* Strange Veracruz roadblocks
* Javier Duarte Meets with President of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom
* Stops AVI former mayor of Fortin de las Flores
* Cumbre Tajin 2011 exceeded attendance expectations will create
* technology cluster in the region of Totonacapan
For Quirino Perhaps Moreno
March 21, 2011
* Javier Duarte Meets with President of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom
* Stops AVI former mayor of Fortin de las Flores
* Cumbre Tajin 2011 exceeded attendance expectations will create
* technology cluster in the region of Totonacapan
For Quirino Perhaps Moreno
March 21, 2011
*** What was that? Yes ... road blocks to Veracruz last Saturday are really strange ... group seemed more protests against the Army, Navy and federal forces in general, citizens ... Something strange happened with that ... We'll see ... Those who had to busting out the show for hours parked on the roads, we read the various signs, never really understood what it was ... But there were roads blocked by only 8 people holding hands, blocking thousands of motorists ... ***
Spring Summit ... At the beginning of spring, the Cumbre Tajin was filled with light, color and energy. Good vibes more than 50 000 attendees Miguel Bosé concert broadcast to those who organize this great festival that is slowly gaining a place at international level. And is that all State Government agencies, as directed by Javier Duarte Ochoa, have played their part in this event. Security, for example, is superb; the places to visit are clean and that speaks of a good organization. Congratulations to those who make this event possible ... ***
Summit leaders summit ... and if left untreated, this morning, Governor Javier Ochoa Duarte will meet again with President of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom, whom he invited to enjoy the Festival of Identity. Of course the American president did not think twice and came to know the history and traditions of Totonac culture. The meeting will be in the city of Xalapa, and discuss trade relations between Guatemala and Veracruz ...
*** Change set! Have you seen the Palace of Government is changing its image and is changing from red and green painted pistachio ... *** 205 years ... He was born March 21 1806 in San Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca, and will honor him this day, Don Benito Juarez Garcia who studied philosophy, but as his vocation always leaned toward the law, he joined the Institute of Arts and Sciences, receiving in 1833 a law degree. Benito Juárez held positions of alderman of the City of Oaxaca, Finance and Civil Judge, Deputy Local Government Secretary, Governor of Oaxaca and President of the Republic ... Laws designed to transcend our borders, to the extent that was why they were called "Hero of the Americas" ... *** A Poza ... Something else is changing are the events of the birth of Benito Juárez, same as the governor, would not the first time in the Parque Juarez but in the city of Poza Rica ... And here the mayor could lead the jalapeño, Elizabeth Morales ... ***
Zuuuuuuuuu ... In the absence of an agreement between the City of Chinameca and employees regarding wage increase, on April 5 could burst municipal workers' strike, as they requested 15% increase of wages and direct 7% in performance, basket and five-year and group life insurance, said the leader of the employees ...
*** Jeeeee ... Members of the Peasant Torch organization expressed confidence about the talks that the Governor of the State , Javier Duarte, will this day in Ministry of the Economy for, inter alia, discuss the loan request through the intermediary of SAE to the agency for the acquisition of the square located in front of the Abastos ...
*** A tuxpeñita, sickly ... Al the results of the survey being conducted in the two major works that ran the previous administration that presided Juan Ramón Ganem, one that was finished and the other in the process, the current administration in coordination with state authorities are integrating the complaint will be presented to relevant bodies for the mega fraud of more than 36 million pesos ... ***
Zaaaaaaaazzzzz ... SIMEV Masters loans require IPE and planted in front of the premises ...
*** In all the world ... The former mayor of Fortin de las Flores in the period 1995-1997, Caramon Joaquin Rafael Morales, was arrested by Veracruzana Research Agency (AVI) and pursuant to a warrant, entered the medium security prison in Amatlán La Toma de los Reyes, to be claimed by the Third Court of First instance, for the crime of fraud proceedings, against the City of Fort, in the administration of Ángel Sánchez Rincón ...
