprised if the world hates you" (I John 3: 13) And Jesus said: "The world ... hates me because I testify of it, their deeds are evil "(John 7: 7).
The apostle Paul would not have patience for such tactics. He never sought to win the world through intellectual acceptance, personal popularity, image, social status, reputation or the like. He wrote: "we have become so far as the scum of the earth, the disposal of all" (I Corinthians 4: 13).
Charles Spurgeon said: "We want again to Luther, Calvin, Buyans, Whitefields fine men to mark eras, whose names sow terror in the ears of our enemies. We have a desperate need for them. Where do you come to us? They are the gifts of Jesus Christ to the church, and will come in due time. He has the power to give us back a golden year of preachers, once so rich and powerful ministries divine as was the Puritan time, and when the good old truth once again is preached by men whose lips are touched as a live coal altar, this should be the instrument in the hand of the Spirit to bring a large and deep revival religion on earth. I do not seek other means of converting men beyond the simple preaching of the gospel and ears open for men to listen. The moment the church of God despise the pulpit, God will despise her. "
The timing of any church out to make friends with the world, the church puts itself at enmity with God (James 4: 4).
People are being misguided by the example of some of the leaders of the church. They are buying the disappointment of that faithfulness to the Word of God is optional. Moreover, as biblical preaching continues decline, ignorance of Scripture grows. That exacerbates every problem that comes from the decline of discernment, and the disaster cycle continues.
Christians must learn that we can not help but be an insult to the world and still remain faithful to the gospel. The Gospel is inherently offensive. Christ is offensive to unbelievers. He is an affront to everything that is in error. Is an insult to all those who reject the truth. He is a "stone of stumbling, and a rock fall, because stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were intended" (I Peter 2: 8).
Authentic Christianity always
recognized that truth can not be changed. The word of God is forever established in heaven (Psalm 119: 89). Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13: 8). God does not change (Malachi 3: 6). Truth is not temporary, flexible and adaptable.
When the church loses its commitment to the inflexibility of the truth, it loses its will to discern. Spoils the precise theology, morality and behavior requires accurate. Right thinking and right living demand a careful discipline and an unyielding commitment to the truth. Discernment does not survive in an atmosphere of doctrinal confusion. Not survive where tolerate relativism. And it can not survive if we engage with the world.
This article tells us a great truth: if we are true Christians will have the reward, but if we are lukewarm we spewed from his mouth. In that group we want to be? My hope and prayer is that we are with Christ (in the first group). Blessings.
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