* Distribute the IPE 200 mp between unions for institutional loans
* red disappears from the local PRI ...
* Alleged plagiarism of farmer Valentin Cortez Homes
* Actopan cabbies are manifested in Plaza Lerdo
* The cost of tortillas could reach fifteen dollars
For Quirino Moreno Maybe
March 16, 2011
* red disappears from the local PRI ...
* Alleged plagiarism of farmer Valentin Cortez Homes
* Actopan cabbies are manifested in Plaza Lerdo
* The cost of tortillas could reach fifteen dollars
For Quirino Moreno Maybe
March 16, 2011
*** Veracruz safe! In Veracruz we work with all the energy and strength to ensure the protection of Veracruz, said Governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, noting that the operation that the security forces carried out at the ranch "La Leona", municipality of Carrillo Puerto, where he secured a training camp, reflects the coordinated efforts between the three levels of government ...
*** Energy and strength! Peer Cordoba, Veracruz governor said the action "is the clearest manifestation of the power and force with which the state government is working to ensure peace, harmony and tranquility of citizens. In Veracruz there's no room for impunity, no room for the crime, "said ...
*** There are no debts on the IPE! On Tuesday, the director of IPE, Gonzalo Morgado Huesca, distributed about 200 million between various unions for institutional loans. The famous state official made clear that the finances of the IPE are healthy and there is no debt to repay. Only the secretary general of the Union State Service Workers Education (sets), Acela Servin Murrieta, handed a check for 10 million pesos for loans. While the IPE will ...
*** Changes in the state PRI ... And speaking of substantive changes, a question asked by those who observed the change of baton of state on Sunday PRI is: who instruct for directors from wearing black pants and a white guayabera, so much so that the red color virtually disappeared from the stage? ... ***
boost will ... Security forces carried out an intensive operation in the region of Cardel, La Antigua, Puente Nacional, Sheep Pass and in the periphery of the port of Veracruz to the whereabouts of the farmer and rancher Valentine Homes Cortez, who was reportedly kidnapped while driving to a ranch he owned in this river ...
*** Mobilization ... The Public Security Secretariat mobilized the VI Regional Delegation con sede en La Antigua y a las delegaciones de Tierra Blanca, Fortín de las Flores, Xico y Cosamaloapan, para bloquear los caminos y accesos a la región, donde se presume pudiera estar ubicado el ex alcalde y ex funcionario público estatal. Al operativo se han sumado fuerzas del Ejército mexicano y la Marina...
*** Sayula de Alemán, un polvorín… varios acontecimientos políticos se están dando en aquel pequeño municipio, empezando por la reciente contienda de la ganadera local, en donde supuestamente Luis Arturo Ochoa ganó contra Jaime Alarcón y Celestino Gómez, pero resulta que don Celestino impugnó la elección y es muy probable que se la tumben a don Luis Arturo Ochoa... ***
say, say ... that Luis Arturo Ochoa leads in your return as treasurer for a non-member cattle and hence the challenge, the fact is that the presence of Oscar Ayala as a delegate to the Southern Livestock Union clogs ... who gets in its way? You ask .. *** Another Sayula ... in recent days was taken that the Municipal Palace municipality, where people led by Gerson Marcial accuse the mayor of nepotism and now the new allegation is that Mr. Gerson requires the City to subsidize this group Indians that he leads. Who accelerates Gerson? ... *** Incongruous ... say that the mayor of Villa Oluta, Fernando Kuri Kuri, proclaiming that he spends a municipality was broken and he is trying to "sanitize" the accounts, now announces the carnival, where stars will bring first class entertainment for the people. These artists cost. So is there or no wool Oluta? .. *** The obsession ... Don Fernando Kuri Kuri is a candidate for local MP, that is the fever that brings ...
*** Oooozuuuuuu ... that the state government settled from April to suppliers who are owed from the previous state administration, announced the Secretary of Sefiplan, Tomás Ruiz ...
PAN *** Jeeeeeee ... want to send Memo to Mark Theurel and Herrera, for clarification, especially wool ...
*** Pow ... that bullying is a characteristic and extreme violence in adolescence. Therefore, the promotion to life and healthy living children, the State System for Integral Family Development calls on the free lecture titled "Bullying", on Tuesday 22 at 18:00 pm in the Agora City ...
*** Ssssshhhhhh ... Since the government secretary Gerardo Buganza Salmeron announced that the Mexican Army notified the governor of the state of Ochoa Javier Duarte on the location of a training base underground, located in the area of \u200b\u200bCuitlahuac, while revealing that the strategies are taking shape to follow the case ...
*** Aaaajaaaaa ... On the situation in Tampico Alto by the disappearance of the mayor, says that while Buganza Salmeron absence of a formal complaint with the competent authorities, who will be at City Hall by the office of mayor shall be the trustee, but said that by the time you could be placed before the mayor, there is the possibility of adding a deputy ...
*** Ooooraaaaleeeeeeeee ... More than 200 taxi drivers attached to the CNOP awaiting delivery of concessions, because they already have units but still do not have permission to move ...
*** Vaaaa that ... that a meeting with mayors from the southern region of Veracruz, the Health Secretary, Paul Anaya, announced that it will apply 173 million pesos to build 53 health centers that were already approved earlier and had not been authorized by the federation ...
*** Caravans ... The heads of five hospitals belonging to the Sanitary District No. 10, who announced they will begin shortly Health Caravans with which they may serve up to 500 billion queries a day, asked to select mayors While the communities most in need and not have a nearby health center, to give priority ...
