* Expand water infrastructure, formidable challenge: JDO
* Raul Zarrabal Ferat, "up as head of the Secom?
* Announce International Salsa Festival in Boca del Rio
* Denise Dresser, at the Museum of Anthropology on April 1
* The relationship of the PRI with the governor will be a healthy nearby: HYL
Quirino Moreno
By March 29, 2011 Maybe
*** The WTC burst ... A day Veracruz present the Development Plan 2011-2016, Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa took part yesterday in the Water Congress "Water for cities: responding to the urban challenge" in the World Trade Center of Boca del Rio. In the same place will present the PVD on Wednesday at 18:00 hours, which include, of course, all works and actions to be taken in this administration. Surely the site is really full of people who want to join the work to be performed in the office of Javier Duarte.
*** Water for all ... Expand Veracruz hydraulic infrastructure for water supply and ancillary services to many municipalities in the state is a challenge formidable, and one of the most important issues on the agenda for the next government, confirmed the governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, WTC Congress.
*** Will? .. Sounds much Raul Zarrabal Ferat, current Secretary of Communications of state government, as the new holder of that Ministry, after the alleged resignation would say already submitted Guillermo Herrera Mendoza ...
*** Urgent Telegram !!!!! Innocent When Yanez Vicencio was asked his opinion about the president's remarks CDE PRI, Héctor Yunes Landa made in the sense that IPE lottery must go because all governments are bad managers, said colosista leader who does not believe that it is a capitulation to an overwhelming market that continues in its efforts to subdue the ideological power and political power to reduce the degree of sovereignty to the ritual authorities to install and remove, where even is able to veto anyone who threatens the existing structure of domination, so he asked to be given an opportunity to explain that statement because he , better than most, knows that a party in a differentiated society, and not otherwise known, "is a cluster around a substantial agreement, as is the protection and respect for the Constitution, laws have directly or indirectly determined by the recipients, to fight for democratic representation, no compromise in the custody of the sovereignty, public education away from all dogma, to recover the social meaning of the State .. .
*** There will speak! Well, taxi drivers are 4 leaders, and a more anonymous, which tell us that the fight against corruption in the issue of taxi concessions will never have credibility, but until you return to the time when you decided these things was one Jose Mendoza Loyola, which they claim that as a hobby, lying on your bed about 80 concessions taxi plates, as would the very same Mac Pato Rico ...
*** Dunes and wetlands ... The chairman of the Standing Committee on the Environment of the State Congress, Ainara Rementería Coello, attended the inauguration of the Second National Workshop on Coastal Dunes and Wetlands, the same that seeks to foster a discussion to generate alternatives and tools for conservation and sustainable management systems, beaches, dunes and wetlands. The event, which opened in the name of Governor Duarte Javier Ochoa, Victor Alvarado Martinez, Secretary of Environment of the State, had the presence of MP Amezcua Carlos Aceves and Daniel Morales Ismael Mendez, CNA, Edward M. Recagno Peters, INE, Vladimir Pliego Moreno, CONANP, Manuel Molina, CEO of SEMARNAT, and Admiral José Jesús Ocaña Garcia of the Mexican Navy, among others ....
*** Rotundo failure ... that back in Acayucan, almost three months into the City Administration, Mayor Fabiola Vazquez said to have direct contact with the public and implemented "Monday's open house, they say the first municipal government attended the first three Mondays and real pa'l there are no council members ..
*** Will? .. Be true that there are irregularities in the Ministry of Communications in the order of two billion pesos ... but these resources sent by the Federation comprises different administrations of this administration secretaries Communication Fidel, as were Juan Aguilar de la Llave, Raúl Zarrabal , Marcos and Guillermo Herrera Theurel ...
*** Appointment tricolor ... Finally he decided the new state leader of the PRI, Héctor Yunes Landa, and yesterday named the journalist Pepe Valencia as its news director ...
*** Pure Glamour ... Mayor Oluta Villa, Fernando Kuri, who walk not understand him and his family in luxury SUVs and, as they say, "pulling faces", that it upsets the people and is so offensive to those who have less. Go advisors who have ...
*** Attention salsa ... The drums, gourd and began to ring key in Boca del Rio after the announcement that next May will host the International Salsa Festival. The Festival will be developed by the City of Boca del Rio and the experienced producer Luis de Llano .... It was reported that the festival will not cost boqueño City Hall, as Luis de Llano It has focused on getting sponsorships from commercial companies first-line national and international ...
*** Charanga Habanera ... The Festival organizers have been more than eight months quietly, so you have confirmed the presence of artists such as Oscar de Leon, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Willie Colon, El Gran Combo and La Charanga Habanera, which brings down the house of the Cuban capital. Salvador Manzur Undoubtedly tourism policy is marked by the governor Javier Duarte, which is to promote tourist destinations with major events, different, and without costing ...