*** Permanent surveillance ... Three days after initiating the Cumbre Tajin Festival 2011, the Ministry of Health maintains constant surveillance on all food outlets installed inside and outside the Takilhsukut Theme Park, to ensure the health of visitors and tourists ... ***
hands ... The Directorate Against Health Risks sampling done daily living surfaces of the hands of food handlers to verify that indeed are clean and if not, at that very moment it is recommended to ensure hygiene and cleanliness diners in the area selling food ...
hygiene kit ... Each establishments have been given a hygiene kit ionized silver has a cubrepelo and masks, and avoid contamination of food handlers, are also being performed chlorine residual monitoring to verify that the water they are consuming and preparing the food is thoroughly disinfected ...
*** Gold ... Personal Secretary of Health and Sanitary District # 3 of Poza Rica also conducts lectures to food handlers throughout the surrounding area and are continuing delivering the 10 Golden Rules of Food Management and colloidal silver to disinfect water, fruits and vegetables ...
*** Diarrhea ... So far there have been complaints or reports regarding any contamination of food, but all people who come to the information modules are encouraged to if they feel sick or have some sort of diarrheal disease, immediately notify to go to verify the establishment could be closed ...
*** From showers ... Similarly, the bathrooms are being monitored area theme park, especially in the areas of internal and showers external areas of the camp, where chlorine and antibacterial gel delivery and soaps to all who stay ... also supervises all food handlers installed throughout the archaeological zone to the entrance of
Theme Park *** A distance learning offer ... After signing a cooperation agreement for the creation of a technology cluster in Totonacapan region, the general director of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Bustamante Yoloxóchitl Ten reported that they provide a range of distance learning, in addition to the Research Centre will address issues in the region and the Gulf of Mexico ... It will act on issues that are of interest to the entire region and that will also connect what's there with opportunities to develop innovation and business formation ...
*** El Tajin, mpio. Papantla ... In his third day, the Cumbre Tajin Festival 2011 exceeded expectations and the flow was increased by Miguel Bosé concert, said the director Solomon Bazbaz Lapidus, who said he sold out Saturday. ***
Ssshhhhhhhh ... Bazbaz said the economic flow approximated by Cumbre Tajin 2011 will exceed 120 million pesos for the whole region, because all the tourist infrastructure is at 100 percent, from Nautla, Gutierrez Zamora, Tecolutla , Papantla, Poza Rica, and Tuxpan Tihuatlán ...
*** Several institutions ... In an interview, the CEO of Cumbre Tajin said that this festival involves various cultural institutions such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of the American Indian, various government institutions, as the Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI), National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), National Council for Culture and Arts (Conaculta) among many others ...
*** Po'siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Finally, Solomon Bazbaz stressed that what happens in Cumbre Tajin not happen anywhere in the world, so we are an international example, "because things are done well and everything is reflected in benefits for the region Totonac" ...
*** ... A hundred days of his government, the state ruler said Ochoa Javier Duarte no change in the cabinet, so it will remain the same political actors, the executive said so in Cordoba state to lead the delivery of public clean trucks patrols and furniture for schools in the city ...
*** Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuyyyy ... Members of various civic organizations in the area metropolitan requested the intervention of the Secretary of the Navy to the rescue of mangrove Boca del Rio, the last stronghold of biodiversity in the metropolitan area that allows the reproduction of species, while water filters ...
*** In Mexico City City ... As part of an appreciation for the great boost tourism Eliuth the mayor has given Cervantes Ramírez Catemaco, in addition to publicly acknowledge the facilities extended to the completion of the staging of the play "La Llorona" in the last festival of the "First Friday of March, the mayor was invited as catemaqueño groomsmen in celebrating 10 years of this magnificent piece of theater ...
