6a. Assembly National Environment Magdalena Ocotlan, Oaxaca, 6a. National Assembly Environmental
Call the 6th National Assembly of People Affected Environmental to be held in the community of Magdalena Ocotlan, Oaxaca, days 11 and September 12, 2010. 6th General Assembly
National Environmental Affected Mexico is today plunged into one of the deepest crisis in its history. Is a multiple crisis in the growing state violence, and murder are jailed social and environmental activists, jobs are lost every day, is militarized territory and imposing projects that threaten to destroy the meager heritage that still takes away the country, while growing drug trafficking, the criminal economy, impunity and disregard for local communities, their traditional forms of organization, resistance and alternatives from all levels of government, all political parties and major national and multinational companies operating in the country.
we assessed, from the first to the fifth National Assembly of People Affected Environment (NWSA), an important historical event in our country that those who fought in different environmental fronts have begun to understand the importance of strengthening ties between our different struggles and that from this consciousness the first attempts to define a relationship of environmental solidarity between the rural and urban, as well as between different regions of the country who are suffering, every day, la destrucción y el despojo de sus aguas, sus ríos, sus acuíferos, sus montes, sus bosques, susreservas de minerales, su biodiversidad, sus saberes locales y tradicionales, sus formas de organización, su autonomía, su tranquilidad, su salud, su libertad y hasta su existencia.
Ahora somos muchos más los participantes activos que formamos parte de la Asamblea Nacional de Afectados Ambientales y seguimos buscando más compañeros que, como resultado de las políticas neoliberales que se aplican desde hace casi 30 años en México y en todo el mundo, se han visto obligados a organizarse y luchar para defender los lugares en que viven y que progresivamente están siendo usurpados, apropiados, contaminated and transferred by governments at national and transnational corporations and communities just leave damage to nature that threatens to be irreversible, illness and death of the inhabitants.
The government, which should protect the interests of us all for years has done nothing to simulate compliance with the laws that govern us, so as to allow openly or covertly, all avenues to facilitate the environmental devastation our country. It is for these reasons that we stay organized and built to defend the social fabric among all of these attacks on several fronts. With the intention to further develop our awareness of ourselves and others who fight to defend peaceful, practical, legal and strategically their lives and their territories, we decided to convene the 6th national meeting of environmental affected.
That will take place in the community of Magdalena Ocotlan, Oaxaca, days 11 and September 12, 2010.
San Jose del Progreso is a township in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca for more than two years is being attacked by the federal government and the state government of Ulises Ruiz, who acts as an advocate and promoter of the Canadian mining company Fortuna Silver Mines (known in Mexico as
Cuzcatlan Mining) with only purpose of extracting subsurface minerals such as gold and silver, generating huge profits for the company and leave behind them, as in many other states and communities affected by mining transnational, a trace of permanent drought, destruction of soil contamination air, political persecution and division in the affected communities.
In the wake of recent events in the community of San Jose del Progreso, the Assembly took the decision to establish as the venue for this 6th Assembly, the community of Magdalena Ocotlan Cuzcatlan affected by mining. In addition, our presence in this community is also purpose- to support the just struggle of the Central Valley communities against mining project, to strengthen our ties with all the social and environmental struggles in the state of Oaxaca who have developed resistance struggles against 20 other mining projects, and in the community San Juan Copala, besieged by paramilitary groups against the mega-farm in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, against the seizure of communal land to establish protected areas that are intended to be transferred to transnational conservation NGOs, as in Lachiguiri, against the construction Dam Paso de la Reina, against the contamination of native maize by transgenic crops, as has happened in the Sierra Juarez and against loss and theft of biodiversity, local knowledge and knowledge about the country through projects funded by the U.S. army, with the complicity of the Mexican federal government and state government.
addition, we call on this Assembly to define our common stand and our intention to converge with other organizations and national and international networks address the severe climate crisis that broke out in full force, make Mexico one of the countries with most affected by rising global temperatures. Since Mexico will host in December, the Conference of the Parties to the Convention United Nations Framework on Climate Change (known as COP 16), is of great importance that the Assembly to take a common stance in defense of the positions to advocate respect for people's rights and against the pretension of the Mexican government and governments of developed countries to impose a "contingency plan" to curb global warming by using very high-risk technologies for the environment and health of the entire world population, such as transgenic crops, the geo-engineering or agro-fuels.
One of the main objectives of the Assembly, as it always has been, is to promote, among participants un diálogo siempre enriquecedor que nos permita observar que no estamos solos, reconocernos y aprender de las otras luchas que están vivas y activas por todo el país, tratando de impedir el colapso ambiental de México. Por ello, es muy importante aprovechar la oportunidad de promover la mejor forma de comunicación que es la que va de boca en boca. Invitamos por ello a todas las comunidades afectadas ambientalmente en el país a que elaboren una ponencia breve (de cinco minutos), una lista de los afectados que están en disposición y posibilidad de asistir, e invitarlos a participar en esta 6a Asamblea Nacional de Afectados Ambientales.