*** Ojooooooo ... The local MP Xalapa, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, said the approach will be vital with the mayors, treasurers and trustees with the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local and Body Control for the proper management of public resources and adequate oversight and transparency of the same ... Meeting in the northern town of Poza Rica, Américo Zúñiga took voice at the Annual Meeting and Orientation Training Local Authorities 2011, where he expressed that it will be vital that the new city officials governed under the Control Manual 2011, it has been updated to government accounting that is required today ....
*** What about me I can do? .. On April 1, at 10 pm, will be the journalist Denise Dresser at the Museum of Anthropology. Comes invited by the Civil Partnership Citizen Otero. The Conference is entitled: What about me I can do? 10 proposals for changing Mexico ...
*** The 401 ... Before hundreds of students, teachers and parents, the mayor pointed out that it is intended to bestow the next 3 months, 4 computers to each school, so that the 401 schools in the municipality have this important tool to study and added "these supports in addition the construction of domes and classrooms, rehabilitation and waterproofing paint, plus thousand backpacks, school supplies and furniture that will deliver next week, so that together we be the city of education "...
*** Basic Tools ... Alondra Sosa Lara, student Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez School, afternoon shift, on behalf of the student community benefit, thanked Mayor Alberto Silva for their valuable support and considered this issue as historic, by providing basic and necessary tools for them to achieve their educational ...
*** A 10 years ... 1023 with the assistance of municipal public servants, held the "Annual Meeting of Training and Guidance for Local Authorities 2011." In that event, the holder of ORFISA, CP Audirac Mauricio Murillo, presented the 2011 Audit Manual and stated that ten years of the existence of this body in charge, is a mature institution that has achieved important and is faced with challenges to overcome. Among these is the implementation of the new government accounting, which will modify the technical criteria for auditing the municipalities ...
*** Budgets ... Similarly, said it is necessary that the State of Veracruz has a system of performance evaluation of the government budget, so that, based on assumptions grounded in results, verify the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of municipal spending and its impact on social and economic conditions State. *** Collaboration ... That training will continue this Thursday 31 March at the World Trade Center (WTC Veracruz-Boca del Rio). Kicking off with registration of attendees from 14:00 hrs. In the meeting of which will sign a partnership agreement with the Ministry of Finance and Planning (SEFIPLAN), with the presence of C. Governor, Dr. Javier Duarte Ochoa ...
social infrastructure ... The municipal president Elizabeth Morales García made a public recognition of the state governor, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, for raising infrastructure social and actions for the common benefit of Xalapeños, and thereby contribute to growth and development of the capital of Veracruz ...
*** Zaaaaaaaa ... The governor of Veracruz Javier Duarte de Ochoa, explained that for Xalapa is provided for the construction of the distributor Hill Road Galaxy and the second stage of the collector Emiliano Zapata, located in the neighborhood of the same name ...
*** Van 100 days ... Considered as a historical fact As part of its commitment to the education of children and young people, stipulated in the plan 100 days, the Mayor Alberto Silva Ramos, handed over 120 computer equipment for 30 school buildings in rural and urban, in its first stage ...
*** Jaramillo in Tuxpan ... Accompanied by Commander of 39 Infantry Battalion, José María Bernabé Martínez, the regional delegate of the SEV, Ludivine Ramirez Ahumada, plus naval representatives, body building complex and educational authorities, Silva Ramos recalled that the Secretary of State Regional Infrastructure, Arturo Jaramillo Diaz, the local government recognized as the best of Veracruz, "by that way we will continue to be recognized in all areas, "said ...
*** In Poza Rica ... The local MP Xalapa, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, said the approach will be vital to have the mayors, treasurers and trustees with the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local and the Supervisory Body for the proper management of public resources and adequate oversight and transparency of the same ...
Control Manual 2011 ... Meeting in the northern town of Poza Rica, Américo Zúñiga took voice at the Annual Meeting of Training and Guidance for Local Authorities 2011, where he expressed that it will be vital that the new city officials are governed under the Control Manual 2011, it has been updated to governmental accounting that is required today ...
Guidelines and indicators ... Under this scheme, Américo Zúñiga said the municipal authorities of northern Veracruz, local representatives and officials of the Government of the Manual Control 2011 is an essential guide to sort the various items of public spending and public works, along with guidelines and indicators to measure the physical and financial progress of federal public funds, the accounting determination of income and expenses ...