*** The first actress Silvia Pinal ... Note that in this important event which took place in the theater "Diego Rivera" also served as matron of honor the secretary general of the Association of Actors (ANDA), the first actress Silvia Pinal, who applauded the huge boost to tourism development Eliuth Mayor Cervantes is giving to the municipality, also thanked the support the city of Catemaco is offering Mexican actors and actresses, allowing demonstrate the art and culture, besides offering all and sundry shows first class free, exalting and promoting both Catemaco and the region ...
tuxtleca *** Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... The event was attended by the secretary general of the association of broadcasters, Rosalia Baun, municipal tourism director, David Brizuela Hernández, representatives of various national media as Televisa, Univision, TV Azteca, Reforma, El Universal, Notimex, among other personalities ...
*** Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Guillermo Herrera Mendoza acknowledged that 50 percent of companies developers who defaulted on the past administration of the state government received contracts of this dependence, more than 16 for the construction of bridges and the remainder for the construction of highways and rural roads ...
*** Aaaaa cabarets ... Ivan Lopez CANACINTRA test purchases from foreign suppliers ...
*** ... 200 carriers of the trade organizations CTM-CROC-CNOP blocked the road, known as Navy-wide access road entering and leaving the port of Coatzacoalcos, the problem arises after the company stopped making Multiver hiring unions who performed the work load-carrying ships to the warehouses or silicon ...
*** Oooooraaaaaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... Revenge of the former mayor of Texistepec, Saul Reyes, the whole town is suffering and primarily those of the communities where roads are in poor condition and have been aware that this with the approval of his council, without the approval of Congress local, sold the machinery owned by the municipality, including trucks, to leave without working tools to the new administration headed Anzalmetti Myrna Gutierrez, leaving a debt greater than 8 million pesos ...
*** A Fidelina ... Now knows that the former governor Fidel Herrera Beltran gives good time to participate in academic activities, both in the U.S. and London, while maintaining the slope of the country's political whims. This is what the column says Temple, the Reforma newspaper: "Like bees around honey and several former governors walk around the brand leader tricolor, Humberto Moreira. It is known that those who do not leave him alone asking a bone, sorry a little hole in your team are the Veracruz, Fidel Herrera, Ulises Ruiz of Oaxaca and Tamaulipas Eugenio Hernández. In fact, this desire to revive the political scene were leading Hernandez to visit the other day his successor, Egidio Torre, asking to speak with Moreira and convince him to integrate PRI CEN. So Eugene is not got no hands ...
Duarte *** Jjjjjmmmmm ... Requests the head of the SCT the rehabilitation of roads surrounding the Laguna Verde plant ...
*** Sssshhhhh ... No constructor admits to being among the 156 employers surveyed, said by the president of the Builders Association of the State of Veracruz (ACEVAC), Rafael Núñez Landa ...
*** Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ... FONDEN does not include the reconstruction of infrastructure in Sheep Pass, Mayor complains ...
*** Mmmmmmmmmmmmmttaaaaa ... About 3 thousand indigenous people marched in the main avenue to access Tajin archaeological zone in order to require federal and state authorities will slow the process of construction and privatization in protected areas ...
*** Aaaaazuuuuul ... Began Alejandro Vázquez Cuevas "Dialogues of Veracruz" with members of foundations, HB hotel in this capital city, the Civil Partnership ... Advances Veracruz *** Del IPN
... that the state government knows that education is the key to a prosperous future, because the mission is to educate, to balance the opportunities progress in the regions of the state, most notably that of Totonacapan, said the governor Javier Duarte Ochoa to sign with the director general of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Yoloxóchitl Bustamente Diez, an agreement for the creation of a technology cluster in this county ...
tools ... the state ruler said that the establishment of this new education facility expands the space demanded by the Veracruz, the aim is to train not only young, but about the tools to deal successfully with life ... He recalled that the Congress, as federal deputy, was actively involved to obtain resources for the realization of this project of great impact for the region ...
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com
twitter: quirinomq
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