* Recognize Karime Macias proposals on gender equality
* Not all officials State government are helping the governor
* The parliamentary faction of the PRI supported the crusade accountability for
* Register the IVM 7 of Veracruz manslaughter
* The IVT does studies to examine the rates of public transport ... Quirino Moreno
By March 10, 2011 Maybe
* Not all officials State government are helping the governor
* The parliamentary faction of the PRI supported the crusade accountability for
* Register the IVM 7 of Veracruz manslaughter
* The IVT does studies to examine the rates of public transport ... Quirino Moreno
By March 10, 2011 Maybe
*** Honor to whom honor ... Recognition of Representative Martha Lilia Chávez González, president of the Commission on Gender Equality and LXII Legislature of Veracruz, Mrs. proposals Karime Macias Duarte in the direction from Congress to strengthen gender equality, is certainly flattering to all of Veracruz. And is that the PAN legislator at heart, but also a woman Veracruz brave and, without thinking about partisan issues, gender equality advocates in their entirety. It also speaks of the maturity of the politics and policies of the entity. Recognition is not just for Dona Karime Macias or the governor Javier Duarte, but for all of Veracruz. Congratulations to all girls and congratulations to those who promote the necessary reforms to achieve greater justice in that sense ...
*** Poquíiiiiisiiiiimos ... Definitely it's true that not all state officials are helping the governor Javier Duarte and have been demonstrated over the almost 100 days of the administration ... Some people actually are convinced that they are paying favors ... others believe they deserve the jobs they were assigned ... Some more to think they are doing for the president of having accepted the chambita ... And there are few, really few, who are committed to the president and others, feel committed to the ruler and the Veracruz ... ***
Condolences ... Our sincere condolences and solidarity with Pablo Hernández Vélez, on the death of his little daughter, newborn ...
*** It is ... However, we are told that at this point brings Javier Duarte measured very well all these staff, but especially the descolaboradores ... *** All
just like ... The Legislative and Judicial branches of the organization supported the proposals that Mrs. Macias Karina Duarte, president of the Board of the State System for Integral Family Development, made with respect to gender equity .. . Congresswoman Martha Chavez Lilia Gonzalez, president of the Commission on Gender Equality and LXII Legislature of Veracruz, and Judge Irma Guevara Dinorah Trujillo, president of the Administrative Disputes Tribunal, noted that the proposals of the head of the state DIF reflect the political will exists, and projects are necessary to overcome women ... Legislator National Action Party acknowledged that all women participate in productive activities, "but also to those from home, working towards building a better Veracruz." In the state admitted that there is sufficient political will to eliminate patterns of inequality and achieve true justice there is a gender ...
*** One hundred ... He added that the Veracruz Development Plan "should include special programs to eradicate violence in all its manifestations; repeal discrimination in the codes, foster responsible parenting and the universalization of health. " A 100-year celebration the International Women's Day, and be able to have a social recognition of gender equality commitments ...
*** ... In fact, Gonzalez Chavez pledged that, from the State Congress, be promoted major reforms because they have have made tremendous efforts in the political arena, "but we must not forget that there must be fairness to define the direction, parity in public. That must be the commitment of institutions and all women "...
*** For a quality of life ... The president Judge of the Court of Administrative Litigation, Irma Guevara Dinorah Trujillo, said the proposals made by Mrs. Karime Macias Duarte on gender equity and feasible, made on concrete bases. "For this reason, the judiciary will reaffirm our full support, because it speaks to what can be done" ... "This is - specified, necessary and essential projects for the improvement of women. Undoubtedly, with better health, education and delivery of gender justice, women will enjoy a better quality of life ."... ***
Estooooosss ... The local MP Xalapa, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, said the parliamentary group of the PRI endorse, support, and is attentive to the cross for accountability, oversight, transparency and good management of resources deployed by the current State Government, headed by Javier Duarte Ochoa ... To clarify that comments made to the contractors of the Department of Communications that will not solve all the resources, not passed by the Supervisory Commission of the State Congress, since it is responsible for reviewing the implementation of public resources and not properly monitor the implementation of particular resources, as these are the responsibility of the State Comptroller ... ***
Add IVM 7 ooozuuuu ... manslaughter of Veracruz ... That said the director of the Institute Veracruz Women (IVM), Eda
Arreza ... ... Interesting essssss *** That was the announcement made earlier this week the mayor of Boca del Rio, Salvador Manzur Díaz, on which his government will support with food stamps to single mothers ... No doubt the mayor made a wise decision if one takes into account the increased responsibility of more women as heads of household. Boqueño Mayor also has opted for education, technological tools as it approached the Internet for the bulk of the population. In public places like parks and places young people can have free access to the network ... Salvador Manzur start making a difference in the municipal government jobs in that region, while other mayors are dealing with clean streets or renovate museums ...
*** In Catemaco ... Strengthening the work of care to the public health in the context of the arrival of the festival the first Friday in March, catemaqueño council, chaired by Eliuth Cervantes began the work of fumigation and abatización throughout the county, mainly in colonies, and tourist districts to eliminate the mosquito that transmits dengue ... In this sense, the Trustee was the one who gave the go home to work, together with the council of the Honorable City Council ... During three days work with 24 elements, who used 4 machines and 3 bike-backpacks heat engines that will be handled primarily in hotels and restaurants ...
*** Siiiiiiiipi ... It says the director of the Veracruz Institute of Transportation, Carlos Demun Pitol, that the OPD not be alone in the training of transport workers, but also is working on various traffic studies and roads in various municipalities in the state, in which vehicular traffic has become a serious problem ... In addition, the IVT also made studies and surveys to discuss public transport fares ...
*** The example ... The state leader of the PRI, Ranulfo Márquez Hernández, emphasized that all political currents of that party will participate in making decisions to strengthen the unit, "we have the example of a governor as Javier Duarte who works with the inclusion of whole society, "said ...
*** Militants respect ... In the company of special representative of Martinez de la Torre, Eduardo Sánchez Macias, the mayors of Tlapacoyan, Tecolutla and San Rafael, and PRI municipal leaders, regents and trustees in the region, Ranulfo Marquez said that it is the militants to respect the agreements reached because he puts his personal project is not PRI party, "but are merely one element situation in our party" ...
*** Winds ... The general director of the College of Bachelors, Antonio Ferrari Cazares, congratulated the 32 teachers from zone VI of Cordoba, have successfully completed the Teacher Education Program in the School (PROFORDEMS), which is part of the Education Sector Programme 2007-2012 and the Reform of Higher Secondary Education ( RIEMSER), and its main purpose to guide the choice of training and updating of teachers at this level. The official handed over the accreditation record alos teachers, who together account for 200 of the 57 campuses of the College who have completed this program ...
*** From taxi drivers ... Jairo Guarneros, leader of the drivers of the Orizaba area, accompanied seven of its members, held an interview with the director of Traffic and Transportation, Victor Hugo Alarcón Limón, where they discussed current procedures for giving notice of their claims rank, title, meeting where the director of this unit showed the study of transport problems in the form of private taxis in the whole entity Veracruz, city by city and regions by region *** Managers
... ... Yesterday was held a working meeting with important members of the National Citizen Tanakxtumit AC and Deputy Secretary of Government Erick Lagos Hernandez in the boardroom of dependence. The organization whose coordinator is José Juárez Ambrosio, the private agency requested the Secretariat of Government to the various government agencies in seeking to address some pressing needs of the members of CONACIT in the municipalities represented by the group ...
quirino. moreno@entornopolitico.com
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