** * Advice and resolution ... Américo Zúñiga Martínez asked the municipalities north of the state's proximity to the Congressional Oversight Committee on Local and Control Authority, it will be in two units where you will find all the advice and solution to all your questions concerning the issue of control, good management and transparency of current expenditure: "We are obliged to good management of public resources, that as public servants we are obliged, if we the people of Veracruz and Veracruz will thank us" ...
*** The first press conference ... That the State Steering Committee Chair of the PRI in Veracruz, Héctor Yunes Landa, announced Monday morning at the first press conference of the Committee, the journalist José Valencia Sanchez will be the new Coordinator of Media Policy Institute ... The Breakfast offered by the Tri State Committee was announced that the press conferences PRI will take place on Monday at 10 ½ am in the Board Chairman of the Policy Institute, or the city where you are on tour ...
*** It is very healthy ... Accompanied by general secretary Erika Ayala and Jesus Rios national delegate Múñoz Medellín, Yunes Landa said the party's relationship with the governor Javier Duarte is a healthy closeness, "that healthy distance than ever spoke, in this case will not work with us because we are a party committed to the actions of state government "...
*** In all the history ... Yunes Landa asserted that the confidence in the administration of Duarte de Ochoa, "not only because fellow, not only for being the most votes from the Veracruz in history but because these over a hundred days have earned the trust of society by their pubic policy of firmness and restraint without detriment to the effectiveness "...
*** Ok, I Tavo ... With the presence of the most important state media, President of PRI in Veracruz, said that soon the party will announce the new image of the party newspaper, website and magazine Dialogues ... Yunes Landa Gustavo Cadena Mathery reported that shall ensure, so honorary direction of the magazine Dialogue, which will reprint the game after many years ...
*** Vaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... Héctor Yunes emphasized that at 2 weeks of assuming the leadership of the PRI, has been reunited with all sectors and organizations that make up the tricolor and with former presidents and former Secretaries-General ...
*** Enlace.com ... Nearly 70 thousand 600 thousand 627 students of senior high schools throughout the territory of Veracruz, conducted the National Assessment of Academic Achievement in Schools (LINK) from 5 to 7 April, the secretary reported Education, Adolfo Mota Hernández ...
*** are dedicated ... Mota secretary detailed the evidence that will be applied to students who reach the last grade of upper secondary education, as well as terminal education schools both official and private schools, in order to know the extent to which youth are able to implement to the real world situation, knowledge and skills in reading and mathematics acquired throughout their school career ...
*** Ooozuuuu ... "The municipalities of Veracruz and its municipalities are building next to the state representative, Javier Duarte Ochoa, municipal governments more open, democratic and social participation, "said Andrade ...
*** Series ... Before the holder of the State Audit Institutions Veracruz (ORFISA), Mauricio Murillo Audirac who started in this county in the north a series of workshops to be held in Boca del Rio Coatzacoalcos, the munícipe Alfredo Gandara said ORFISA is the guarantor of transparency in public resource management and accountability thanks to timely advice and guidance ...
*** From the Committee ... the same way he said it is helpful to have the support of the members of the Monitoring Committee of Congress State as thanked the local deputy and chairman of the supervisory commission, Américo Zúñiga Martínez ...
... Then
*** urged to submit an initiative that provides for stronger penalties for environmental offenders, Fernando Yunes Marquez, local deputy for the XXII district, urged the state governor, Javier Ochoa Duarte as well as various state and federal authorities to undertake the necessary actions so that all mangroves in the State of Veracruz are declared as protected areas ...
*** These ecosystems ... Congressman expressed Yunes concern about the state saved more than 30,000 hectares of mangroves exist in the state and regretted that most of these ecosystems lack the necessary protection to avoid their being used improperly, "Veracruz is one of the states with largest land area of \u200b\u200bmangroves are being destroyed themselves by unscrupulous people, either filling them, extracting natural resources or pollute them, thus seeking to profit from them, "he added ...
*** The actions ... Deputy Jorge Carvallo Dolphin reiterated his support for measures security that the Government of Javier Duarte de Ochoa tool to combat crime Interviewed organized ... in the halls of the Legislative Palace stressed that these actions are to safeguard the peace, social peace and harmony of society ...
*** On Monday morning ... That CDE secretary of the PRI, Mr. Juan de Dios Sánchez Abreu, was present in the salute to the flag on behalf of the PRI state president, Héctor Yunes Landa ... The event was attended by Professor Juanita Velazquez Aquino, President the Icadep, Mr. Miguel Angel Hernandez Correa, President of Icadep of Xalapa, and staff ...
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com entornopoliticoveracruz@gmail.com columnarepechaje@gmail.com twitter: quirinomq facebook.com / quirino.moreno
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