* The learning-error period of some staff has continued
* Javier Duarte meets with President Felipe Calderón
* Elizabeth Morales refuses to use public force to prevent demonstrations
* Will the rescue of the historic center of the city of Veracruz
* Increased the tables throughout the state is imminent
For Quirino Moreno Maybe
March 23, 2011
* Javier Duarte meets with President Felipe Calderón
* Elizabeth Morales refuses to use public force to prevent demonstrations
* Will the rescue of the historic center of the city of Veracruz
* Increased the tables throughout the state is imminent
For Quirino Moreno Maybe
March 23, 2011
*** is true ... that the time-error learning of some staff has been extended and for nearly four months, but some people just do not learn, will not start, no furulan ... Is not it out there where they can begin the changes, which in some cases are truly urgent and necessary? ...
*** But also ... on the premises in which the union with non-duartistas duartistas has generated a short circuit dreadful to do something fast, before they start to come to light today scandals yet been able to contain ... ***
Again ... The governor Javier Duarte Ochoa will meet again with the Mexican president, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, with whom the meeting would agree to discuss the World Water Day to be held in the city Mexico. The appointment is this Wednesday at 11 am ...
*** The best ... After five days of intense activities, Tajin Summit ended with excellent results. White Balance in violence, great economic benefit, more than 500 000 tourists and, last but not least, the visit of different personalities that gave the international flair he needed ...
*** They follow each other's throats ... Eulalio Ríos former mayor and current mayor Fararoni Gómez Gaspar Jimenez, Hueyapan de Ocampo, saying that Eulalio was assaulted at his home and he blames Don Gaspar ... *** Where is the mayor? .. a citizen acayuqueño manifested in the act of homage to 205 civic birthday of Benito Juarez, with a banner which required the presence of the former, Fabiola Vazquez, as he says this guy has become the custom since 2005 (the first time it was municipal president) not to attend such events, are only she and her sister, the former mayor, to the events of pure windowing and abounding chocholeo ... *** Crickets are passed ... Who in the small town of Soconusco, Mayor Jorge Custodio and consanguineous Baruch Baruch implemented Temo name "delegates" in a housing estate called Santa Cruz, as the absence of agent or subagent municipal delegates will ... ***
Ooozuuuuu ... Totonac Indians have lost their land ...
Chicontepec Paleocanal
*** Jiiiiii ... "The Totonacapan not deserve a luxury prison for kidnappers and drug dealers need health centers, schools and sources of employment," said José Jacobo Femat, national leader of the Confederation of Peasant Organizations and Popular ...
COCyP *** Gluuup ... That the Mayor of Papantla, Jesus "Chuchin" Cienfuegos, if you accept that recently received only maintenance of access roads to the Cumbre Tajin ... And several community roads are bad and only justified who are in search of support for repair ...
*** Sshhhhhhh ... That the Mayor of Xalapa, Elizabeth Morales García ruled urge support of the security forces to prevent demonstrations in the city, and therefore reiterated that his administration the emphasis on the dialogue with all groups of citizens ...
*** Mmmmmmmmttttaaaa ... By increasing temperatures and severe drought that is expected in the coming months, the city of Xalapa carry out tandem of water every third day so that all people can have water ...
*** in harmony and respect ... "We are convinced that Veracruz has everything to be the main destination country, as Tuxpan and its surroundings, which contain unique wealth that must be harnessed to generate employment positions in harmony and respect for the natural environment," said Governor Javier Duarte de Ochoa, opening with his wife Karime Macias Duarte world-class hotel Tajin Isla River & Beach Resort in the port ...
Tuxpeño Veracruz *** thriving ... The mayor Alberto Silva Ramos, to welcome, said: "These windows, walls and floors of this new hotel, are a reflection of the successful Veracruz that drives our governor Javier Duarte and now allows Tuxpan has the best hotel in Veracruz "... Extraordinary ***
organization ... The first authority of the municipality reported that with the completion of the highway Mexico-Tuxpan and Tampico Tuxpan instruments will lead to Tuxpan and north to its full development ... On behalf of the government and people of Tuxpan, congratulated the President of the Board of the State DIF, Karime Macias Duarte, by the extraordinary success and organization of the edition number 12 of the big party Totonac, Cumbre Tajin 2011 ...
*** Wooowww ... Members of the "Civil Association Pico de Orizaba "since last Wednesday left without potable water service to 800 residents in five colonies, by pleading no resources to afford to pay the operator for valves and maintain the network to operate erratically ...
** * Joooooooooo ... Will the rescue of the historic center of the city of Veracruz, where they are investing in the rehabilitation of various properties, but seek to extend the budget through the Inter-American Development Bank ...
weeeeeeee *** In other places ... Today begins the First Congress of Parents Municipal, where internationally renowned speakers will guide parents to have a good communication with their children, announced the seventh councilor of the municipality of Boca del Rio, Maria Cristina Arroyo ...
