* Get the owner of the Conagua, José Luis Luege Tamargo
* Agreement Signed PRI and state political associations
* That the general Sergio Lopez Esquer in the coming days will be relieved ....
* In the towns of Xalapa and Veracruz were Mochan 9 million pesos of
Subsemun ... * Initiate water today tandem Xalapa colonies
Quirino Moreno
By March 28, 2011 Maybe
more ... *** A visit Governor Ochoa Javier Duarte receive the morning of Monday the head of the Commission Nacional del Agua, José Luis Luege Tamargo, who will participate in three events of great importance for the country and, of course, for the entity. The first, in Xalapa, this is the inauguration of the Second National Workshop on Coastal Dunes and Wetlands. Then, in Boca del Rio, opened the First Congress of the water: "Water for the Cities: Responding to the urban challenge" and also inaugurated the exhibit area of \u200b\u200bthe Congress. The intention of the state executive is to ensure water supply in all homes in the geography Veracruz *** PVD ... ... Although the Veracruz Development Plan began preparing for several months, the document underwent changes that occurred as a result of consultation forums organized by the State Government in municipalities of northern, central and south of the entity, in order to hear the voice of all the people of Veracruz, on the various issues that were submitted for consideration. The final text, which includes all the suggestions of citizens participating in the forums, be formally presented Wednesday at a major event be held in the city of Boca del Rio. Javier Duarte de Ochoa, in developing countries, returns to the inclusive plan that pleases both the population are rumors ... ... *** In cases that are handled in the media rumors as truths is always very difficult to give channel that information, because it is more politicking than real, which by the way the head of Social Communication duartista government, Gina Dominguez Colio, aware of crime reporting from its meaning, has brought the breed properly ... *** Winds ... The System Water and Sanitation Metropolitan Veracruz, Boca del Rio Medellín, led by José Ruiz Carmona, he a program to address the drought and water supply in underserved neighborhoods ... The program will involve the dredging of the pipes of water treatment plant in El Tejar, Medellin, and deep wells that supply the liquid to the population of the metropolitan area .... Alongside the SAS intensified his campaign for distributing water care media and lectures for students at basic level in order to rationalize the use of liquid ... *** Water vaaaaaaaa ... Yesterday, the PRI in Veracruz signed an agreement with the Green Party of Mexico, and state political associations Unity and Democracy, United Democratic Veracruz Via Veracruz, Political Association Cardenas and Veracruz Democratic Forum to participate in coalition in the special election in Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta ... *** A folton ... The leaders who signed the agreement were Javier Enrique Chávez González, representative of the PVEM, by Unit and Democracy, Guillermo Zúñiga Martínez, José Luis Arcos Jimenez, United Democratic Veracruz, Amadeo Flores Villalba, of Via Veracruz, of the Political Association Cardenista Antonio Luna Andrade, Manuel Zamora Casals, Veracruz Democratic Forum, and Héctor Yunes Landa, by *** With the PRI ... ... 5 and already the leader in his message Tri State said that the alliance signed by the PRI with the PVEM and five state political associations "is a respectable, high-alliance policy consistency, so I'm sure the citizens of Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta must recognize their vote for our common proposal "... *** ... Yunes Landa Pooooooooowww emphasized that unlike partnerships" dark and incomprehensible to the spurious and legitimate, "the alliance that has signed the PRI is baseless and unfounded, there are no ideological inconsistencies or projects opposing government, by making it clear understanding to the voters ... ... *** Sipiiiiiiiiiiii JDO meets with staff of the Naval Military Zone. Javier Duarte Governor, Admiral and Commander Arturo Guillermo Maldonado Hill talked about the coordination carried out to ensure safety ... ... Announces Vaaaaaaaaaaaa *** Javier Duarte works for a total of over 2 thousand 500 million pesos in its first stage in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Xalapa, Cordoba, Orizaba, Misantla, Nanchital, San Andres Tuxtla, Poza Rica, Alamo and Panuco, after installing the first regular meeting of the Technical Committee Public Trust Management Expenses for Payroll Tax to Work Personal and take the oath to members. The president said Veracruz that his government works to promote a new vision "we all have an obligation to manage the resources