1. The Last Crisis of the Earth
widespread fear about the future
The present moment is of overwhelming interest to all who live. Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy positions of trust and authority, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention fixed upon the events that occur around us. Observed relations between nations. They observe the intensity that grips every earthly element, and recognize that something great and decisive is about to happen, that the world is on the verge of a dramatic crisis. PR-394, c. 1914.
The land and sea disasters, social instability, threat of war, portents, warning of more serious events. The agencies of evil we gather and add to their forces for the great crisis. Big changes are about to take place in the world, and the final movements will be rapid 3JT .- 280, 1909.
In these writings of Sister White Elana find everything that is happening now in the world, you see were written in the last century and are putting in place now.
Satan knows his time is short and though he has lost the battle you want to take with all the human beings who can through his deceptions. At this point we must be "watching and praying continually" to be safe from their clutches, and be protected by the Spirit of Yahweh to overcome the temptations that come our walk the earth. These temptations can be things that look good, economic, family, work, etc, have to be taken from the hand of Yahshua at all times to avoid falling into enemy hands. Our Savior tells us: "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me" So we commend ourselves in every moment to him, to succeed in this war, and is short time and thanks to Him we will live happily ever after in the New Eden. He tells us: "Surely I come quickly. Amen. Come Lord Jesus."
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