*** Oooojooooo ... Plagia armed group accused of the
Choapas ... ... Lift *** Ssiiiiiiiiiiiiii three armed men Cosoleacaque, says it was a religious leader, a taxi driver surnamed Barrientos and former Transit element State, who were probably raised by a heavily armed commando that was traveling in a pickup truck Monday morning on the street Young Heroes and Heroes Totoapan of the colony F. Gutiérrez ...
*** Vaaaaaaaaa ... Former employees of Section 50 of STPRM based in Paraiso, Tabasco, for 13 days began a march to Mexico City on Monday, passing by Coatzacoalcos, denounced alleged corruption and complicity that prevails between Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the oil union led by Carlos Romero Deschamps ...
*** Ooooooraaaaaleeeeeeee ... Demand the Aquarium of Veracruz meet Marine project ...
Tecolutla *** Claman Ooooozuuuuuuu ... more surveillance Veracruz farmers to curb cattle rustling SSP ...
*** Up and up the tortilla ... As of yesterday kilogram of tortilla costs 15 pesos, because this day also Maseca flour increased the thousand 300 pesos per ton price of flour, so the statewide increase is imminent ...
*** Excelenteeeeeeeee ... Knowing that Judge Glen Emma Rodriguez was honored by the Faculty of UV Law, for his outstanding career as a scholar and director of that institution. Attending the event were the Chief Justice of Justice, Judge Alberto Sosa ... The president of the UV Lovillo Raul Arias, President of the State Congress, Congressman Eduardo Andrade Sánchez, as well as judges of the state judiciary, public officials, alumni and family of the honoree ...
siiiiiiiiii *** Ooooh ... that saw the Electoral Institute General Council for the Electoral Process Veracruz Special to be held in the municipalities of Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta, CDE President of the PRI in Veracruz, Héctor Yunes, which said the Revolutionary institution is committed to working for the electoral process is conducted peacefully and respect, while ratifying their confidence the legality and impartiality of the Electoral Institute Veracruz ...
*** Brogan ... That the General Council of the IEV, Special Session of the General Council approved the agreement for determining the ceiling of expenses that can dispense the pre-campaign Political parties and coalitions during the election process Extraordinary, resulting in the municipality of Coxquihui $ 28,569.26 and $ 52,140.81 Joseph Azueta ...
*** Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta ... In this session, approved the public calls that start the procedure for integrate the Municipal Councils to be installed in the Electoral Process in the municipalities Extraordinary of Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta and calls by which invites citizens wishing to participate in the special election process, election workers as trainers or supervisors-training in each municipality ...
*** The Ojon ... It also approved the public notice inviting Mexican citizens and civil organizations to participate as electoral observers in the Special Electoral Process held in the municipalities of Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta ...
*** First and second balloting ... As another item of the day, held the draw for the calendar month and letter of alphabet as a basis for carrying out the procedures of the first and second balloting of citizens to serve on the polling stations on election day, being drawn in September, and people whose first name starts with the letter J ...
*** Media Monitoring ... Also, were submitted to the General Council and approved, Guidelines and Methodology for the operation and development of program monitoring media for the electoral process by-elections of municipalities and Joseph Azueta Coxquihui 2011, it will be in charge of the Social Communication Department, starting one day after the installation of the General Council and ending on the day of the elections of May 29 ...
*** mountain areas ... That the Secretary of the Environment in Veracruz, Victor Alvarado, said they are prepared for this dry season and wildfires ... assured that closely monitor the mountain regions and the valleys of the Cofre de Perote and Pico de Orizaba, in which work closely with the Department of Civil Protection ... These
*** ... The Ministry of Communications of Veracruz rescheduled the dates that the "Red Dragon" will serve in the municipalities Veracruz that require it, including Boca del Rio, so the delay in the resurfacing program began, said the mayor of Boca del Rio, Salvador Manzur Díaz ... This year there are plans to repave 35 colonies of Boca del Rio, said the munícipe boqueño ...
*** Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Social Development Secretary, Marcelo Montiel, denied that the resources of the Natural Disaster Fund (Fonden) will be handing out and the town of Sheep Pass is not entered. He reported that are still under review all the damages and it is unclear how much will the resources ...
*** This past March 17, the mayor of Sheep Pass, Adolfo Jesus Ramirez announced that 7000 hectares to be occupied for agriculture affected by Hurricane Karl, a water treatment plant, a trail and bridge pedestrian were completely destroyed, affecting 15 people and that the Fund does not provide the municipality ... Given this, Marcelito clarified that it will begin the management of resources ...
*** The media ... Parents should be more involved in the education of their children and not abandon them and leave this responsibility to third parties and the media have been in the growth process of children and young people, said senior lecturer in education and author, Angela Marulanda ... He said that the influence of the media has been negative for the younger generation, because they have learned to glorify violence, evil and negative ... *** In guevaaaaaaa
... Congresswoman Rementería Ainara known about the loss of dunes Chachalacas the sale of ejidos ...
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com
columnarepechaje @ gmail . com
twitter: quirinomq
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