* Duarte and Calderon talked about Laguna Verde ...
* Veracruz ranks third place in national migration
* Very active in Congress Pepe Zorrilla Yunez
* Discard CRIVER niños enfermos por nucleoeléctrica
* Instalan en Xalapa la Comisión Municipal de Ecología
Por Quirino Moreno Quiza
Marzo 26 2011
* Veracruz ranks third place in national migration
* Very active in Congress Pepe Zorrilla Yunez
* Discard CRIVER niños enfermos por nucleoeléctrica
* Instalan en Xalapa la Comisión Municipal de Ecología
Por Quirino Moreno Quiza
Marzo 26 2011
Nuestra solidaridad con Alfonso Salces, ante la pérdida
de su señora madre, Sara Fernández Lavid viuda de Salces
*** Laguna azul… Si bien Laguna Verde no es aquella Laguna Azul de Brooke Shields, la nuestra no es sólo bonita, sino que cumple una función muy específica. Por cierto que hace unos días la visitaron el gobernador Javier Duarte, el secretario de Energía, los directores de la CFE y otros invitados special. Just to talk about it, this Thursday the president met with Veracruz President Felipe Calderon at the official residence of Los Pinos, where they talked about the situation of the Laguna Verde nuclear power plant ...
Veracruz is not Japan *** ... The situation in Laguna Verde takes power after the nuclear crisis in the country as a result of the Asian tsunami that hit coastal areas of the four main islands that make up this powerful nation and has had an impact worldwide, both environmental and health fields, even in the political aspect. In discussing the security of the Laguna Verde, if there is preparation in case of an accident in one of the reactors, and any anomalies that may affect the nearby population. So important was the meeting of President with Governor of Veracruz, it prevents any opportunistic grab the theme to attract reflectors and comment on a matter as delicate as specialized ... *** I
or ... We argue that in the event which was held on 88 Anniversary of the League of Agrarian Communities, back in the refrigerator Acayucan, things got ugly, as the audience, seeing that they are not satisfied with the food they promised, leveled the decorative fruit who was in the presidium ...
*** Why? ... It caused surprise that the death anniversary ceremony of XVII of Luis Donaldo Colosio in the entity held by the PRI class last Wednesday did not mention the name at any time of SLEEP García ...
*** Pure Exhibitionism! .. from Coatzacoalcos have reported that the annual report of the Southern Livestock Union, and deputy leader Jacob Abel Velasco in his report "showed" the brother of Mayor Jorge Baruch Custodio, Soconusco Township, for a claim is settled. Emphasizing that "this is a special case and will shortly be reported." Terribly wrong and deputy leader, is still breathing on the wound by losing the local livestock Soconusco ... *** What bathed hit! .. livestock in the same report Mr. Jacob Velasco Julia Martínez Yepez, DVM, a native of Acayucan, because it stated that "by its wrongdoings as the treasurer had to terminate." What a way to continue BRONCHIAL right? .. *** File
dead ... How is it that several state government agencies have decided to send a dead file holds a lot of unpaid bills; other half paid and others that found in white? .. .
*** Third Place ... The President of the Civil Partnership Advances Veracruz, Alejandro Vázquez Cuevas, met with Mr. Rolando García Alonso, Coordinator for International Relations and Inter Migration Institute ... Veracruz ranks third nationally in migration, in addition to its southern border is a step of undocumented Central Americans and Europeans, as is the municipality of Acayucan. Such situations involve a Veracruz in insecurity, since the "coyotes" and have new types of crime to make the person in question gives them the money they require to pass it to the U.S. ... ***
Conchas ... The Secretary of Government, Erick Lagos Hernandez, served in its offices in Government House, 50 representatives of the Maquiladora workers Sugarcane "La Concepción", located in the municipality of Jilotepec, who yesterday had taken the government offices to demand payment owed . The employees were led by Víctor López Hernández, secretary general of Section 101 of the Trade Union of Workers of the Sugar and Allied Industry in Mexico ... *** Charges ...
published Notice Convergence has convened the militants, supporters, fraternal organizations, citizens and members of political organizations social and non-governmental organizations, indigenous communities and civil society in the municipalities of Jose Azueta Coxquihui and Veracruz State, to participate in the internal process of convergence for the selection and election of candidates for the offices of aldermen members of the municipalities in the state's electoral process of 2011 Special ...
*** On your mark ... THE Electoral Institute General Council regular meeting held Veracruz at the headquarters of the Federal Register of Electors, where he held the first balloting of citizens to serve on the boards of the polling day Election Day May 29 in the municipalities of Coxquihui and José Azueta ... For the city of Coxquihui, a total of 10.088 registered citizens in the roll call were a total of 1.012 randomly selected, of whom 493 were men and 519 women .... Meanwhile, in the municipality of José Azueta, a nominal list consisting of 18.092 people, the system gave a total of 1.836 randomly selected citizens, consisting of 887 men and 949 women ....
*** The list ... The Federal Register of Electors will be delivered no later than March 30, 2011, the National Center for Print, the list of randomly selected citizens in 12 points, sorted alphabetically by electoral district and local the inner city and section election, and the letters inviting candidates to board ... ***
Prevention is better ... The DEM Brigadier General Efren Soriano Aguirre, commander of Military Zone 26 in the region of Xalapa and Lt. Col. Homer Gamboa held a working meeting with the State Coordinator of the Center for Control, Command, Communications and Computer C-4, Arturo Romero Montes de Oca, who endorsed them close coordination with all federal forces and acknowledged delivery in security operations led by Javier Duarte Ochoa governor in the state, thanks to which has failed to protect life and property of all the people of Veracruz. Commander on his visit Soriano Aguirre was able to observe the progress of the 2011 program on crime prevention, anonymous call 089, 066 and emergency response to combat extortion 01,800,398 6774 ...
