* to 259 tenants evicted market debtors Poza Rica
* In the planchette, sexual harassers IPAX
* They take office the new president of the density of Acayucan
* Programs to fight poverty are captured by political groups
* No cloning and changes in ticket prices
Carnival Quirino Moreno
On March 4, 2011 Maybe
* In the planchette, sexual harassers IPAX
* They take office the new president of the density of Acayucan
* Programs to fight poverty are captured by political groups
* No cloning and changes in ticket prices
Carnival Quirino Moreno
On March 4, 2011 Maybe
*** Soups parrot! Well the morning of Thursday, Poza Rica market that northern city, was very moved with the eviction of 259 tenants liable to pay a bank loan that was purchased by an individual named Jose Candelario Urbina, who, well, suddenly, and owns all those shops, with average trade value of one million 200 thousand dollars each ... And the homeless say, however that this issue already came venting with Mayor Alfredo Gandara, this man chose to evict Candelario, starting with the local Premier Photo, owned by Felipe de Jesús López Crespo, brother of munícipe ... as if the eviction were a dedicatory message ...
Carnival arrived here ... The Carnival of Veracruz began on Tuesday and with it, disappear as if by magic, many of our troubles, many of our sorrows. The government of Javier Duarte de Ochoa, through the respective instances, has been responsible for managing what is necessary to be the best carnival in the state's history. It's time to enjoy festivals and carnivals to live a full ... *** Grid
livestock ... for hot things go down south, then it is said that the deputy leader and farmer, Jacob Velasco Casarrubias, lost several of its district associations. And to finish the Mayor Renato Tronco calls "for the sake of farmers Velasco Casarrubias must withdraw from the Union. "Undoubtedly, he is drawing fire from Mr. Jacob ...
*** Hard, hard ... In a move that shows desperation, a group of female officers of the Institute of Auxiliary Police and Protection Sheet (IPAX) plucked up the courage to complain to the Commissioner Jose Martin Gomez, the head of the Veracruz Women's Institute, Edda Arrez Rebolledo, due to labor and sexual harassment suffered by several heads of the institution, specifically against the assistant manager of Human Resources, José Alfredo Castañeda Angeles, and the head of Social Communication, Lorenzo Antonio Hernández García, who could be dismissed because the case was referred to the Comptroller General, to determine what sanction will apply to public officials .. ...
*** Aguaaaaas ... The Chairman of the Local Congress Watch, Américo Zúñiga Martinez reported that the data produced in 2009 in the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the State Judicial Branch records show that in 665 living in the tribunal generate liabilities by 225 million pesos in many cases arising from the municipalities, by way of industrial awards ... ***
say that children and drunks ... German Sayula for us reported that this means "happy" the new delegate to the Regional Cattle Union, Oscar Ayala, hinted that the success of the new board led by Luis Arturo Ochoa is the be the former local deputy Mario González Figueroa. What plays whistles there CAEV director Minatitlan? You ask ..
*** From out in the street ... put the new president of the density of Acayucan, Dagoberto Marcial, through the trustee for the City of Acayucan, verbally asked to leave the City Hall offices currently occupied by the livestock association . Not surprisingly, as the rooster "official" did not win ... ***
say, say ... that the blockade of the Gulf coastal road, back in Juan Díaz Covarrubias, was due to lack of compliance with SEDESOL delivery of vouchers to those affected, and that was orchestrated by Mayor Gómez Gaspar Jimenez. Is it true? ..
