* Since Wednesday is held at the Centro Cultural Jose Marti in Mexico City a national meeting of armed groups of political-social profile.
* Apart from some members of the League September 23, are also involved human rights defenders, social leaders, journalists, academics and even students of the UAEM.
believe it or not, as I said Ripley, when the government is locked in a messy war against organized crime, this is the signs of drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, assaults, executions and other niceties, in these times and from the Last Wednesday was held at the Centro Cultural Jose Marti, outside the Hidalgo Metro in Mexico City. A national congress of armed struggle and with the participation of former guerrillas and guerrillas from active to social activists, human rights activists, journalists and academics specializing in this area.
The original motto of the conference which ends today at 15 hours is Armed Struggle:
Memory, History and Social Project. The program which took place on Wednesday and yesterday the presentations, so like today is: Wednesday
19 .- 9:00 to 9:15 pm. Inauguration: Martha Rizo, Mario Alvaro Cartagena 'the Guaymas', Salvador Aguirre and Victor Alvarado Gaytan
Table 1 (9:15 - 12:00) Being the rebel from the do guerrilla who will expose Mario Alvaro Cartagena, the "Guaymas" September 23 Communist League. While Javier Andrade, Base of Support September 23 Communist League. David Cilia September 23 Communist League. Gaytan Salvador Aguirre (combatant in the Assault on Barracks Wood) Sergio Clemente (moderator)
Table 2 (12:30 - 15:00) Drifts and critical balance of the armed struggle Adela Cedillo Historian-Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM, Carlos Historian David Vargas-UNAM FES-Acatlan Jose Luis Alonso Vargas, 23 September Communist League. Luis Lopez Soriano
'Dissent and Resistance Project' FESI-UNAM Denisse Perez Ortiz UAEM - Zumpango Salvador Aguirre-Gaytan (Combatant in the Assault on Barracks Wood) Cesar Avendano (moderator)
Thursday, 20 Table 1 (9:00 - 10:45) Reading women of the armed struggle Marta Rivero. Luz Maria Aguilar Terres-Communist League September 23. Guillermina Cabanas, Partido de los Pobres. Alicia de los Rios Merino, Historian ENAH. Mayra Nava (moderator)
Table 2 (11:00 to 12:50) The battle for memory Alicia de los Rios Merino, Historian ENAH. Cartagena Romeo Born in the Tempest. Alejandro Jimenez, a journalist with El Universal. Cesar Avendano 'Project: Dissent and Resistance' FESI-UNAM
Luis Lopez Soriano (moderator) Group 3 (13:00-15:00) The sights and contrasts to the armed struggle. History, journalism, psychology and militancy. Jose Luis Alonso Vargas, 23 September Communist League. Adela Cedillo Historian-Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM.
Gloria Campos-journalist Leticia Benitez Process. Laura Castellanos-journalist and author of "Armed Mexico 'Saul Martinez' Project: Dissent and Resistance 'FESI-UNAM. Victor Alvarado (moderator)
For today Friday 21 will be a presentation of the book (9:00-10:00) Jose Luis Alonso Vargas, XXI Century Texts Table 1 (10:20 12:30) "Human rights in the context of the dirty war: yesterday and today. " Ramon Cerezo Committee
Chaverry FFyL-UNAM Nadin Reyes-Committee 'to Find Them. " Donovan Hernandez FFyL-UNAM. Jose Alberto Mora FFY L-UNAM. Carlos David Vargas Ocana (moderator) Panel 2 (12:45 to 15:00) News of the armed struggle, "And then what? Dayana
UAEM Pamela Lozano Munoz-Zumpango. Miguel Angel Antonio Gallegos UAEM-Zumpango. Mayra Nava and Victor Alvarado 'Dissent and Resistance Project' FESI-UNAM. Alvaro Mario Cartagena, "the Guaymas', September 23 Communist League. Luz Maria Aguilar Terres, September 23 Communist League. Cesar Avendano (moderator)
Closing (15:00)
In this Congress there have been various definitions of the guerrilla and has been considered that given the chronic structural crisis characteristic of Latin American countries today, and its resultant political instability, are the reasons for the emergence of the Revolutionary War. According to Carlos Marighela, the Revolutionary War appears in the form of urban guerrilla warfare, psychological warfare, or rural guerrilla warfare. Urban guerrilla warfare or psychological warfare in the city depend on the urban guerrilla.