of the trust with order, efficiency and transparency, for the sake of Veracruz," said ... ... Sounds *** Oooouuuchhh strong, very strong and version that General Sergio Lopez Esquer no longer stand the pressure in the coming days will be relieved .... Upload the sub, is asked Monday ... *** In INECOL ... That the President of the Legislative Commission on the Environment, Natural Resources and Water, Ainara Rementería MP Coello, will attend on Monday 28 March at 10:00 hours , the Second National Workshop on Coastal Dunes and Wetlands to be conducted on the premises of the Institute of Ecology in Xalapa ... *** Jeeeeeeeeeeeee ... For the municipalities of Xalapa and Veracruz will cut more than nine million dollars of the budget allocated by the Subsemun ... *** ... Malandros Miraaaaaaa dressed as soldiers broke yesterday shortly after midnight in the facilities of the municipal headquarters of Paso del Macho Aaaaaazuuuul ... ... *** The State Government should take the hands of municipal elections Coxquihui and do not incite violence, as happened in the past process, said Secretary of the Board of the local Congress, Loth Noooooooooooooo Melchisedet ... *** ... The local PAN deputy, Loth Segura Juarez denied that the federal government's condition and 70 programs and more opportunities to be promoted in a special election of Joseph Azueta and Zzzzzaaaazzzz Coxquihui ... *** ... About 80 percent of the municipalities that resulted in property damage in the Public Account 2009 and have presented their evidence and arguments, but that does not mean that they are clean, said local deputy Américo Zúñiga ... According to the report submitted by this organization, municipalities are still within 30 days of evidence and arguments ... * ** Yyyyyyyyyyyyy ... Deputies members of the Housing Commission met with the director of the Fund, Rubem Höfliger Topete, who reported to the Fund for Reconstruction of federal institutions went 4 000 500 million pesos for the 2011 budget and seeks to leverage these resources to 20 billion ... *** In Cosoleacaque ... By attending the delivery of support consisting of equipment and supplies to producers of corn in this area affected by floods caused by Hurricane Karl and Tropical Storm Matthew, the secretary of Agricultural Development, Rural, Forestry and Fisheries (Sedarpa), José Tomás Sánchez Carrillo said, on instructions from Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, will follow up the commitments made to the producers of this region of the state ... *** Ok ... On Wednesday 23 March, the Secretary of Government, Lagos Erick Hernandez, his office received a visit from the mayor of Ixhuatlán de Madero, Elías Benítez Hernández, who asked him to convey to the Governor Javier Ochoa Duarte of its request for support efforts of their countrymen to get ahead ... 315 ... *** Xalapa is in the process of recovering its status as a city of flowers thanks to the work of the 315 employees of the Parks and Gardens, said the municipal president, Elizabeth Morales Garcia, to attend the celebration of the Gardener ... *** Performance and dedication to the staff ... area and union leaders led by General Secretary of the Independent Workers' United Front of Parks and Gardens, the mayor acknowledged the performance and dedication shown by staff in these first three months of work, "make the city look prettier and we are recovering the city of flowers "... *** 24 000 ... Veracruz scholarships will go ahead: Javier Duarte de Ochoa. "I want to make a special announcement, endorsing the administration's commitment to lead and say I am honored by the media that these 77 000 fellows through the State System of fellowship, that these 24 000 trainees through PRONABES system and that these fellows thousand elite athletes have not stopped their scholarship through the state government, "said ... ... That *** Okyyyyy Communications Undersecretary Raul Zarrabal said there is no basis to audit the of a thousand bridges administration announced last ... *** Today, today, starts today in Poza Rica ... ORFISA train mayors and aldermen on the management of public resources across the state. For munícipes, treasurers, auditors, internal comptrollers, public works directors and council members are informed about how to manage their finances, the Authority of the State Audit Institutions Veracruz (ORFISA), are summoned to a meeting on 28 and 31 March and the first of April, where they will train in the field of finance and management of public resources ... *** Ffffiuuuu concluded the event ... professionalization of the police patrol programs and departments of the Institute of Police Auxiliary and Wealth Protection for the State of Veracruz (IPAX) in the north, organized by the Office of Human Development by Ignacio Hernández Berruecos. (Digital