* Recognize the tremendous value of women Veracruz
* end of the fourth Regional Training Day Municipal
* The PRI is clear from the important juncture in the country: JDO
* conversion work are performed in Tuxpan: Alberto Silva
* Require cleanup in elections to be held in Azueta
José Quirino Moreno
By March 7, 2011 Maybe
* end of the fourth Regional Training Day Municipal
* The PRI is clear from the important juncture in the country: JDO
* conversion work are performed in Tuxpan: Alberto Silva
* Require cleanup in elections to be held in Azueta
José Quirino Moreno
By March 7, 2011 Maybe
*** All we have ... The National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI), just to present the preliminary results population census conducted in 2010. From these data indicates that more than half of citizens are women. Taking into account these figures, it is just the recognition that the government will Javier Duarte Ochoa this week. And that will be held the celebration of International Women's Day and next Sunday, there will be activities to mark the Day of the Family, where women are not only housewives, but true pillars of households in Veracruz . In fact, according to the same INEGI, each day increasing cases of women who are responsible for maintaining their own home. That speaks of the tremendous value of women from Veracruz. Congratulations to all of them ...
*** And the applause? The reason that many delegations PRI to make the trip from different parts of the country, to witness the inauguration of Humberto Moreira to the national leadership of the PRI in Queretaro Convention Center stay off campus, was that 6 000 Coahuila arrived the day before and motivated by the arrival of their leader leaving practically filled space to other guests, including president of the State of Quintana Roo the PRI, as well as a large number of federal deputies ....
*** In fact ... the reflection of this lack of logistics at the event, was the fact that, already in the enclosure, the applause was reflected for Enrique Peña Nieto, after other delegations failed to show its muscle when it announced its respective governments ...
*** With the bat ... Miguel Aguilar Morales, Canacintra new national vice president for the Gulf-South zone, which Enoch Castellanos is out and the bat on his shoulder after he was the favorite of most delegations Veracruz ... It looks that work will cost Miguel Aguilar, and that does not reach consensus, but by laying ...
*** dies ... from beyond Acayucan report they apparently died in a car accident the young Alejandro Vazquez, son of the famous Citrus political, Abel González Vázquez ...
*** Do not ... The first ruler of Perote, Martinez Lizardo Irack Daza, has failed to pay more than 5 years on drinking water and pressured and even threatened the authorities of the Municipal Water Commission, taking advantage of their position, rather than setting an example as any citizen. Martínez Daza is about 150 thousand dollars for this service, which is intended to make them pay, and seek to take charge to get rid of the payment, something that certainly affects the work of PAN mayors of this town who are striving to do things opposition within the administration ...
*** Zuuuuuuuuuuu ... That Veracruz LXII Legislature remains firmly committed to continue working with local authorities in the prevention, to be in tune with their projects have ordered and transparent government, said Deputy Jorge Carvallo Dolphin, president of the Political Coordination Board, at the close of the Fourth Municipal Regional Training Seminar, organized by the Congress of State ... Served Members Joseph Murad Loutfe Hetty Casarrubias Jacob Abel Velasco, Armando Méndez de la Luz, Tom Pritchard and Elena Montoya Aguirre Zamorano, the local legislature Dolphin Carvallo thanked the participating municipal authorities ...
*** Your obligations ... Days Training is conducted in collaboration with the State Government headed by the Governor Javier Duarte de Ochoa, who drives from the beginning of his administration the consolidation of a transparent government ... Moreover, dolphin Carvallo said he is committed to the consolidation of municipalities trained and attentive to their obligations to policy planning public, as well as exercises accountability ...
*** Vaaaaaaaa ... In the presence of Marilda Rodriguez Aguirre, Director of INVEDEM, representative of the Governor Javier Ochoa Duarte, Marlon Ramírez Marín, Secretary of Veracruz Control of Congress ; Judge Daniel Ruiz Morales, president of the State Electoral Tribunal; Jesús Alberto López González, Director of Colver, and the mayor of Coatzacoalcos, Mark Theurel Cotero, among other munícipes, Deputy Jorge Carvallo Dolphin said the three issues discussed during the conference: the performance of local councils in their financial obligations, the participation of State Electoral Tribunal in the choice of local agents and subagents in the month of May, and the collaboration of the College of Veracruz to the preparation of Municipal Development Plan ... ...
