Friday, May 21, 2010

Scott Kay Dot Collection


Some tips: 1) Walk from 10 to 30 minutes every day and smile while doing so. 2) Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes every day. 3) On waking complete the following sentence: "My goal today is ......... 4) Live with the 3 E's: energy, enthusiasm and empathy, and las 3 F: FE,FAMILIA y FRIENDS (Amigos).    5)Use mas tiempo con personas que tengan mas de 70 años y menos de 6.    6) Sueñe mas estando despierto. 7)Intente, por lo menos, hacer reir a 3 personas por día.   8) Persiva que lo que  la  VIDA es una escuela y que estamos para aprender y pasar por todos los examenes. Los problemas son apenas parte del currículum, aparecen y desaparecen como las clases de álgebra, mas las lecciones que aprendemos duraran la vida entera.                                                                                                                                           Smile and laugh more, this will keep the thieves distant power. Life is not fair but it is good and is too short to waste time hating anyone. Do not take things so seriously, no one does. Toas not have to win arguments, we should accept different opinions. Reconcile with your past so you do not confuse your future. Do not compare your life with others, because we have no idea how are the days of others. ; not store "anything" for a special day, use it today because "today is a special day." Nobody is responsible for my happiness but me. Forgive everyone for everything. What other people think of you bear it in mind. Time heals almost all da time to time. For over a situation is good or bad, it will change. Get rid of anything that is not useful, beautiful or joyful. The best is yet to come: "CREE". No matter how you feel, get up, get dressed and go. ; Have frequent contact with his family. Every night before bed, complete the following: , "I AM GRATEFUL FOR ............." "HE MADE TODAY ............... ". Remember that we are very blessed to fall into the stress.Aproveche the ride to the fullest and enjoy every situation. ; ; ; Cada una de estas frases , si las ponemos en practica, nos van a ayudar a ser mejores personas y a actuar y querer mas a nuestros semejantes. Esto es lo que Dios quiere de nosotros, pidamosle su ayuda y así lograremos una vida feliz y placentera. Bendiciones.                                                                                                                    


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