Friday, May 6, 2011

Emblemas Ragnarok De Super Mario


David Garcia holds a degree in History from the University of Malaga. Until his leap into politics has been Professor of Geography, History various institutes. At the political level has been a leader of the Socialist Youth of Malaga and has worked in the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalucía. He is currently a councilor in the City of Manchester by the Socialist Party.
For those who do not know who is David Marquez? I
Malaga 29, professor of geography, history and momentarily being devoted to local politics, particularly in the city of Malaga and in the next election is in the lists of the Socialist Party for the municipality of Alhaurín de la Torre.

David Marquez decided to enter politics and chose just the PSOE?
not entered politics, and then look for the PSOE, but first I am a socialist and that makes it into politics. My connection to the PSOE comes from many years ago when I joined the Young Socialists. However, I have always had a leftist ideology and that may have influenced my family to see my family always an awareness of class work to improve society and why I chose the Socialist Party.

Despite his youth, he takes some time in politics, what is more has surprised you?
The truth is that many things have surprised me. What I like is that since I council people tells me their problems and trust me to try to solve and I like that. And the negative side, failure to solve these problems. And since the opposition does not have the mechanisms to resolve it.

What makes you different to politics?
course illusion because it did not. And also something that happens over time that is youth. Provide youth, being the youngest city councilor is a good thing, because my view of things the city is not the same as that of someone who is 68 years. A closer look at the younger, more accessible, more open ...

usually always listen to the political class doing a critique of the opposing parties, so I ask this time a self-criticism. What has gone wrong for his party losing power in Malaga?
There are things we have done wrong to levels of political strategy not being able to transmit citizenship to those things we think are doing wrong in Malaga, we have not managed to communicate well those ideas and projects we have for the city While we were unable to unmask the ruling Popular Party in Malaga has an image of friendliness of the Tower, but beyond that kindness, that's very superficial and basically not working as expected ...

I'm not asking for the Partido Popular and if its For
party have not been able to reach the public

What does the PSOE Malaga to Malaga that makes it different from other political parties?
offer a very strong candidate with a very psoitivo thinking and a different project for the city of Malaga. We know the PP project in Malaga in the past 16 years. Our project is real and credible. And above all, a project that is based on job creation, given that our city is the second most unemployment rate in Spain and also a city that bet on a culture that is not only a slogan and also green city. Malaga is a city with less green space per citizen.

Nationally, almost five million unemployed, corruption scandals in the major political parties ... Why no clear answers from political parties to corruption? What measures would you propose to end corruption? Why does it always tends to "and you most?
The issue of corruption is one of the worst evils that exist in politics that is causing more people to distance themselves from politics. And I took five months to be political, I think politics is a good thing. When one believes that politics does not work is when approaching other ideologies that lead to totalitarianism ...

But what exactly do you propose to end corruption?

is true that cases of corruption are high-profile, but not so much as they seem. Can not get into the same bag all los políticos. El porcentaje es mínimo. ¿Y propuestas? Ser más estrictos con este tipo de actos. Soy partidario de que personas implicadas en este tipo de delitos no vayan en ninguna lista electoral, soy partidario de una mayor transparencia que incluya controles externos… Todo lo que sea mayor transparencia y claridad es bueno para la política.

Al respecto, ¿qué le parece los escándalos de los ERES de la Junta de Andalucía?

Lógicamente es algo muy negativo que cierto número de personas hayan aprovechado los ERES lógicas para empresas que estaban en problemas para beneficio. En este caso, te cuento que a nivel My father worked in personnel Intelhorce you know that my father ended up closing and could be through early retirement and that it was really bad in my family so I know how necessary it is this type of policy. And that makes me very angry people who took the opportunity to make money. That being said, each case must be put in perspective. We're talking about a very small percentage

The buts are not worth
is not but a clarification

But that is a lot of money but
What I want is to end this vision is a plot organized by the PSOE and the Junta Andalucía to be enriched

But if people have been on the Board of Andalusia which is involved
I pay to justice. But what she persons involved in a big game does not involve the whole game.

In the last municipal elections the abstention rate in Malaga touched 50%. What do you think that abstention should Malaga society? What have they done wrong political party for this detachment from politics? Obviously
corruption cases are not helpful. One criticism of our own party is not knowing how to mobilize our electorate. I think most of this percentage of abstention are leftist sympathizers. We have failed to pass the alternative was needed.

Then there is a trend that is being encouraged by social networks with the slogan "do not vote." And that is negative because the final vote is a democratic right that is lovely being able to exercise and you have to be responsible and it is important to vote.

One of the groups with high abstention is the youth. Why this is occurring away from the political class from the young?

