Source: Journal
photographer Sally Davies live their biggest celebrity thanks to the artistic project with which Internet immortalized in the evolution of an "indestructible "a chain of hamburger fast food restaurants that bought it 146 days and remains uncorrupted.
"Every five minutes I get a request to interview me. I am very surprised at how interested everyone is in this project," he said in an interview with the photographer.
particular artist photographic experiment began on 10 April with the intention to show how unhealthy it is fast food.
Since then, Davies, who began his career as a painter for more than three decades and took the leap into photography 15 years ago, has lived in his own skin, which is to be the star of a viral phenomenon on the Internet, where the photographs that has been hanging on the burger have focused the interest of countless Internet users.
Under the name of 'Happy Meal Project', in honor of the children's menu that sells worldwide well-known fast food chain McDonald's, "Davies has portrayed the developments day after day who have experienced the food, leading almost five months resting in her living room in New York.
"It started with an argument with a friend who has several burger in New York. I am vegetarian and always said it could be harmful to eat burgers that millions of Americans. He laughed and I set a goal prove it, "said photographer, whose dogs says "do not even have approached the food."
These photographs
become a phenomenon in the social network Facebook, as well as other websites, newspapers and magazines that have echoed far from the idea of \u200b\u200bDavies, an artistic photographer who takes "with good humor "that is this project that really makes known to the public.
When 146 days have passed, the artist acknowledges, however, is now "hooked" to the project, which plans to continue photographing the "happy meal" more time and sharing those photos with your ever-expanding legion of fans.
"Right now the hamburger is like a stone. Has shrunk because it has dried, like bread, which is beginning to crack. The chips, however, are completely identical," said Davies, who jokes might need "psychiatric help when terminates the project."
The photographer explained that "not only is McDonald's, but other fast food chains" and said vehemently that Americans are "addicted" to that type of food, which in his opinion is "sick an entire country that has committed, for years, a large organic error food ".
The food sector" has been industrialized so that we can no longer find real food. Everything has so many preservatives and chemicals that it is impossible that the food is healthy, "said Davies, who said that she" also loved the potatoes for McDonald's, but never again. "
photographer laments that" the penalty this whole thing is that there is no end and has expanded to the whole world ", so that your project is a call for reflection on the power.
Sally Davies recalled several instances of others Experiments have been conducted like, as a teacher who kept a hamburger for 12 years and still without breaking down, or that of a man who, from the 80's, collect different types of burgers from various fast food chains.
In fact, shortly before he began his project, the blog babybit published two photos that claimed to be taken with an interval of one year in a Happy Meal menu was kept largely intact. Soon after, the company issued a statement denying that it was possible because it uses beef with no additives, "like that every day consumers buy in their local butchers." The statement included the statements Director of Food Safety Center of the University of Georgia in assuring that the burger could only look like that after a year if "would have been frozen or canned."
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