* Many coordination to favor less have ...
* Applause for the "New Face" corrupt
* Pigs are they kidding Governor
* Pemex closed February 13 illegal connections identified
* Unlock federal resources to perform work in indigenous areas Quirino Moreno
On March 2, 2011 Maybe
* Applause for the "New Face" corrupt
* Pigs are they kidding Governor
* Pemex closed February 13 illegal connections identified
* Unlock federal resources to perform work in indigenous areas Quirino Moreno
On March 2, 2011 Maybe
*** Country ... Relations between the Federation and the state each day passes are strengthened. It is more than evident if we take into account that not a single week passes without there being any official meetings between Cabinet and Governor Felipe Calderón Ochoa Javier Duarte, or at least, with someone representing Veracruz in these activities. Both the President and the President Veracruz was told on several occasions, the relationship between the state and the Federation would be even better, and I met. True, both have been responsible for increasing the zoom level, to ensure that the relationships are in harmony and, above all, a lot of coordination to favor those who have less ... ***
Pemex ... To show this, this day will be in the area south of the state general director of Petroleos Mexicanos, Juan José Suárez Coppel. The official will meet with oil workers in the region, which is one of the largest in the country. The intention is to increase the living standards of all Veracruz, without exception. Indeed, the governor of Ochoa Javier Duarte has ensure that welfare manager. During the visit of the boss of Pemex, the Executive will deliver homes and places Veracruz definitive Pemex workers ...
*** How awful! Is not it absurd that when one has to go to a public office, such as RAN federal delegations, Labor, Office of Labor and Defense Federal Conciliation and Arbitration No. 22, located where once was the Inmecafe, one still has to pay for parking provisions for such public facilities? ... ***
sed to give them! Nutridísima as the manifestation of workers in the CMAS-Xalapa, which involved much Over a thousand people ...
*** New face ... For all of Veracruz is a great news here is start a cleaning program for all state government agencies, such as the "New Face" of the government ... A good idea and great initiative of the ruling ...
*** innocent guilty ... However, it is possible that in some sectors of the state administration is using this great program to invent or produce case studies to give results to the governor ... That is, some people are trying at all costs to the innocent empinar to pay what the guilty ...
*** These pens ... Or what is the same, that the wicked are already starting to blame the good of what the bad, to pretend to clean, but not clean ... The pigs are in the same pens as they are being productive $$$.... ***
... Examples abound for this phenomenon is not new, which are trying to deceive the governor ... But, just as an example, just to stop a motorist who was in a car which failed to prove his property and even made sure he brought overlapping plates ... however, once they arrived at the offices adjacent to the Attorney for the driver of that vehicle came in 20 minutes driving the same car with no problems ... So the governor should be very careful with these crafty, evil, that criminals have more features than many of the criminals ... And it could even take a small step forward with names and title, but the president himself ... These filthy pigs should be fired and even prosecuted ... Look to abuse of a healthy, well-intentioned state government to protect their corrupt gang ... is the height ... Applause
*** Okay ... That the Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa and Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Francisco Mayorga Castañeda, signed the Coordination Agreement Sustainable Rural Development in the state of Veracruz and an agreement for the application of resources in health ...
*** Tons
who? .. Well after the publication in this space the matter of the alleged incident starring a public car Xalapa, camionetotas one of those used by some government officials, official sources denied that in this incident had involved the government's general comptroller, Ivan Lopez .. . In fact, to report that the officer is a paragon of virtue ... Now we can only investigate if it was his vehicle that was driven by a collaborator ... And that walk ... ***
716 million ... The Coordination Agreement for Sustainable Rural Development in the state of Veracruz provides 716 million dollars of federal investment, 238 million state dollars and 205 million pesos for special food security program, which gives a total of $ 159 million pesos for agriculture
Veracruz ... ... Pemex closed *** Jeeeeeee February 13 illegal connections identified in the territory of Veracruz, mainly in the central region is almost twice as those identified in January, when they were seven ...
* ** A with Pancho ... What in the name of Congressman Jorge Carvallo Dolphin, president of the Political Coordination Board of the State Congress, general secretary, Francisco Loyo Ramos opened the Training Workshop "Human Relations and Leadership" for staff of the legislature, and which begins the Professionalization Program 2011 ...
Course *** In over- Workshop ... In the presence of the leader of Trade Union of Workers in Service to the legislature, José de Jesús Rodríguez Hernández, the head of the Human Resources Division, Monica Montano Bermudez, thanked the participants of the first block of the course, said , aims to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable optimization of human resources and therefore, activities and services provided by the Congress of Veracruz ...
*** Well ... The Training Workshop "Human Relations and Leadership" as taught by Dr. Jorge Mario García Vigueras, during days 1 to 3, 9 to 11 and 16 to 18 March this year, in three daily sessions of two hours each ... The course will cover various topics, including motivation, self-esteem, attitudes and NLP ... *** The
joke today ... In Veracruz, and do not suffer from drought, do not know it ... That said Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) Francisco Mayorga Castañeda, during the Fourth Regional Meeting of South-west Delegates 2011 ... It was in the Salon "La Bamba" Hotel "Galeria Plaza Veracruz" ...
*** Joooooooo ... United States has deported 629 billion so far Veracruz , 2011 ...
*** Mmmmtaaaa ... Again janitors and maintenance of the stadium Luis "Pirata" Fuente suspended activities can not receive the fortnightly payment of arrears as promised last week ...
*** Yyyyyyyyyyy ... The Xico City Council has only 26 police elements to care for 40 000 inhabitants, denounced the mayor Luis Alberto Guzmán Wells ... *** This siiiiiiiiiiiiii
... The phenomenon of migration has declined in the region of Totonacapan by performing "La Cumbre Tajin", a festival that creates ownership and gives them the opportunity to develop economically, artistically and intellectually to the people highlighted the event's general director, Baz Baz Solomon
Lapidus ... ... Traders Oooozuuuuuu *** Tres Valles, Veracruz, closed this morning their business for fear of being looted, and federal forces operating implemented a strong safety rescue Mario García Rodríguez, leader of an organization of producers in that region, who was "raised" in the ejido Santa Teresa, near the river
*** Papaloapan ... Guevara ... After the accumulation of gas occurred in a downtown restaurant last week, Economic Development Director, Jesus Espinoza Villiers , went to make a local monitoring González Aparicio dead ... The place was little hose and copper tubing not ...
*** Wooowww ... The PRD is plunged into its worst crisis, recognized the integral of the state leadership of the party Juan Montes de Oca, who blamed the situation to the realignment of the tribes ...
*** In Tierra Blanca ... that the former mayor Alfredo Osorio Media had been kidnapped during the night by an armed ... After they manage to release a major operation in the early hours of the morning ... *** Cumbre Tajin
... revive the economy north and is expected an attendance of over 200 thousand people and a spill of 120 million pesos in its twelfth edition, said the organizer of the Festival Identity 2011, Solomon Bazbaz ...
*** Is your area ... Unlock federal resources perform work in indigenous areas because the local congressman Moises Hernandez reported that the Commission agreed to release the resources to repair roads access to the region of Zontecomatlán, Huayacocotla and Chicontepec ...
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com
twitter: quirinomq
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