National Assembly of Affected Environment
Magdalena, Oaxaca, September 12, 2010
The Sixth National Assembly of People Affected Environment, held on 11 and September 12, 2010, in the municipality of Magdalena Ocotlan, Oaxaca, with the participation of 90 organizations and 1 135 representatives of the various struggles socioenvironmental the country, declare:
That one year made the 5 th National Assembly of People Affected Environment, held in Chichicuautla, Puebla, the serious environmental situation in which the country finds itself not only has not improved or even stagnant, but rather has seriously deteriorated. The Assembly has been discovered in the last year with great indignation, dozens of scandals of environmental injustice and climate for most of the country. Environmental devastation in addition to the policy of national destruction of the internal market, industry and agriculture sovereign, the helplessness of millions of Mexican and Central American migrants to the carnage of young people has sparked a so-called drug war, the assassinations of journalists, the sex trade in persons and minors, and many other crimes and injustices in this Bicentennial highlight the extreme danger that the country finds itself.
private environmental deregulation as a result of a policy coolly adopted free trade, but the problem is worse, because the depth of the environmental derangements has led to violate most of the rules and laws, or to allow this to happen dismantling corrupt or toxicological surveillance systems, epidemiological and environmental, or going directly to corrupt the legal system. Mexico Environmental Affected not only face increasing deaths, repression, disease, population displacement, dispossession, induced internal division, lack of caution and greater uncertainty, information blockade, smear campaigns, etc.., But also suffer, along with other Mexicans, diversion of power and general decline has been submitted to the Mexican State.
Over the past year, we suffered the appalling murders of several environmental activists, as Mariano Abarca in Chicomuselo, Chiapas, killed for opposing the mining project of the Canadian company Blackfire, Miguel Ángel Pérez Cazales in the town of Tepoztlan , Morelos, Santa Catarina, Morelos and Beatriz Love and Jiri Jaakola, in San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, who demand justice. We condemn the assassinations, the paramilitary siege situation and the lack of guarantees that prevail in the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala.
condemn the silent death of dozens of people renal failure is occurring in the river Atoyac, in Tlaxcala, the Santiago river in Jalisco and the rivers Blanco and Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, due to uncontrolled industrial discharges in their beds.
condemn the provocation and violence by the Canadian company Fortuna Silver Mines against the communities of San Jose del Progreso, Ocotlán Magdalena, El Maguey Largo Cuajilote and in Oaxaca. We demand the closure of the mine in San Jose del Progreso, the output of Fortuna Silver Mines of the country and the immediate release of comrade Silvino Macrino Vázquez Sánchez. We also are against the authorities decision to disappear City and impose a city manager Ulises Ruiz Ortiz akin, in San José del Progreso. We stand against the militarization of communities in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca and charged the government of Ulises Ruiz for the threats and harassment that has been the mayor of Magdalena Ocotlán under pressure to enter the water line exclusively for mining from Ocotlán to San José del Progreso.
meters condemn the repeated violation of the law and contempt of the final ruling issued by judges in favor of the Broad Opposition Front to Minera San Xavier, owned by Canadian transnational Goldcorp, San Luis Potosi and require that the environmental authorities to stop delaying the implementation of the law and impose the decommissioning of the illegal mining operation.
condemn the closure of the Society of Light and Power Company and the dismissal of 44 thousand workers, not only because it is an unconstitutional act and a clear social injustice, but also because of the harmful environmental consequences this entails for the city of Mexico and Central Mexico. We also condemn the aggression and unjust arrest suffered by the miners of Cananea, Sonora, at the hands of paramilitary groups, both the PFP and the company Grupo Industrial Minera Mexico, 6th and 7th September.
condemn the way the country is itching of chicken pox with hundreds of projects for open pit mining in many states, but in these areas deprive any environmental regulations or the slightest application of the law to stop such projects.
