Thursday, May 5, 2011
Jenna Jamesonpierced Nipples

* Pablo Anaya and grid against some health officials
* P ould be criminal charges against municipalities that did not deliver the PMD
* will be in Xalapa Dolores Padierna, on Friday May 13
* dismissed disagreed with the Comptroller SESVER the
* In the month of May, about 80 festivals held
For Quirino Moreno Maybe
May 6, 2011
*** Parades and battles ... Under the civic-military parade on May 5, on the commemorates the Battle of Puebla, Javier Duarte spoke to combat inequality to achieve well-being, words that were uttered in the presence of representatives of legislative and judicial branches, and which give meaning to the work that the government of Veracruz takes place through their daily work. Before the parade was held the swearing of allegiance in which the soldiers swore National Military Service Class 1992, in respect of those who said that their work honors the values \u200b\u200bof the country, in recognition of this performance made to help the military climate of tranquility enjoyed by the citizenry ...
*** Question of style? For those familiar with the former mayor of Poza Rica, Pablo Anaya, say that all the grid against some officials of the Ministry of Health is his trademark, it stands out in a very unfortunate since he arrived as head of that agency 300 million reasons ...
**** March ... In short march trial lawyers in Mexico, demanding a halt to the violence in the country. The march will be in the Federal District and organized, among others, by its president, Attorney Manuel Alfonso Lobato, who certainly has made for many years a large number of contributions in administration of justice in the country ...
*** Criminal Complaint ... That the local MP Xalapa, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, expressed that there could be criminal charges to those municipalities that did not meet the formal handover of the Municipal Development Plan: "Although the law is imperfect, because no penalty in Congress local, it could be subject to a criminal complaint for breach a legal duty, although we would not get to that end " said Martínez Zúñiga ...
*** Delivery of Municipal Plan ... The legislator Xalapa announced that it was strange to the 48 municipalities that did not comply in a timely manner with the delivery of the Municipal Development Plan, as required by the Organic Law of the Free Municipality ...
*** Programs annual operating ... interview at the end of the parade commemorating the battle of Puebla on May 5, Américo Zúñiga explained that the criminal complaint will ultimately have recourse to the local Congress to punish local officials who failed to deliver the project which is considered the backbone of municipal administration: "The municipalities that did not deliver its municipal development plan, should be aware that it is very important and sensitive to comply with this legal obligation, because the plan will mark the various operational programs to be run annually, where they had targeted " detailed the legislature tricolor ...
*** Uuuuuyyyyyy ... Dolores Padierna Luna, national secretary of the PRD, will make a working visit to Xalapa this May 13 to give his message of unity leadership and work with a view to the war of 2012 ...
*** Oooooohhhhhh ... That deputy Pepe Yunes Zorrilla said that the implementation of resources obtained by the tax deemed to combat poverty, to perform social work in communities marginalized, is an example of distributive policy by Gov. Javier Duarte ...
*** It is up to the Comptroller of the SESVER ... inform us that now is the turn of the Comptroller of the Health Services of Veracruz, to the downsizing. Be heard to be little more than 30 people, and includes personal health districts and headquarters ...
*** Decrease Template SESVER Comptroller of ... is heard that the downsizing of the Comptroller of SESVER save the budget at least the amount of 300 thousand pesos a month, but say the cut was poorly planned, because it cut to the most efficient and may stay of those bad elements that only serve their interests ...
*** Unhappy of the Comptroller of the SESVER ... We say that the staff should be dismissed is the talacha, those who drag the stylus, in a few words that carries chamba, so they ask us to get the nonconformity to the Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa to instruct the State Comptroller, Ivan Lopez, to take action on the matter, in this unjust decision: "We cut to us who have many years the Comptroller of the SESVER and let the staff is only hurting the dependency, we refer to the Contadora Ofelia Ortiz, who already has nearly 3 years as Head of Audit Department of SEVER, she says because he likes to call mercenary much money and go whether he knows it audits cent during the previous administration has said that he devoted himself to managing vendor payments for a small fee, may be a little complicated to prove, but what can be corroborated is the large amounts of money that was paid as Head of Audit and at the same time being aviator in the Ministry of Education of Veracruz, with no timetable compatibility at least SESVER takes more than 30 thousand pesos a month plus bonuses they say was the last year for missing many crooked affairs, in the SEV, at least wage takes another 25 thousand dollars plus other payments that are said to have charged for advising that dependence, long ago agreed to back the comptroller, and little is in the office, of course because he's taking other things of interest, it is not now coming cut because of the Head of Audit we have to go several people who did not win over 10 thousand dollars, which is our only income and we have always behaved honestly in the performance of our work, if run to her, least three or four of us would stay and do a great job "...
