UPyD was first introduced to the general elections in 2008. In these elections were a big surprise to become the fourth political force in number of votes behind the PSOE, PP and CiU. Rosa Díez is their spokesman. This group performs in Malaga Marcos Paz as a candidate.
For those who do not know who is Marcos Paz? Why did you decide to go into politics and elected precisely UPyD?
Marcos Antonio Paz Gutiérrez (Marcos Paz, in a more concise) is born in Malaga, Madrid 43 years ago, he has made his life in Malaga. I am dedicated to engineering, in the exercise of the profession, as a freelancer, and I'm at the same time professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of Malaga. I have a 9 year old daughter and a son, 6.
UPyD met in the weeks before the 2008 elections, thanks to people who headed the lists for the Congress, the Senate and the Parliament Andalusian citizens were performing in the Plaza de la Merced at a ceremony in which they could apply to the candidates freely. The model seemed completely different and necessary. I inquired about the party and within days it filed my income, to find that my own thinking almost naturally fit in the founding manifesto.
UPyD What's the population that makes them different from other games?
essence, work for what unites us. Is his motto, but also a way of understanding politics. We talk about what unites us all that we want our country to move forward once and for all, instead of wasting time on enhancing the natural differences between each place or culture, we work to eliminate privileges que se ha procurado la clase política, intentamos dignificar la función pública de la Política, porque es necesaria y su valor ha quedado gravemente dañado; proponemos eliminar las duplicidades que las administraciones han ido generando con el único objeto de establecer una competencia entre partidos políticos o colocar a sus militantes…
Creemos en la bondad del modelo autonómico, pero entendemos que es necesaria una profunda revisión de algunas de sus competencias, como las de Educación o Justicia; defendemos la autoridad de los funcionarios en el ejercicio de sus funciones, fundamentalmente los profesores; y muchas otras propuestas que entendemos llenas de sentido común. This is precisely what sets us apart.
Why was this split in the Socialist Party? What makes it different from the PSOE UPyD?
UPyD is an independent project that comes from some members of Basta Ya, intellectual and a person who had belonged to the PSOE, Rosa Díez, but that does not equal to a split in the party. Since then, the national party calling UPyD is a clear difference with the two major parties, who have in some places a speech unit, and in other national or regional vision, depending on the interests of one or another location.
To UPyD, PP and PSOE are equally conservative, because they have their concerns placed mainly on staying in the institutions that govern it, or wait for your opponent quit to replace it, and meanwhile work so that nothing changes. In some cases, are defined as alternating, and they were right: the other on the various governments (national, regional, local, ...) to develop a policy that, at this point, it is difficult to distinguish between them.
So UPyD offers a real alternative, based on proposals that we mean to defend good for citizens, or reject that we believe are harming, regardless of the nominating political party.
Nationally, almost five million unemployed, corruption scandals in the major political parties ... Why no answers for the citizen? The polls show that the votes are divided again the PSOE and PP
Unfortunately, another concern for which these two parties have worked to convey is that citizens can only choose between bad and worse. And they have been successful with consequences we now live. Whenever corruption accuses them of some of its members, respond comparing with that of rival. Is ie assume itself as normal, and only concerned to prove that the other has more. As for his followers, something similar happens: it criticizes the corruption of the rival with the same force with which it protects itself understood or welcomed.
Our crisis, therefore, as well as economic, ethical. Every time we have been assuming a worse situation as something that has fallen from the sky, a biblical plague, but the reality is that the economic crisis had its roots in the closing years of last century. It has institutionalized the message that we enjoyed an economic boom in our history without Paragon, that "generating wealth."
If this were true, that wealth would have allowed us to be in a less dramatic. Now we realize that everything was a lie and we pay the consequences of these excesses encouraged by PP and PSOE.
This crisis was exacerbated production model for which has affected everyone, but the excuses have been made in the latter, ignoring the previous, much more damaging. Now, the surrounding countries trace their difficulties. In Europe, the average unemployment rate is 10%, and Spain, over 20%, while in Malaga and is nearly 33%.
Currently, the polls tell us that approximately 80% of people reject the Prime Minister, on a par with those who reject the person seeking a replacement, and as stated in your question is more than likely to be shared vote again. As I said before, have achieved their goals they go to vote with a stuffy nose, choosing between bad and worse.
However, more and more citizens realize they can not be a solution for those parties that have created problems. The big changes have humble origins. Now more than ever, we need to realize that the English situation is completely unsustainable and in need of new proposals.
Focusing on our city, it is clear that our city has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, but there are many areas where we have taken a step backwards. What has been done well?
What remains to be done?