More than a year's outbreak of the Mexican state paranoia unleashed by the swine flu, has not attended any of the claims of the 26 communities affected by the mega-hog farms Carroll Farms Company of Mexico owned by Smithfield Foods, Monsanto. They are not checked or even to investigate pollution and overexploitation of the valley waters Perote or autonomous epidemiological studies, much less to cancel this type of mega-projects.
condemn the irresponsibility of the company Dragon and the collusion of the authorities of the state of Puebla and SEMARNAT, by the way the outbreak of a warehouse filled with toxic substances affected the health of 20 000 inhabitants of the city Izucar de Matamoros, without any toxicological and epidemiological monitoring whatsoever, and even an application to reopen the plant. We join the clamor of the people of Izúcar demanding the complete closure of the factory Dragon.
condemn the claim to re-launch the project of building the dam La Parota, in the state of Guerrero, as well as attempts to advance the construction of dams in the Zapotillo, Jalisco, Paso de la Reina, in Oaxaca and the 113 mini-dams in the state of Veracruz. We demand the permanent cancellation of each and every one of these projects.
condemn the way the company Paas and the city of Cuernavaca, Morelos, keep up the Loma de Mejía dump near the city, polluting the battery of wells that provide water to numerous communities in the municipality of Temixco .
condemn the numerous projects privatized roads, bypasses, airport expansions, the deregulated expansion units unsustainable housing and thousands of shopping centers that encourage overexploitation of water reserves in the states of Tlaxcala, Puebla, Morelos, Mexico City, Michoacán, Jalisco, Veracruz, etc. Especially condemn the deployment of mega projects in the city of Mexico, such as building megatorres the west superhighway, the project Biometropolis, the mega-aquarium and the expansion of Santa Fe, to the detriment of the territory of Cuajimalpa.
condemn the project to open thousands of new low productivity oil wells that the Mexican government is opening in the region of Chicontepec, Veracruz in cahoots with the U.S. transnational Halliburton and retaining the services of the company paramilitary Blackfire.
As Assembly condemn the granting of new field trials of GM maize in the narco-regions of the states of Sinaloa, Sonora and Tamaulipas and Chihuahua, in particular, the claim of the multinational Monsanto to plant 30 000 hectares of transgenic corn in phase pilot, which means that Monsanto would sell the corn for consumption of the Mexican population. We reiterate our call for total prohibition of transgenic maize in Mexico.
reject the commodification that is becoming of our forests and indigenous and peasant lands and as other areas of biodiversity, through sale of environmental services that mean a new form of dispossession privatization of water, air and ecosystem functions millennia communities have managed for the common good.
For all these reasons, we reject the development of mega transnational corporations (foreign or Mexican), on the territories of the villages and urban neighborhoods, violating their rights to consultation, to self-determination and allow all those who have a dignified life.
National Assembly of People Affected As environmental, health and show solidarity with the fight being made by the People's Congress, Social and Citizen Defense and Refoundation Mexico City against the mega projects in the south west of Mexico City and against a profoundly undemocratic to rebuild their already chaotic city of Mexico. Therefore we welcome the Exodus from Tlalpan that articulates the struggles of Cuajimalpa, Álvaro Obregón, Magdalena Contreras, Tlalpan, Xochimilco and Tlahuac.
greet all the participants from Mexico and the rest of the world, who will participate, from 1 to 7 October at the World Against Dams, to be held in Temacapulín, Jalisco.
welcome and we join the Insurgent Bicentennial Caravan, led by the Mexican Electrical Workers Union, who have left Hermosillo, Sonora, Acapulco, Guerrero, Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan and Juchitán, Oaxaca, heading to Mexico.
welcome the effort to build the Social Congress toward a new Constituent Assembly, to be held in Mexico City on 18, 19 and 21 of November.
Against all declare,
Our will to live and our will to fight. Our willingness to receive from us all who are victims of environmental injustice and climate and are willing to organize and fight from below. Struggles not only to denounce and resist the outrages of the authorities and companies but also to affirm the diversity of life forms just and environmentally sustainable, existing in the country below, and to explore alternative building self-management and collective forms and sensible to use and metabolize our material conditions of existence.
Finally, we express our determination to participate, with the Via Campesina, in demonstrations in protest at the COP 16 of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, to be held in Cancun from 29 November to 10 December.
Affected The National Assembly and Environmental Alternatives in solidarity and endorses the proposals of the Via Campesina in these negotiations, as well as the firm rejection of carbon markets, called REDD programs, meaning a new wave of privatization of forests and a new attack on peasants and indigenous rights. Reject or geoengineering the climate manipulation and other false solutions that companies and governments want to impose against the climate crisis.
National Assembly and Alternatives Affected Environment and Via Campesina and began to organize caravans of visibility of the situation of environmental injustice, and social climate in which Mexico is sunk, which also managed to involve other social forces national and international. These caravans heading to Cancun will at various points where there are struggles and resistance of peoples and organizations of the Assembly, to make visible these struggles, to denounce the national and international situation and in solidarity with them.
to construct a map of the environmental and social devastation that we will denounce in Cancun, as the true environmental and climate policy of the Mexican government.
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