Para poder tener una buena Asamblea -en términos organizativos-, les pedimos all communities, organizations and networks that address the following points:
1) as soon as we confirm the attendance of their communities and organizations;
2) to send to the Assembly the number of participants who will attend and that through transport arrived;
3) in order to expedite the registration of participants, we ask you to transmit to the email address of the Assembly (afectadosambientales@yahoo.com. mx) a list containing the names and affiliation or origin of the participants in order to prepare and have ready their badges at the time of arrival. All this is essential in order to make the calculation of food requirements and workspaces and accommodation;
4) The Assembly does have any kind of official financing or some other type, so it is not possible, given the enormous economic limitations, support the cost to any organization. We all depend on the solidarity and common work to bring closure to this important event. Regional organizations in different states are in the process of cooperating with each other to rent buses and collectively save transportation costs.
5) Due to limitations in the community of Ocotlan Magdalena, which generously welcomed us, asking all comrades to attend the Assembly that: a.
Take each one, your own plate, cup and spoon and assist in the cleanup of the site where the Assembly take place. B.
Bring your own blanket or sleeping bag, under the accommodation will be in the same place where the Assembly will be held. C.
In case of having a tent, it is recommended that the operations entail. D.
Carry toilet paper and hand soap.
order that everyone can participate safely and smoothly in the Assembly, the community of Magdalena Ocotlan informs everyone that we follow, verbatim, the following rules of behavior individually and collectively:
is absolutely forbidden the consumption of alcoholic beverages and narcotics substances within the home and around the place will be held the 6th National Assembly of People Affected Environment. Any person caught ingesting alcoholic beverages or narcotics in the spaces of the Assembly will be invited to withdraw from the community.
As a matter of collective security, all delegates, observers, members of the press and organizations should carry them to view, throughout the duration of the Assembly, his badge of identification.
Each of the participants in the Assembly should support in the washing of eating utensils to use.
• Ocotlan The community of Magdalena, in addition to the aggression of Minera Cuzcatlan, suffers a serious crisis because of accumulated solid waste (garbage). Therefore calls on all those attending the Assembly that, if possible, refrain from entering the area of \u200b\u200bthe Assembly sodas, bottled water or other products whose packaging end up in the dustbin of the community. If attendees wish to consume these products within the precincts of the Assembly will be asked to retain them and take them back to their places of origin. We make this Assembly, an event that does not generate waste to the community that we receive.
Work Programme Saturday
September 11 9:00 to 10:00
• Registration of participants
10:00 to 10:30
• Opening and Welcome, by representatives of Chichicuautla, Ontario (home of the 5th Assembly ) and Ocotlan communities of Magdalena, San Jose del Progreso, and El Maguey Largo Cuajilote.
• Greetings from social organizations and national and international networks twinned with the National Assembly of People Affected Environment (SME, Via Campesina, UCCS, Network in Defense of Corn, MLN, Lawyers Collective, RIGAS)
10:30 to 12:00
• Panel on current social and environmental situation Oaxaca. Affected by mining, the wind project in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, offal of land for natural areas, the barrier Paso de la Reina, plunder and pollution of water and community alternatives for recovery, contamination of corn, bio and geo-piracy
12:00 to 13:00
• The organization of regional assemblies as the possibility of effective articulation within the National Assembly of People Affected Environment: The Cases of Jalisco, Veracruz and Puebla-Tlaxcala, Morelos, Distrito Federal.
13:00 to 14:00
• Initiatives towards the COP 16. Caravans and demonstrations. La Via Campesina and ETC Group.
14:00 - 16:00
Eating Whole
• Presentation and, where appropriate, approval by the plenary of the Activity Report of the Council of Representatives of the National Assembly of People Affected Environmental
17:00 - 20 : 00
Dialogue in Work Tables: • Table 1: New fighting for the first time participating in the Assembly
• Table 2: Joint Action Plan towards the COP 16 and for the future
(self, work, regional, local actions
joint and the Assembly in 2011) • Table 3: Actions to improve the internal organization of the
Assembly (Administration of the Council of Representatives Commissions Liaison and Dissemination of Struggles and Alternatives) Proposal to change the name of our network to the National Assembly and Alternatives Affected Environment.
20:00 to 22:00
• Cultural Event by Oaxacan organizations and communities.
Sunday 12 September 10:00 to 14:00 Plenary
• Reading and approval of agreements by the rapporteurs and working groups
• Welcome to new members who intend to join the work within the Council of Representatives National Assembly of People Affected Environmental
• New Protest Takes Assembly Council • Call for applications for the headquarters of the 7th National Assembly of People Affected
Environmental • Voting at the headquarters of the 7th National Assembly • Reading and approval of the general statement and pronouncements
particular the 6th National Assembly
Affected Environment. • Closing
16:00 14:00
Eating Out
Assembly contingent heading to their places of origin. Sincerely
Council of Representatives of the National Assembly of People Affected Environment. Communities Ocotlan Magdalena, San Jose del Progreso, El Maguey Largo Cuajilote and municipality of San Jose del Progreso, Oaxaca.
CONTACT INFORMATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE 6th General Assembly TARGET NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL Email: afectadosambientales@yahoo.com.mx