The FTE of Mexico invites workers and people of Mexico to the Energy Forum XV to be held on Monday September 27, 2010, from 16:30 pm., Within 50 anniversary of the nationalization electric. The event will take place at the Hotel Sevilla, located in Serapio Rendon Street no. 124, corner of Sullivan, Colonia San Rafael de la Ciudad de Mexico.

For decades, the Democrats proposed and pushed electricians in large demonstrations held in the capital and the country, the necessary Nationalization of the Electricity Industry in Mexico.
On 27 September 1960, achieving the desired proposal. This represented a significant political fact that rescue for the nation control over the process of electrical work, which expresses to set strategic constitutional activities.
nation is for the generation, transmission, distribution and marketing which has the aim of providing the public service of electric power. In this matter no concessions or contracts will be awarded to individuals.
Two major conclusions electricians defined: 1 - democratic trade union unity and 2 - the integration of the electricity industry nationalized.
On October 8, 1960, electricians inside the country were unified into the Union of Electrical Workers of the Mexican Republic (STERM) and on 20 November 1972, the Sole Union of Electrical Workers of the Mexican Republic (SUTERM).
In 1975, the democratic trend and achievement of SUTERM proposed the First Law of Public Service Electric Power (LSPEE). At that time we had achieved almost total National Electrical Interconnection System. The next year, facing political and military repression of the state, stopping the nationalization.
In 1992, the LSPEE regressive reforms adopted in accordance with the provisions of Annex 602.3 of the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in North America, reversing the nationalization of the unconstitutionally authorized Private participation in power generation.
At this time, over 50% of the total electric generation capacity at the national level is private, by more than 300 corporations, subsidiaries and prestanombres. The recommendations of the World Bank indicate that the Mexican government should privatize the 100% electric generation. The nation is facing a situation similar to or worse than pre-nationalization.
In 2008, all political parties adopted the counter-reformation energetic widespread privatization of all energy sources, renewable and nonrenewable. With the illegal basis, loshidrocarburos (oil and gas), water, wind, geothermal, ocean waves, tides, currents, biofuels and solar radiation are in rapid process of privatization.
Even worse, the neoliberal government in office and lobby political parties surreptitiously an additional generation of reforms to the legislation unconstitutional to privatize electric secondary national networks of electric transmission and distribution, as well as the national network of fiber optic and radio spectrum.
The mood has infected more with the police occupation of Light and Power and the effect on the labor rights of the electricians grouped in the Mexican Union Electricians (SME).
This situation must change and may change. The requirement is to structure the national struggle, organized geographically and based on a program that includes the necessary re-nationalization of energy, water and other natural resources.
To continue the analysis of Mexico FTE conduct, within the 50 anniversary of the nationalization Electric, the Energy Forum XV. We invite the workers and people of Mexico to participate actively.

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