Prayers *** Comptroller Clippings ... understand that our cuts and layoffs attend an austerity measure, the only thing we ask you to settle, to live as we joined other work, and call finques responsibilities and is included in the cut to the Head of Audit, which helps little SESVER and the State, to take no action on the matter we see in the painful necessity of publishing the evidence of the results of the reviews where has many irregularities, we must remember that auditors can easily integrate a record ... and we appreciate your attention to your orders 8423111 and 8147707 mobile ...
** * vs PAN Deputies. ... tenure in Congress sessioned State under protest and placed en sus curules leyendas en color azul en las que dice “No a la Tenencia Vehicular” …
*** Te hablan MarcoYunes… Que los habitantes de los municipios de Ixhuatlán de Madero, Tancoco y Chicontepec, en su mayoría indígenas adheridos a la organización Coordinadora de Campesinos, Obreros y Colonos del Estado de Veracruz, se manifestaron en las instalaciones del Servicio Nacional del Empleo en Pánuco, en demanda de que los agremiados reciban los cursos a la capacitación laboral que fueron autorizados por la administración estatal ... What a shame for the pirrurris? ...
*** Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... subagent enjoin the special election in Alamo Temapache ...
** * Ooooooooyyyyyyyyyy ... By clarifying not affiliated to any party, nor is member of the PRI, the Secretary Gerardo Buganza Salmeron acknowledged that provides contributions to the PRI as part of responsibility an administration policy issued by this force ...
*** Aaaaaaaazuuuuuuuul ... Twelve municipal officers blocked streets, avenues and the main bridge of Martinez de la Torre, to require the mayor, José de la Torre Sánchez, not to enforce a joint committee of improvements in their communities, fearing that they will be used to deliver support for National Action supporters ...
*** What little? ... The protest, in Martinez de la Torre was supported by farmers and housewives in the different villages where there is disagreement, asked municipal officials to respect the traditions and to take into account the residents of each community , so that no disputes and the benefits reach those who really need ...
*** Of Sharks ... That the Sharks players do not know the team's future after it was eliminated from the playoffs for debts to Mexican National Soccer ...
*** To commemorate ... The Government of the State of Veracruz, Veracruz through the Council of Science and Technology (COVECYT), will host 16 to 18 May of a major national academic meeting to commemorate the International Day of Telecommunication and Information Society, marked by the Organization of the United Nations on May 17 ...
*** In this context ... To provide an additional tool for the development of the journalistic profession, the COVECYT offer a free course on Writing Science and Technology curricular value, directed to the representatives of different media entity on 16 and 17 May in the Hall Olmeca 4 World Trade Center ...
*** A scientific culture ... It is noteworthy that the actions carried out by the Council is to generate actions aimed at popularization of science and technology, and thus promote scientific literacy among the society of Veracruz, Veracruz making prosperous state that the governor has proposed Ochoa Javier Duarte ...
*** ... Interested parties may RSVP Friday May 6 at the address recorded , under Science and Technology Journalism and then notifying the mobile 228841-97-73 and or e 228841-36-70 e: difusió and , in order to have the records and material lists will be distributed to participants ...
*** 114 of Tuxpan ... Majestic, awesome, sensational, safe, familiar, full of brightness, joy, fun, music and dancing as well was called the 114 edition of the ultimate celebration this port, considered by Tuxpeño and visitors as the best state of Veracruz Carnaval ...
*** La fiesta del Sol and Rio ... broke all expectations on attendance and participation, which saw both children, as young people and adults in healthy living and enjoying each of the activities that took place from April 28 May 3 ...
*** Setback ... On balance the results, the Mayor Alberto Ramos Silva, highlighted the great coordination of law enforcement, which allowed the whole family will enjoy the rides as mass events, without any setbacks, tourists were also pleased with the natural attractions and witnessed the urban transformation that has this county ...
* ** Inaugurating the works ... With the support of state government, the council promotes social development in congregations and neighborhoods on the periphery, said the municipal president Elizabeth Morales Garcia inaugurated the lighting works, installation of playground and rehabilitation of a green area located in the The Elm Avenue, the congregation Julio Castro, "Las Trancas" ...
*** municipal government ... During the formal ceremony that accompanied the municipal agent of the congregation, José Luis Paulino Oyarzabal, and officials from different areas of municipal government, the mayor reiterated his commitment to work because Xalapa families have a better quality of life and dignified spaces for recreation and living of children and young ...