*** Jeeeeeeeeeee ... About 20 items with concessions Actopan taxi from Plaza Lerdo marched in to demand runs the invasion of such transportation in your municipality. Ensure taxis from dealers Actopan, Veracruz, taxi drivers invade Xalapeños least three of their congregations in this county, declining nearly 50 percent of their daily earnings. About 20 protesters marched in dealers Plaza Lerdo requiring the Traffic Division of the state that will put an end to the 30 units that go to your town to steal the ticket ... ***
Tejar-Garnica ... The Ministry of Environment promotes the "Adopt an Acre" in protected natural area "Tejar-Garnica, who joined in this endeavor, the" UC Microcredit "that from this day care space in the park with tasks Natura reforestation and care, said the deputy director of the Preservation and Restoration of Natural Resources SEDEM, Ibiza Martínez Serrano ...
oxygen ... SEDEM Alvarado Victor Martinez headed searches than the sum of wills reduce environmental liabilities and that a coordinated care space contributes to the generation of oxygen and commits the same time, society, businesses and institutions to strengthen awareness actions and tasks ...
*** Wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuu ... For alleged police abuse, a citizen filed a complaint Orizaba public to the media because a person was treated with unnecessary violence by elements of the corporation orizabeña. This arose around 9:40 am on Tuesday, when representatives of different media were in the DIF on the occasion of the visit of the state agency director, Juan Antonio Nemi ...
*** handed Zzzzzzzziiiii ... Cordoba Duarte patrols, clean trucks and equipment for 100 schools ... The 22 patrols were donated by businesses to improve public safety. There are better opportunities for advancement in Veracruz, defined the Governor ... ...
*** Starting March 21, the flour companies have contemplated raising the price of maize meal, so that the cost of tortillas may achieve the fifteen dollars, derived presumably from the shortage of maize in the country ... White Elephant
*** ... In 2010 the Association of Journalists received a budget of one million 700 thousand dollars, but it turns out that this decentralized agency did no academic work, making it a white elephant ... working in the College 8 workers, who generate a monthly payroll expenses by 85 thousand dollars ...
*** Nooooooooooooo ... That the Mayor of Veracruz, Carolina Gudiño Corro, refused to elaborate about the recorded session on Monday, where PRI aldermen voted against the program works ...
*** Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Guild members of the Trade Union of Municipal Workers of Coatzacoalcos (STMC) seek to remove a special meeting to the secretary general of the group, Jorge López Ríos, accusing him of treason, abuse of office and extortion ...
*** Conference ... What Congressman Eduardo Andrade Sánchez, President of the State Congress, attended the lecture "The brain: ethics and policy for the State of Veracruz," by Dr. Jorge Manzo Denes, organized by the Standing Committee on Science and Technology, chaired by Deputy Ricardo Garcia Escalante ...
*** Ooraaaa ... Accompanied by their counterparts Members Brenda Reyes Abigail Aguirre, Isaac Contreras Gonzalez, Isela Gonzalez Ochoa Dominguez and Ulises Valdivia and Dr. Maria Rebeca Toledo, Fernando Arteaga and Heriberto Aponte Garibay Contreras, the speaker stressed the importance of scientific research on brain function and disease ...
*** Ethics and politics ... stressed the need to give more resources to science, especially in the field of neuroscience and to enact laws for optimal development of science and research in Mexico and the State ... The conference, "The brain: ethics and policy for the State of Veracruz, which closed the deputy Eduardo Andrade Sánchez, was held at the framework of the World Brain Week is held in March each year since 1996 ... attended LXII deputies in the Local Legislature, academics, researchers and the general public ...
*** In Cuitláhuac ... In surprise operation, the Navy and the Army discovered a clandestine field Cuitláhuac, in central Veracruz, and seized an arsenal : loaders, grenades, grenade launchers, cartridges and miscellaneous equipment and trucks in the area. However, despite the discovery of weapons was not possible to capture any member of organized crime as a suspected training camp of the criminal organization Los Zetas, although the secretary and Governor Gerardo Javier Buganza Duarte said they do not operate in Veracruz ...
*** This panchooooooooo ... Guillermo Herrera, as his predecessor Mark Theurel, are suspected of embezzling nearly 500 million dollars caused by developers who did not exercise the advances received for highway bridges and other works, and others who made bad work facts, accused the secretary of the Communications Committee
Francisco Lara *** Ooozuuuuu ... .. Gerardo Buganza to blame Fidelity delivery fake taxi concessions ...
*** Catemaco ... Following in the foot of the letter public policies in sport, the municipal presidents Eliuth Cervantes Ramírez uniform delivery of 20 same number of students of swimming school "Aquamart", which were used in the skills of this discipline in the city of Boca del Rio ...
*** A great motivation ... It should be noted that this support from the president of these young athletes Catemaco , was also attended by parents, thus achieving a great motivator for children, who stressed their support and commitment to continue to work in various sporting events ...
*** The boundary ... The Chairman of the Supervisory Commission local Congress, Américo Zúñiga Martínez, emphasized that the demarcation of responsibilities for companies that have engaged in inappropriate resource management corresponds to the Comptroller General of the State and not the legislative branch ...
*** Accessory ... Emphasizes Zuñiga Martinez, where once it determined that if there were irregularities, Congress local not grant any kind of forgiveness if a public servant was complicit in these irregularities: "We have to clarify first that the State Congress, among its responsibilities and powers, can not be involved in particular issues, ie, when it comes to business we speak of individuals or companies that are contracted by the government, if not part of it "...
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com
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