The city has improved since then, but at a much lower rate than it deserves. It would have been inadmissible that we had regressed. Every time we speak out here in Malaga, provoke envy, but daily life in the city leaves much to be desired.
Málaga wasted is a big city, and therefore is much work to do, in many areas: mobility (transport could be much more fluid), transportation (there are large concentrations of firms that have no other option than private transport, as PTA), transparency (no clarity in the implementation of the Budget, in the awarding of contracts or the granting of aid and subsidies), green areas (we are far below the minimum recommended by the European Union), participation ( social groups are relegated to minimal activity with the City, the budgets are not really participatory) culture (the failure of the European Capital of Culture is not merely a reflection of a policy dead wrong, but given our explicit support when necessary), cleaning (we are one of the most troubled cities in Spain cleaning and this situation must involve us all, governments and citizens).
These, along with other examples (heritage conservation, municipal debt reduction, reduction of charges may be appointed, etc..) Bear witness to how much remains to be done.
What UPyD expectations in the City of Manchester? Do you think a council can achieve?
course, we are ready to enter the Hall and not just a city councilman. UPyD is a party to rise, and the last European elections was a fraction of 4.22% of people who chose this option, when he was known.
Over time, it has become apparent that the work in the Congress of Deputies of our main reference, Rosa Díez, which is the highest rated national policy, far ahead of the leaders of other parties, and we had the opportunity to make ourselves known to more people. We are a party, aware of its limitations, knows how to reach citizens both personally and through the new Internet media. Our website is the most visited of all English political parties. For this reason, our expectations allow us to say openly that UPyD be in the next Municipal Corporation.
In the last municipal elections the abstention rate in Malaga touched 50%. What do you think that abstention should Malaga society? What have they done wrong political party?
The distance between politicians and citizens is growing. When I come to the merchants of the neighborhood Malaga, some of them would openly demonstrate that distance, more than one case rejection. And I understand, because no one has taken to address their problems.
In Malaga we are always talking about the same problems, because unfortunately not solved, and that makes us lose the time needed to solve real concern to a large majority. Let me give you an example: a few meters from the birthplace of Picasso, a symbol of the city, anyone can feel like moving to another place and another time, in Kosovo during the war. I invite you to walk down the street environment Lagunillas, which is where I speak. Or many other places where poverty and ruins shout quietly while our leaders put their efforts in giving luster to the window.
I'll give another example, instead of scrubbing the river Guadalmina, the City has chosen to put planters with flowers that can not be seen from the bridge of Tetuan. Is a constant interest to hide the problems, to convey the feeling that doing nothing is resolved. If we add that this crisis has generated a bad economic planning of the Popular Party, first, and the Socialist Party, later, and almost five million people are paying the consequences, not trust the political class is a consequence inevitable.
One of the groups with high abstention is the youth. Why this is occurring away from the political class from the young?
Young people join civic life expecting to contribute and participate. They are, in general, extremely critical, and therefore does not readily accept the situation of inertia that people from other generations do assume. The political class which has moved away from everyone and the youth who should approach her, found no reason to do so. In any case, our experience tells us that there is a significant number who sees things differently, which means that the country's situation requires involvement, and it is they who give us more momentum. Are demanding, and that makes us better. To UPyD are an asset of extraordinary importance.
Where are positioned his party in the case of the war in Libya?
UPyD has supported humanitarian operations exclusively. Subsequent actions have little to do with it, hence the term you used: war.
several names and I tell you briefly tell me your opinion
• Francisco de la Torre : People working, surrounded by a team that is beneath and has been responsible for the stagnation in the advancement of the city.
• Francisco de la Torre : People working, surrounded by a team that is beneath and has been responsible for the stagnation in the advancement of the city.
• Pedro Moreno Brenes: equal work, almost to excess, has been a scare in his health. It is with whom I have had more contact. We have a cordial relationship within our differences.
• María Gámez : I have just referred to it, although I have had occasion to treat a few days ago. You have to prove again what can bring that has not done since his position as delegate of the Junta de Andalucía.
• Zapatero : We only recognize one important merit: it has been good to José María Aznar, and it was extremely complicated.
• Mariano Rajoy : is waiting to see the corpse of Spain passing in front of his chair, doing absolutely nothing to help prevent it. Hence it is deservedly rated as bad as before. There is an alternative.
• Rosa Díez : He was able to choose their own path, taking risks. Being alone in the Congress, makes the work of opposition to the PP, by internal incoherence or calculation election, does not know or can not do. And despite the media silence, dignified behavior, unusual in English politics, is increasingly appreciated.
What is for you the great utopia of the world?
That human beings are able to treat them with respect throughout the world. Thus, most large-scale problems being resolved would, or would be a bad memory.
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