*** Catemaco ... In Within the framework of the commemoration of CXLIX anniversary of the Battle of Puebla, "the mayor of Catemaco, Eliuth Alberto Cervantes Ramirez, accompanied by his wife wife Cecilia Alejandra Oliveros de Cervantes, topped the civic ceremony remember one of the most important dates in the history of Mexico, like the "5 de Mayo" ...
*** The lifting ... This important event involving a total of 29 educational institutions, which began with the hoisting of national flag by the munícipe catemaqueño Eliuth Cervantes who was accompanied by his community, military and school supervisors ...
*** In Perote ... This Thursday young people enrolled at the National Military Service performed the Flag Ceremony Protest Staff SMN 1992 class assets and slow in the Juárez Park in this city, to representatives of the Mexican Army, the mayor of Perote Juan Manuel Velasquez Yunes, Trustee and Council Members, staff of the PFP, SSP, Red Cross and other guests ...
*** of civic and social duties ... Speaking , Mayor Juan Manuel Velázquez Yunes said the National Military Service is an effective instrument available to the Nation, which together with the military, security and helps in the defense of the homeland and the attainment of civic and social tasks that tend to develop the country, forming society with their actual reliable and committed to the achievement of national objectives ...
*** In Cosautlan ... That to begin the legislative recess Rep. José Francisco Yunes Zorrilla toured Reform communities, Lemons and Piedra Parada in this county, in company director of the State Roads Commission (JEC), Mr. Agustín Hernández Mollinedo, announcing the investment through that institution made the State Government for construction of asphalt pavement section Vaquería-Lemons ...
*** Stroke road ... sport in the esplanade Reform met hundreds of people in communities immersed in the road line, with the presence of local MP, Roberto Pérez Moreno, the mayor Rafael Martínez, César Morales trustee Guadalupe Garcia and council member for the outcome of the management by the legislature peroteño to the state government ...
*** committed Word ... Yunes Zorrilla said the state interest and willingness to be present in the region with investments of this nature, generating direct benefits by improving the road network in the district: "Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa to hear the petition of Cosautlan recalled affection and emotion your stay in this county, and formalized its commitment to be present through this work to the benefit of hundreds of families. Today, check with the presence of the owner of the State Roads compliance with the word given by the Governor Duarte, and encourages us to move to maintain its pace of work and level of attention to the needs of all Veracruz " ...
*** Zuuuuuuuuuuuu ... That the state coordinator of the Improvement Board, Manuel Rosendo Pelayo, reported that the achievement of 742 patron saint festivities Veracruz charge dependence has 30 million pesos ... Only in May will be held 80 ... And he said his predecessor, Victor Hugo Alarcón Lemon, left no debts with the entertainment business ...
*** Festivals and carnivals ... Rosendo Pelayo said that Veracruz is a safe and visitors and foreign nationals can arrive at an entity with confidence "From December to April we have festivals and carnivals, where whole families come to enjoy the excitement, Veracruz knows how to live their holidays in peace, harmony and tranquility, with white balance in all these months" ...
*** ... In May Explained Rosendo Pelayo during the month of May celebrations held around 80 , among which the religious and the San Isidro Labrador on May 15, "Comes on 10 May and 15 May in most of the state are holidays, we have about 80 parties in May" ...
*** Musical ... The state official explained that the Improvement Board has bands, infrastructure and logistics to carry out events, "we a calendar of 742 parties a year, we have an average of two daily activities rescue of traditions and festivals, have a budget to the Board and we are supporting with bands, with infrastructure, logistics and we have a budget of 30 million the Board to have this type of activity. We have a calendar of 742 parties a year "...
*** Queeeeeeeeeeee ... That upon receipt of the State Association of Irrigation Users of the State of Veracruz in the boardroom of the Ministry of Agricultural Development, Rural, Forestry and Fisheries (Sedarpa), the owner of this dependence, José Tomás Sánchez Carrillo, statements heard in the name of the association was José Guadalupe Hernández, who also appreciated the support they received from the Governor Javier Duarte ...
*** Speaking ... Sedarpa secretary said he will support the field, as recognized in the irrigation users there is work, tradition and effort, who have many years of work to get their crops ... added that the agricultural policy now encourages the State Government is very well designed under the scheme productivity, competitiveness and integration, and that "this all must go hand in hand to achieve this goal" ...
*** 228 million peso ... The representative of the Irrigation Association recognized the agricultural policy promoted by the State Executive to support the field of Veracruz, through Sedarpa ... The main point made by Jose Guadalupe Hernandez of the association, is that we have assigned part of the National Water Commission (CNA) a budget of 228 million pesos, which the commission provides 50 percent and irrigation users, the other half. Before this, go to the state authority to solicit the support and the opportunity to have the remaining resource ...
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