*** In Mexico City, DF ... The legislature Veracruz José Francisco Yunes Zorrilla participated, in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee on Social Development, in analysis session of the Public Accounts Commission's 2009 Monitoring the ASF, to know the outcome report of the supervisory board and to make assessments as appropriate care in the paragraph of that document ...
*** Ensure transparency in use ... After the meeting, Yunes Pepe joined the regular session in full, up to three initiatives rostrum to present a draft decree to amend sections 5, 30, 41, 80, 81 and 82 of the Social Development Law, with the intention of transparent use of public resources in social programs, expand areas of focus and give greater autonomous powers to the National Evaluation of Social Development Policy ...
*** Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ... The proposals, which include the incorporation of linking broader powers to the states, as well as criteria for selection of members of targeted CONEVAL the neutrality of its members, were welcomed by a full twenty legislators joining the initiative. *** Ok ...
dismisses nuclear CRIVA sick children, noting that there is no scientific evidence to establish that the disability of one hundred children of Alto Lucero, Vega de Alatorre being treated at the CRIVA are related to the proximity of Laguna Verde plant, the agency's director, Abel Gutierrez urged the public and state authorities to provide more grants and support for this center, because it already has problems of liquidity to operate and purchase equipment ...
*** Vaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... 500 million of weights increased the budget this year will be channeled to the agricultural sector in the state, said Undersecretary of Livestock in the state, Francisco Cesar Servin, by releasing the budget approved for this year is 1.200 billion pesos ... ***
Aaaaajaaaaaaaa ... Sefiplan made available to the public REC04 format to meet the requests of owners of vehicles that are current in their payments of tenure, but that do not meet the benefit in having debts in other vehicles who sold without making the change of ownership ... The format is available to taxpayers in any offices of the State Treasury, as well as virtual office of Finance at: http://www.odh.gob.mx/ . The deadline is March 31 ...
*** Uuuuuzuuuuuu ... The Veracruz Institute for Rural Development and Fisheries (Invederp) perform this 2011 174 million dollars to promote its programs, such as acquisition of agricultural tools, beehives, outboard motors, rolls of wire, rice seed, bean seed, seed corn, temporary employment, equipment, production units, coffee fertilization, support to producers of cattle and planting gardens ...
** * Aaaaazuuuucaaaaarrrrrrr ... The Secretary of Government, Lagos Erick Hernandez, served in their offices at the Government Palace to 50 representatives of the Maquiladora workers Sugarcane "La Concepción", located in the municipality had taken Jilotepec ... administrative offices to demand payment that due. The employees were led by Víctor López Hernández, Secretary General of Section 101 of the Trade Union of Workers of the Sugar and Allied Industry in Mexico ...
*** A tuxpeñita ... "Tuxpan is targeted for the installation of the Technology Park, offer the ground and the necessary facilities for this project innovation and transformation of the economy is built here, "said Mayor Alberto Silva Ramos, in the act of signing the agreement incubation between the City and the Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), which will support enterprising citizens, being Tuxpan spearhead such projects ... ...
*** Curricular Education Secretary, Adolfo Mota Hernández, inaugurated the 1st. Normal Meeting State Education 2011: Teacher training and curriculum reform, where he highlighted the remarkable role of Veracruz regular teachers in their work with educators of children and youth of the entity ...
*** The Field ... By attending on behalf of Governor Ochoa Javier Duarte of the celebration of 88 anniversary of the League of Agrarian Communities and Peasant Syndicates of Veracruz, José Tomás Sánchez Carrillo, Secretary of Agricultural Development , Rural, Forestry and Fisheries (SEDARPA) said that the CNC is the force that moves the field of Veracruz, as they are the foundation and primary food ...
*** From the farmers ... The owner of Sedarpa said the League of Agrarian Communities is a bulwark, banner, strength and spearhead the defense of the interests of farmers, said need to take other attitudes toward the field and thus summoned to see the field differently, building public policies with a clear vocation productive competitiveness and integration ...
Sipiiiiiiii ... As part of the commemoration the 17 anniversary of the death of Luis Donaldo Colosio, the PRI State Executive Committee, headed by its president Héctor Yunes Landa, made a call in her honor to remember their principles and ideals. Accompanying the tri state leader, the president of the Fundación Colosio, Innocent Yáñez Vicencio, Elvia Ruiz Cesáreo Technical Secretariat of State Policy Council, Deputy Carlos Aceves local Amezcua, Diana Santiago Huesca CDM president of the PRI in Xalapa, dozens of militants PRI ...
*** Your commitment ... With the support of the State Government and the social and private sectors, Xalapa takes its commitment to promote economic and social development with a vision of sustainability, said the municipal president Elizabeth Morales García, installing the City Commission of Ecology ...
ties ... ELIZABETH *** Morales stated that the creation of this body will promote urban development sustainable and forward-thinking, which strengthen the links between urban and rural, to the 470 colonies and five congregations achieve an integrated economic and social development.
quirino.moreno @ entornopolitico.com
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