The urban guerrilla is a man who fights against a military dictatorship with weapons, using unconventional methods. A political revolutionary and an ardent patriot, he is a fighter for the liberation of their country, a friend of his people, and freedom. The area in which the urban guerrilla acts is Brasileiras big cities. There are also many bandits, known as criminals, working in big cities. Often assaults by criminals are interpreted as actions by the guerrillas.
The urban guerrilla, however, differs radically from the criminals. The offender shall benefit personally from their actions, and attacks indiscriminately without distinguishing between the exploited and the exploiters, which so many men and women among his victims everyday. The urban guerrilla follows a political goal and only attacks the government, the big capitalists, the U.S. imperialists.
Another equally damaging to the
delinquent and also operates in the urban environment is the counter-revolutionary rightist who creates confusion, bank robber throws bombs, kidnaps, murders, and committing the most heinous crimes imaginable against the guerrillas urban revolutionary priests, students, and citizens who oppose fascism and seek freedom.
The urban guerrilla is an implacable enemy and inflicts damage of systematic government authorities and the men who dominate the power and exercise power. The main work of the urban guerrilla is to distract, tire, and demoralize the militarists, the military dictatorship and the repressive forces, and also to attack and demoralize the militarists, the military dictatorship and the repressive forces, as also attack and destroy the wealth of Americans, foreign managers and local high class.
The urban guerrilla is not afraid to dismantle or destroy the present economic system, political, and social, since their goal is to help the rural guerrilla and collaborate in the creation of an entirely new and revolutionary social and political structure, with armed masses in power. The urban guerrilla must have a minimum of political understanding. To do this you have to read printed or mimeographed certain jobs such as:
Guerrilla Warfare by Che Guevara Memoirs of a Terrorist Some Questions of Operations and Tactics Guerrilla Guerrillas On Some Problems and Principles Strategic Tactical Principles for Conducting Comrades
Operations Organizational Questions
Personal Qualities of the Urban Guerrilla
The urban guerrilla is characterized by his courage and his decisive nature. Has to be good tactically and be a skilled leader. The urban guerrilla has to be smart to compensate for the fact that they have enough weapons, ammunition and equipment.
career military government or the police have guns and modern transportation and can travel freely, using the strength of his power. The urban guerrilla does not have those resources at its disposal and leads a clandestine life. Sometimes a person is convicted or is under probation, and is forced to use false documents.
Sin, however, the urban guerrilla has an advantage over the conventional army or the police. This is, that while the police and the military act for the enemy, whom the people hate, the urban guerrilla defends a just cause, which is the cause of the people.
urban guerrilla's weapons are inferior to their enemy, but
seen from a moral standpoint, the urban guerrilla has an advantage that can not be denied. This moral superiority is what sustains the urban guerrilla. With it, the urban guerrilla can accomplish your main job, which is to attack and survive.
The urban guerrilla has to capture or divert the enemy's weapons to fight. Because guns are not uniform, since what has been taken or has reached his hands in different ways, the urban guerrilla is the problem of having a variety of weapons and ammunition shortages. In addition, he has nowhere to practice shooting. These difficulties must be conquered, forcing the urban guerrillas to be imaginative and creative qualities without which it would be impossible to carry out its role as a revolutionary.
The urban guerrilla must possess initiative, mobility and flexibility, and also versatility and command of any situation. The initiative is a quality particularly essential. It is not always possible to anticipate everything, and the urban guerrilla can not be misled, or wait for orders. His duty is it to act, to find appropriate solutions to each problem encountered, and not retire. It is better to err acting than doing nothing for fear of making mistakes. Without the initiative, there can be urban guerrilla warfare. Other important qualities for the urban guerrilla are the following: you can walk a lot, which is resistant to fatigue, hunger, rain, heat, hide and watch to know how to conquer the art of unlimited patience, remain calm and quiet in the worst conditions and circumstances, never leaving a trace or traces, not discouraged.
In the face of almost impossible difficulties of urban warfare, many comrades weaken, leaves, or leaves the revolutionary work.
The urban guerrilla is not a businessman in a commercial or an artist in a play. Urban guerrilla warfare, like guerrilla warfare. Rural, is a promise that the guerrilla makes to himself. When you can no longer cope with the difficulties, or acknowledges that he lacks the patience to wait, then you better deliver his post before betraying his promise, as it lacks the basic qualities necessary to be a guerrilla.
As you noted, the theme that there is being treated is interesting, but more interesting is to know that the government is so involved in the messy war against drug trafficking is not important that they become active insurgents in Congress ... And it's all for today, then we will be with you with more of this and that. Jorge Díaz Navarro
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