* Tajin Summit Concludes 2011 with over 500 thousand visitors
* There are state officials who are far from helping the governor
* Much anger among the people by the bad roads Xalapeños
* Prepare the PRI tribute to Luis Donaldo Colosio
* The State DIF give full support to indigenous artisans and children
* There are state officials who are far from helping the governor
* Much anger among the people by the bad roads Xalapeños
* Prepare the PRI tribute to Luis Donaldo Colosio
* The State DIF give full support to indigenous artisans and children
For Quirino Moreno Maybe
March 22, 2011
*** And they gave us ten and eleven ... And at the Cumbre Tajin we do not find the moon, but we got to 500 thousand visitors in this very important Festival of Identity, which began on 17 and ended just yesterday in the town of Papantla. The event was attended by Governor Javier Duarte de Ochoa, his wife, Mrs. Karime Macias Duarte, and a host of personalities, who lived with the thousands of tourists who were enjoying family and generated income for Veracruz in that region ...
*** A charge ... The problem of governing with very questionable associates is that there comes a time in which the ruler has to bear the bad reputation of those who would actually help and not hinder ... ***
Paaaa suuuuu ... And those officials should have questioned the sensitivity and dignity to resign their respective positions in the state, at least to clarify the statements of those accused in his previous assignments ... ***
Cynics ... In fact, state officials far from helping the governor Duarte Ochoa, leaves the impression that they are seeking immunity-impunity for their actions in previous administrations cuestionadísimas ... In addition, there are others who are cynical and think, think, and to state that come to fund ... since they have also said that thanks to them, in this or that region, the PRI won the last election ...
*** To see pa 'when ... Well, there is much anger among the inhabitants Xalapeños by the bad roads that seen in several arterial roads, but especially in and out of the capital to Veracruz, and vice versa, where there are real pitfalls in recent months have caused a number of caroms of cars entering and leaving at an average speed and suddenly find themselves with caps caused by trailers or trucks ... Y. .. while not done the issuance of Xalapa, you have to propose a temporary solution, which would be related to signalized from the height of the Golf Club, coming to the capital and redesigning the entrance to the mall the Americas and nearer, the Animas mall ... in addition to other disclosures that should be more fluid broader and marked ... ***
Aplausoooos ... Most interesting intervention by the papanteca Concepción López, back in his homeland during the celebration of International Women's Day where he spoke of his experiences as a businesswoman and the choices women have in this field action ... In fact, his words tell us that raised the event that aplausómeto of Papantla ... *** Remembering
Colosio ... On the seventeenth anniversary of the death of Luis Donaldo Colosio, the PRI State Executive Committee and subsidiary Veracruz Colosio Foundation, have organized for Wednesday 23, major activities to political honor the memory of Sonora, at 10.00 mounted a guard of honor at the monument located in Pino Suarez and Bremont, in this capital city. At 17.30 pm in the auditorium Jesus Reyes Heroles, CDE PRI, will be held the conference "Work and Legacy of Colosio."
*** The mejorcito ... Governor Ochoa Javier Duarte said the Cumbre Tajin Festival 2011 has been the best in its history, as it exceeded all expectations in both attendance and in the organization, quality of artists tourism promotion, economic benefit and cultural promotion. The Veracruz governor said the purpose of Cumbre Tajin is able to express with pride what the people of Veracruz, the wealth so important that means to us, our culture, our art, our being to live, and I think we accomplished the goals. " ..
*** The house ... In order to give appropriate follow-up to the attention of various organizations, associations and unions, on instructions from the Chief Executive of the State, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, this day, was seen in the room together the Secretary of Government, the Power Workers' Union Executive Veracruz State, headed by its Secretary General, Juana Consuelo Méndez Vázquez. Erick Lagos also said one of the most important priorities and tasks of the government program is to give humane care to all guilds that have been formed in the state, but especially the union of workers in the Executive Branch to comply fully with the service ... Who said
*** mello ... The PRI is not afraid of the alliance of the PAN-PRD, as these parties only going to show the public the poverty and lack of ideology, not having a defined project or engagement, said Anabel Ponce Calderon, leader of ONMPRI in Veracruz. The local legislator, said that ideology is what gives support to a government project and their opinion is they do not have opposition parties. "We are not to alliances ... I feel the triumphs they have made, are triumphs that sooner or later it will show the public the poverty of ideology and lack of government program, because there can be solid at what they are playing "... *** Support
Indians ... Karime Macias Duarte said yesterday that "the State DIF give full support to indigenous artisans and the children are our greatest treasure is the family that we work every day with objective of giving a better quality of life. " He said that the Festival of Identity, Cumbre Tajin has been a resounding success, hundreds of families have participated in different attractions offered this annual celebration and the security and peace of mind you deserve Veracruz and visitors from other parts of the country. "This summit represents an important economic flow and give a better standard of living for this entire region, not only showed their beautiful, but the whole culture that represents the Totonac people, in the state" ... There was
*** other ... For the Mexican Alliance of Social Organisations (AMOS), Carlos Pascual's resignation as U.S. ambassador in Mexico, it's just a relief for both governments need to maintain and facilitate that country's interference in the affairs our nation's internal. The loss of confidence of President Felipe Calderón to Pascual, it was the cause but that basically means keeping the Mexican submission. *** Cover the eye of the male? .. From our perspective, this movement was only to "cover his eye on the male", once Wikileaks announced that the representative of that country thought about how public servants operate the ministries of National Defense, Navy Public Safety and the war on drugs, including some of the issues that were published, which would have generated disagreements in the Mexican cabinet ...
*** Oraaaaleeeee ... In a formal ceremony within a climate of harmony was the restructuring of the Club of Journalists delegation Veracruz AC Three Valleys, which served as a meeting of journalists in the region to be reporters from various media Papaloapan Basin. Mayor Carlos Cordova, in his speech showed love and respect for those who are engaged in communication and external: "Rather than make a note the main objective is to keep you informed throughout society in a truthful and timely work that must be recognized, because without you we would be a society devoid of information on what is happening to our daily lives "...
*** The party of merit and ... Alejandro Vázquez Cuevas, calls for the PAN to unite around the symbol of National Action, "do not come with hypocrisy and say I do not rule out for the senate", but my goal is to one side when we see a party "and merit" because since 2004, merit and we will win the governorship. All nominations are welcome and should be within a democratic process as it is lived in the PAN. " "Next year marks another momentous electoral and Veracruz is one of the States that contributes most votes, we owe it to win, do hereby call upon all who will be candidates to form a circle of unity and less rivalry "...
*** The meritorious ... During the commemoration of the 205th anniversary of the birth of Father of the Americas, Benito Juárez García, governor of Ochoa Javier Duarte said:" Living in a rule of law is to live with order, certainty, security, and is also to have the best guarantee for peace. " In the extension November 20 Cedar Street corner of this city, attended by Mayor Alfredo Gandara Vazquez Andrade and Joaquin Guzman, the United Grand Lodge of Mexico, AC, Bush endorsed the ideology Juarez Veracruz: "We reaffirm our commitment to comply and enforce the law, to exercise an honest government and delivery, a government act in order, to avoid improvisation and render good accounts "...
*** Example to follow ... Staff Veracruz Institute of Sport , headed by general director Rafael Cuenca Reyes, paid tribute and honor guard mounted Don Benito Juarez, as part of civic action and recovery so that the sports facilities of the IVD is called "Laws of Reform." The general director of the Veracruz Institute of Sport said the life and work of Don Benito Juárez has extended until today and no doubt will being an example for future generations ...
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com
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