He who finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it. S. Matthew 10:39.
once heard tell the story of Jim, the American engineer whose life was an inspiration to all who worked with him. They say that the president of the railroad just liked to travel with him, because he was a good Christian.
One day a terrible accident happened and Jim was caught between the twisted iron of the train, his death was imminent. He had already lost much blood and struggled in agony, when the company president, who was also at that time, tried to help.
"I know whom I have believed in low voice," repeated the dying Jim. The president's eyes filled with tears. He was amazed at the trust this man was Jesus, and said:
"How much faith is yours, Jim, I would give anything to have a faith like that.
"It was exactly what I had to do for Jesus," came the reply from Jim
How much we give ourselves for Christ's sake? When man fails to understand all the love that led to the Lord Jesus sacrificed his life on Calvary's cross has no other way to fall at the foot of the cross and say: "Lord, thank you very much because I loved no merit." From that moment begins the wonderful experience of walking side by side with Jesus. The love of Christ constrains us, inspires us, we are wearing to like things that did not like each other, makes us not want to live without it.
Over time, this experience is growing increasingly. The human heart begins to understand that it is not worth living without Jesus, for the destitute life of Christ does not make sense. But continues to live in this world with its attractions, pressures and temptations. Many Sometimes it feels cornered. The brilliance of earthly things can captivate, but now is not a carnal, it went from death to life: he experienced the contrast of the passenger being the world offers, and genuine peace and happiness that only Christ can provide.
To the love of Christ is the Christian who gives everything. Waiver of all that can bother your wonderful communion with Christ. He knows that nothing can equal the love of Jesus. Want to see a happy smile on the face of the beloved, and gave him first place in his life.
When the Lord Jesus tells us not love with greater intensity to our father or our mother that he, not meaning that love and respect to parents is a bad thing in itself, what it means is that no people as good as the parents have a right that only Christ has: come first in our experience.
Jim, the American engineer, died with the safety of that reality. What about you and me?
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