Exchange) *** Zzzzzzaaaaaa ... Buenos Aires Cabildo unanimously approves Convention FIDE Program, as part of the Trust Fund to Support Energy Savings Program Sector Eléctrico (FIDE) se pretenden instalar cerca de 45 mil luminarias en el municipio de Veracruz, lo anterior logrará disminuir los índices delictivos en colonias porteñas, así lo aseguró Carolina Gudiño… *** Seraaaaaa… Protestas, Carnaval y retenes enloquecieron vialidad en Coatza… *** Gluuup… En operativo en San Andrés Tuxtla, la AVI rescata a una mujer secuestrada; hay tres detenidos. El plagio ocurrió desde el 7 de marzo y desde entonces se realizó la búsqueda… *** Me lleva la que me trajo… Por segunda vez en este mes aumenta el kilo de tortilla a 12 y 14 pesos… *** De las 20:30 a las 21:30… El gobierno de Javier Duarte de Ochoa se joined the international campaign "Earth Hour", promoted by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF, for its acronym in English) to create awareness among people about the effects of climate change ... from 20:30 to 21:30 lights almost all units were turned off, except the areas of health and safety ... *** Shows solidarity ... The president's statement was to state that all state government offices to join this international action, as a shows solidarity in favor of protecting the environment ... The Ministry of Environment called on people to continue implementing simple conservation measures energy, to help care for the environment ... ... *** The actions contemplated by the Government of Veracruz on the agenda as a priority issue of climate change, implementing the appropriate actions in this matter. Thus, both actions will be driven to reduce greenhouse gases and adaptation to change ... *** ... The blackout protection for "Earth Hour", which took place on Saturday, did not include the secretariats of Health and Safety ... Hospitals, health centers and areas dedicated to the protection of citizens, they remained lit for the State Government's intention is to raise awareness climate change, but do not neglect the health or physical integrity or property of Veracruz *** Ojoooooooooo ... ... That will start on Monday from water tandem Xalapa colonies and Mayor Elizabeth Morales said the flow water from the dams are located in Quimixtlán, Puebla, is below 10 percent of normal, forcing to take this step ... *** A roll cenopista ... After holding a working meeting with members of the National Confederation of Popular Organizations in Veracruz, the State Steering Committee Chair of the PRI in Veracruz, Héctor Yunes Landa accompanied by Secretary General Erika Ayala Rivers and the state leader of the CNOP Alejandro Montano Guzman made a tour of the facilities CNOP *** Manual Control ... ... The Supreme Audit Authority of the State of Veracruz (ORFISA), will hold the "Annual Meeting and Orientation Training to Local Authorities 2011, 28 and 31 March and 01 April this year, which will release the "Manual Control", which contains tools, technical and financial accounting for the performance of administrative tasks municipalities ... *** The advertising rates ... At exactly 12:00 midnight of the day, to the president of the Media Commission, Victor Geronimo Caamal Borges and White counselors Castañeyra Chavez Viveros Carolina Garcia, Executive Secretary, Hector Alfredo Roa Morales, certified the completion of the stages of receipt of the documentation relating to fees advertising that can be applied in various forms, for the employment of space aimed at promoting the vote for candidates for elective office during the Extraordinary Elections Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta cover, and that media registered ... ... requires employers Ooozuuuuuuuu *** Comptroller to investigate Fidelity bridges ... Augusto Zamora asked the State Comptroller to investigate this case and act accordingly ... ... Linda Ruby *** Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii will be accountable to the Comptroller, because they tell us that the State Comptroller conducts audits for the Youth Institute of Veracruz and opinion as to whether or not there are irregularities in the management of Linda Ruby Martinez Diaz as head of this body ... Lorena Piñon Rivera, d ice upon arrival found that programs have been operating regularly ... ** * Ooooraaaleeeee ... The State Government will continue with adjustments within the General Directorate of Traffic and Transportation of the State, in order to improve the service that is offered throughout the territory of Veracruz to citizenship, said the Government Secretary Gerardo Buganza Salmeron ... @ quirino.moreno entornopolitico.com entornopoliticoveracruz@gmail.com columnarepechaje@gmail.com twitter: quirinomq facebook.com / quirino.moreno
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