This Oct. 2 42 years met the slaughter perpetrated by the PRI government against thousands of students, young academics and polytechnics, students, housewives, intellectuals, workers, were killed with impunity by members of the police and the Mexican army.
The orders drawn by the elite a traitor to Mexico, seeking to silence for ever the struggle for justice and democracy. The massive marches of more than 700 thousand and 800 thousand students, workers, housewives and office workers who took more than three or four hours to reach the Zócalo from the Anthropology Museum, are still present and fresh in the memory of those who participated actively and quietly formed fence along the road to watch them go and give their support.
Some studies indicate that about 15,000 rounds were fired (official figure), 8,000 military personnel from several prominent bodies in action, 300 armed means between tanks, armored vehicles and jeeps media with machine guns. All this to suppress a peaceful demonstration by the old procedure of military provocations in civilian infiltrators among the protesters, they answer military uniform.
The result was not less than 700 wounded, an undetermined number of deaths that some say was 300, many of whom were probably thrown into the ocean from military planes, 5,000 students arrested, some tortured and false shot and 300 of them remained in jail until the amnesty of 1971.
today as 42 years ago, the struggle for democracy and the rebelliousness of youth and student movement, is a warning to the government that your system is outdated, that the ideals they fought in the revolution were abandoned to accommodate the principles of an elite in power, showing that country has become uneven and full of contradictions, is the struggle of the Diaz Ordaz selling the image, as it does today Calderón, not only foreigners but to nationals of that progress and development are changing in Mexico, censorship of any criticism against the resistance of young students who were beginning to see the dangers of a government almost absolute, with the presidential figure untouchable and unchangeable.
On October 2, 1968, the student movement awakened a dormant society which had been concerned only live a phantom reality in a country where nothing happens, a combative reality, confronting state violence, fighting with the most important weapon that had the youth of that time, his indomitable spirit to achieve a Mexico with Justice and Democracy to sensitize the general population of oppression in which we live.
The young blood is still fresh and full of pain, recognize their immeasurable contribution to the struggle to achieve a more egalitarian country, with more democracy and justice.
Because the color of blood never to forget! For Fatherland, justice and democracy! Fraternally
Fermin Carreno Melendez National Patriotic Union Leader
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