*** Good for the administration of justice ... Ochoa Javier Duarte has been strengthening the cadres of the Attorney General in charge of Reynaldo Escobar Pérez, Jorge Yunis Manzanares appointed as assistant attorney general in the region of Veracruz, who is a full-time public servant, devoted to seeking justice from the early hours of the day, who knows the law and therefore the police investigation. It is a guarantee to bring order to the region where he was appointed, as is common knowledge that no hand shakes when you have to exercise the law, it is well known that in the north and south of the entity served with the same position where it is well remembered for his honest and affable path to citizenship. Good thing our Governor come to fulfill his word law to knowledgeable officials in key positions to seek justice, congratulations on the inhabitants of the region where he belongs to serve, as they have a reliable public servant and well-intentioned .. . ***
Oooozuuuuuu ... Legislators and leaders were cenopistas an explanation of the proposed tax reform that promote Manlio Fabio Beltrones and Senators Franscisco Labastida Ochoa ... The important meeting convened by the national leader of the CNOP, Emilio Gamboa Patron, leader attended cenopista state of Veracruz, José Alejandro Montano Guzman and as federal deputies and William Veracruz Fidel Herrera Kuri ...
*** Me surcharge on the wall ... It is not unusual to know that the interests of big carriers and Mario Alberto Rafael Valencia Zepahua prevent the regularization of rural mixed transport service in the mountains of Zongolica ... According to the legal representative of the Front of the Sierra Carriers Zongolica, and there are requests by the Mixed Rural service providers to the state government to recognize this public transport and concessions will be granted the same Act ...
*** Huatusco ... In general secretary Union of Water, José Luis Hernández López, reported that it reached an agreement with the city of Xalapa on wage growth, so the strike will not explode ...
*** Jeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... Members of the Independent Trade Union of Education Workers Veracruz (Sitev) asked the governor, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, guarantees to carry out an election process transparent, democratic and equitable ... Yesterday at a press conference that took place on 24 February the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Judiciary issued an award Veracruz lawsuit brought against those who are occupied as a leader of this guild ...
* ** Uuuuuuuuuuu ... yesterday the head of the Ministry of Public Security, Sergio Lopez Esquer, reserved words in which municipalities would be strengthened security issues
strategy ... ... *** Jiiiiiiiiiiiii Conciliation Court annulled the decision of note Alberto Yepez leader of SITEV ...
*** Tenechaco ... With Rehabilitate bridge 23 years have made the last repair of the historic bridge Tenechaco I, 61 days in office, the Mayor Tuxpeño, Alberto Silva, they say, began work for remodeling, change in structure, painting and lighting, where invest more than 2 million pesos, in the 100-day plan ...
*** Wwwweeeepaaaaa ... programs to combat poverty are captured by political groups, the distributed according to their interests and those used to control voters to indigenous regions ...
*** Evangelicals Say No to the Carnival ... Considering that the festival promotes the anti-values \u200b\u200bMeat and debauchery, Veracruz evangelicals were against the carnival festivities ... The president of the Evangelical state of Veracruz, Guillermo Trujillo, criticized the King Momo celebrations taking place in Veracruz ...
*** Voluntary Recall "? ... Mil 500 employees from different areas, some tell us entered the voluntary retirement program announced in recent days by the state government ...
*** Siiiiiiiii ... According to reports by the holder of the Comptroller General, Iván López of 75 workers working in the unit he heads. Similarly, the Comptroller indicated that also detected extra staff will be relocated to another area of \u200b\u200bstate administration, not to generate saturation in the staffing ...
with Notaries *** Sarita ... One of the fundamental concerns which include many of the alvaradeñas families is the regularization of their deeds of land, houses, properties which over time can potentially cause a serious problem for them. That is why the municipal president of Alvarado, Sara Luz Herrera Cano, met with notaries in the region. It has been found that an estimated 1500 homes are without deeds Alvarado, mostly poor people not have sufficient resources and advice for dealing with his writings, that is why one of the concerns ...
*** For the Carnival ... More than three thousand 500 items of various corporations involved in the operational safety of Veracruz Carnaval 2011. Was monitored by air, sea and land to protect the physical integrity of spectators and participants will be the weekend when reinforcing actions by the high number of people who arrive in neighboring municipalities to enjoy the carnival festivities ...
* ** Noooooooooooooo ... No cloning and changes in ticket prices of Carnival, Ricardo Pérez Gushiken said the Federal Consumer rondines should be doing to make sure people are not abused as often happens in events of such magnitude ...
