This article follows below I found in the Blog of "ISTRAEL OF GOD" Varon writes Bro Jonathan and I found interesting because it says many current truths, I hope you read from the identify and the help of Yahshua we can find solutions. Blessings. There is a god who is worshiping the Christian church today ... ... But this is not his appearance gives them, kills them ....
adulterers, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says in vain: "The Spirit that he has made to dwell in us us yearns jealously "? But he giveth more grace. Therefore it says, "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble." Submit yourselves therefore to God Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. "James 4:4-7.
In this chapter four, Santiago begins his message letting you know the brothers that materialism is the cause of crimes and all manner of wickedness, materialism and greed awakens the human heart, and ends completely corrupted. The message he is strong, for those who just go ask him material, meaning that God satisfies his carnal desires, and that's not the purpose of God, the Lord does not answer what we want, in other words, he does not submit to our will, as intended to teach the false ministers, we are we are subject to their will.
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added. Matthew 6:33.
When the Christian sets her sights on the things below, that is, material prosperity is quickly seduced by the world, making that soon begin to practice the customs of the mundane. Santiago
condemns any relationship with darkness, ie can not use the Lord's house, with a dual purpose, this seems to have been happening in the church in those days when James wrote this letter universal.
He tells them all friendship with the world, the enemy of God. The fruits in a Christian church and a minister who is flirting with the hallucinations of the world, is the spirit of pride. When you get this fruit of arrogance is evidence that God turned away from the church or that minister. So the word beautiful Santiago: God resists the proud, that is that God does not support them around. But gives grace to the humble, humility of a church or a minister is the evidence that's going with the Lord.
The church of Christ is well and fully contaminated with apostasy and adultery ecumenism pastors who claim to international prosperity and the clergy of the great whore, and I can say without fear of being counted with fingers churches today are preaching sound doctrine of the gospel of the grace of Jesus Christ.
are very few courageous preachers are proclaiming the gospel of the grace of Christ as taught by Christ and the apostles preached Christ, the apostles of prosperity that are now controlling the Christian Church almost entirely.
We are in a transition period of dispensations, very dangerous times we are living, we are walking near the middle of the dispensation of grace to the dispensation of the Kingdom, we are a few thousandths of seconds left to God to THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST is a reality.
What is the real problem?
The big problem of the church is that he is forgetting the real essence of the gospel of Christ, and fell into the jaws of the Jezebel doctrine, and is trapped, and being ravenously devoured by the sweet and caressing arms of apostasy and ecumenism is currently leading the great whore.
That is building your life.
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