In line with the above, I think the youth has not seen alternatives. We have failed to convey that the Socialist Party is the party to represent their interests. On the other hand, the current of not voting. But young people do not vote is not quite true. The first elections Zapatero winning the vote won by the mass of young people were mobilized.

You are a degree in history, what differences exist between the PSOE and PSOE Paul Church today?
Obviously there are many differences. All the ideals that he created the still having. Fortunately the differences are many because the context is fortunately better. When the Socialist Party is founded in the nineteenth century is a workers' party of class struggle, which has to fight for basic rights of workers. Working conditions were terrible, the children worked in mines and luckily we do not have to defend these struggles because during these 130 years of history have been achieved and by socialist governments. The first labor regulations that are available in Spain are under Largo Caballero as labor minister.

Obviously today we are a reformist party that attempts to reform the society for the better, but not eliminate these inequalities so evident that he had, but other that we must try overcome.

You know better than anyone the struggles conducted by the PSOE de Paul Church for the improvement of workers' rights, what is your opinion of current anti-crisis economic measures, the reform of pensions labor reform and the lowering of wages to employees? Would you agree with them after everything that has struggled to achieve them?
Zapatero government reforms that are quite hard and as we know games are not popular and beloved by the people. Nobody likes to lower the salary or retirement lengthen ...

A los trabajadores obviamente no nos gustan este tipo de medidas. ¿Qué ocurre? Estas medidas han tenido que ser el mal menor. No se han hecho por gusto ni por convicción y si por una necesidad del contexto. Y como historiador el contexto histórico es el que marca las medidas. Estas medidas se han hecho ante la grave crisis económica mundial que en nuestro país está haciendo muy duro. Y o se recortaba en estos temas por el ataque de los mercados y el déficit o estaríamos en una situación grave como la portuguesa que ha provocado el rescate. Después del rescate de Grecia, Portugal, Irlanda y también la crisis de Islandia, vemos que España en este momento nadie a nivel europeo no se habla de riesgo español. Algo se have done well.

I do not know if you know that last week the forty wealthiest businessmen in Spain met with Zapatero to congratulate him on the measures undertaken
I think it is right to praise these measures. Because the wealthy say that these measures are good, does not mean that they favor the rich.

But is not it true that it is now easier dismissal?
Spain is a country where the crisis has been harder. But these measures favor the creation of empelo

And the ease of dismissal?
The measures they are looking for greater job creation

Does it seem unethical to pay the political class?
easiest thing would say no. But on this subject have to be very educational. It very well be demagogue and say that person x wins money, but the reality is that politicians in Spain, with exceptions such as MEPs, are not paid very high. In my case charging 600 euros as a councilor rather than a teacher. But the responsibility I have as a councilman is higher and note that we represent the local people.

And nationally, do you think is right to keep the maximum pension after two terms?
would also be easy to say that is very high. MPs' pay 3000 euros round. If you compare it to someone who earns 800 or 1000 euros, but skilled jobs as engineers or lawyers have a higher salary. And our role is very important ...

But I am not asking this, I wonder if it looks good that congressmen receive the maximum pension after two terms
In that case, does not seem right.

is Professor of History, has also been working in the Department of Education. What is your vision of education today?

At the same time is a success and also has many things to improve. Success by comparing current results with those of 10 years. Today, for example, 100% of students are enrolled and that's a success. Do not forget that in the early twentieth century the country had 9% of population studies. But if it is true that many things must be improved. A lower ratio would help to spend more time with each student, further efforts to link families to teachers would also be important ... However, the greatest success should be getting the awareness of society about the importance of education.

Why the debate on education is focused on the major parties in religion and education for citizenship or not any of the points you just mentioned?

I do not think that's the real debate. The debate on education for citizenship is a debate that has focused the Popular Party two weeks ago continues with the topic. The teachers we see that the contents of this course are no different from those applied in geography-history. Education citizenship must be a cross-subject, but the reflection in the curriculum is to leave no teacher to arbitrariness. And the values \u200b\u200bconveyed by this course are universal values.

suggest the following names?

• Manuel Chaves A key figure in the creation of Andalusia

• Julio Anguita A theoretical left

• Felipe González politician English twentieth century's most important

• María Gámez The future of Manchester

• Elijah Bendodo Someone with a lot to say on the PP and must struggle with the old guard

• Pedro Moreno Brenes A very good companion

• Francisco de la Torre A politician who will leave a legacy that will not be at the height of the times

• Marisa Bustinduy A brave woman

What David Marquez the great utopia of the world?

Unfortunately there are many utopias because things were achieved and I hope you see that are not easy. Equality is the greatest utopia. And when I say I mean equal access to medicines or food, equal opportunity ...


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