*** And you, what plan? ... Took place in the port city of Veracruz, the Forum for Governance and Democracy "And you, what plan?" As part of the work of formation of Veracruz Development Plan 2011-2016, which this time was headed by Government Secretary Gerardo Buganza Salmeron and the Secretary of Government, Erick Hernández Lagos. In his speech the Secretary of Government, Erick Lagos, stressed that "Democracy requires of partnership, both state and community to achieve the objective of the welfare of society as a whole "and said the government headed by Javier Duarte Ochoa always be aware of the demands, opinions and suggestions of citizens, which is why that in this day and with the active participation of society set the guidelines, which in governance, will be reflected in the 2011-2016 Development Plan ... Veracruz *** Lift
Hueyapan blocking ... On Wednesday, about 5 in the afternoon, residents of 16 communities in the municipality of Hueyapan de Ocampo, who had blocked the road from the Gulf Coast after 30 long hours of discomfort, they decided to release the vehicle pass and sign an agreement where they put an ultimatum to the Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL), for the April 5 19 000 642 deliver the vouchers to those affected by floods September 28 ... With the intervention of the mayor, Gaspar Jiménez Gómez, Jorge Calleja Hernández, director of Regional Policy of the Secretariat of Government, the engineer Miguel Angel Hidalgo Cross, Southern Region Coordinator Programs state SEDESOL Social Development; Gracia Martín Vázquez, Representative of the State Government in the south, among other officials signed an agreement with 30 representatives of the residents of the 16 communities that held the sit ...
*** Gender Equity and Women's Rights ... are violated in the social and political and deputies of the Commission on Gender Equality and met with the director general of the Unit Resource Control of Political Parties of the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), Alfredo Crystalline Kaulitz, to know the relationship of program accountability to the political participation of women and prerogatives ...
*** From Coxquiui and Azueta ... That the secretary general of the Democratic Revolution Party, Juan Carlos Meshua, proposed a pact of civility in which both federal and state government agreed not to put your hand or using public resources in the special election in Coxquiui and Country Azueta ... Mezhua also requested monitoring and ensuring safety in the process to be conducted in May this year to elect mayors after the July election was overturned ...
*** must first remove the rats in his office ... Following statements by Reynaldo Escobar, head of the Office of the Attorney General of the State, in the sense that will bring to all "rats" and end the corruption in the agency, the local deputy Fernando Yunes suggested to start from his office ... ***
Seraaaaaaa ... Rumor has it that the government secretary, Gerardo Buganza, is looking for a Senator, but now by the PRI, is a lot of promotion that you are taking and constant media outlets in ... Wednesday arrived in Veracruz with Reynaldo Escobar and Lopez Esquer, all security, a forum for state development plan ... What? ...
*** And more ... Fernando Aponte failed Artega the possible departure of Harry Jackson Sosa of the PRI, but said it would be disloyal ...
*** The Joke of today ... Guillermo Herrera insists on blaming irregularities INAH Immersed Tunnel and Bridge Coatzacoalcos *** I ...
settled 665 cases ... That the President of the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local, Américo Zúñiga Martinez reported that the data produced in 2009 in the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration Judiciary State records show that in 665 court located in the liabilities generated by 225 million pesos in many cases arising from the municipalities, by way of industrial awards, "they registered 665 cases running against multiple municipalities, with employment for 225 persons million pesos, approximately, the amount gradually increases wages respective due, is a compelling situation that severely affects the finances of the City Council and the State "...
*** Conciliation Court ... Zúñiga Martínez situation that is worrying, because these debts lost in industrial disputes heighten the financial crisis incoming local councils and also complicate the employment status of employees who continue to accumulate only on paper their wages ... In this situation "sui generis", the Urban Xalapa legislator proposed as a solution in a global line of credit, with awards Councils lost work and accumulated in the files Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, hire a credit line in the order of 225 million pesos and are used exclusively to settle these liabilities that compromise the municipal finances, both financial and labor ...
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com
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