*** Ooozuuuuu Deputy Jose Murad Loutfe Hetty recognized the municipal authorities who have attended the Municipal Training Workshop for concern actualize and therefore, have government projects that provide order and transparency ... were present mayors, trustees and owners of municipal finances of municipalities of Hueyapan de Ocampo, Jesus Carranza, San Juan Evangelista, German Sayula, Water Dulce, Cosoleacaque Mecayapan Tatahuicapan, Soteapan and Coatzacoalcos, as well as judges and José Gregorio Valerio Lorenzo Álvarez Gómez Montero, and Congressional officials Veracruz ...
Querétaro *** Javier Duarte Javier Duarte ... The governor attended Ochoa change in national leadership of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, where Humberto Moreira Valdés Friday and Cristina Diaz took oath as president and general secretary of the National Executive Committee ...
*** The decision ... The change in national leadership of the PRI represents the unity, strength and energy of a policy institute that works with sensitivity and closeness Mexican society, said the governor Javier Duarte Ochoa to attend the swearing in of Humberto Moreira and Cristina Díaz as president and secretary general of the National Executive Committee (CEN) of the PRI. After making a broad recognition of the leadership that led Beatriz Paredes Rangel and Jesus Murillo Karam, the president said the PRI Veracruz is clear from the important juncture living the country and that "in our hands is the possibility of driving to Mexico" ...
*** You give direct results ... Ochoa Duarte said his party has always been known for favoring the interests of the nation and the ruling PRI hard work and dedication ... The PRI is a party that is close to the company. "Our challenge as PRI in government is to provide direct results to society and thus reaffirm the ideology of a political party and near sensitive society." In the Convention Center of this city and within the 82 anniversary of the tricolor, Humberto Moreira and Cristina Díaz surrendered protest as president and secretary general of the National Executive Committee (CEN) of the PRI ...
*** The transformation of Tenechaco I ... A more than 23 years after the last repair made historic bridge Tenechaco I, to 61 days in office, Mayor Alberto Silva Ramos began work for remodeling, change in structure, painting and lighting, which invest more than 2 million pesos, in the 100-day plan ...
emblematic Puente Alberto Silva ... Ramos said he is currently finishing processing, which are directly impacting the way of life Tuxpeño "This is a very important work, the number 23, and that better be in this landmark bridge, which is part of our history and essence, to have a safe well-lit bridge, allowing us to share its beauty with visitors' external ...
*** Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat ... That Members to get off their luxury travel in Suburbans and Tsurus to save, "said Arturo Ugalde, said as the administrative head of Congress and asks them to travel in private cars and ends by stating that:" Les case should aspire to become senators and governors "...
Metropolitan Areas *** ... The formation of a committee of metropolitan areas in the State Parliament, and has made significant progress, as could soon take office ...
*** Item for reconstruction ... A member of the Special Commission for the reconstruction of devastated areas, Fernando Yunes Marquez lamented that half year that struck Veracruz Hurricane Karl, at least 150 families of Cascajal, San Pancho and other communities in Antigua are sleeping outdoors, and urging said that Secretary of Finance, Tomas Ruiz, clarify what is The loan is allocating 10 billion pesos local authorized by Congress for reconstruction of the state ...
Awards *** work ... That the president of the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, said the data produced in 2009 in the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the State Judicial Branch records show that in 665 settled in the court generated liabilities 225 million pesos in many cases arising from the municipalities, by way of industrial awards ...
*** Zaaaazzzzz election ... They require cleanup to be held in Joseph Azueta, the candidate of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) to the municipal office Azueta Joseph Candido Morteo Bernes, called for "cleansing" the Veracruz Electoral Institute (IEV) and opposition parties in the upcoming special election to be held on May 29 ...
*** In Pánuco ... With the presence of the full council was formed in the Municipal Electoral Board is responsible for the process of selection of agents and subagents municipal for the period 2011-2014 which will be chaired by Jorge Velarde Gómez as president, Mary Esther King as vocal and Blanca Pérez Contreras Llanos Rota as a representative of the legislature before the Municipal Board ...
*** Ojoooooooooooo ... evicted families Fidel Herrera of Coatza colony amid jostling, shoving, yelling and high-sounding words; personal Thursday Public Works and Government proceeded to the demolition of 18 houses including a church - the foil, and others in the building process, being established in an ecological reserve owned recreational park Alameda as part of legal process that started since 2000 the Federal Environmental Protection (Profepa) ... ...
*** Siiiiiiiiiiii Avanza shaping Sedesol list of beneficiaries and those involved in the Social Development Secretariat of State is "a step slow ", but firm and safe, said the owner of the subject Marcelo Montiel ...
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com
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