* The election of 2012 passes necessarily by Veracruz: JDO
* The PRI, in accordance with the change in state leadership
* Get to the front of the PRI a man of proven track record: Yunes Zorrilla
* The party is going ahead, said Hector Yunes Landa
* There will be more arrest warrants against leaders of invaders: Erick Lagos
Maybe by Quirino Moreno
March 14, 2011
* The PRI, in accordance with the change in state leadership
* Get to the front of the PRI a man of proven track record: Yunes Zorrilla
* The party is going ahead, said Hector Yunes Landa
* There will be more arrest warrants against leaders of invaders: Erick Lagos
Maybe by Quirino Moreno
March 14, 2011
*** a lot of work ... There is much to do Héctor Yunes in the coming months, assuming that this Sunday was the leadership of the PRI, now must assume leadership of the PRI ... that is not the same ...
*** At the turn of 2012!! The governor yesterday Javier Duarte put the PRI in the context of the election of 2012, where he renewed the Presidency of the Republic. In no other way to read the message, "which comes a stage that correspond profound economic and social. The PRI must lead such changes by updating our principles and interpreting the requirements of our society "...
*** The presidency goes through here ... And in a measure on, where the PRI leadership recognized Duarte Ochoa, the ruling settled:" The PRI Veracruz is by far the best policy option. And surely the PRI Veracruz is fundamental for the construction of road wins national elections. Here we said and today I endorse the election of 2012, the Office of the President, passes necessarily by Veracruz ...
*** Unity and order ... Before leaving with his wife Karina and her sons Javier and Natura Park Carolina, to celebrate the family, the governor said: "Working in a more united and organized, work with greater commitment to serve the party and the people of Veracruz. The PRI of Veracruz has route and has direction. " No way, days of intense local politics to impact national policy.

*** Karina Aguilera, local Member of the PRI. "As Deputy District of the former, I am very proud that a former Deputy District will assume the chairmanship of former PRI in Veracruz, we will be very aware of being enough to support us as it always does in the state but especially in the district. "
*** Sara Herrera, Mayor of Alvarado .- "I believe that the arrival of our friend Héctor Yunes the leadership of our party is to further strengthen our party, Ranulfo did a good job, but we gate choice, so we have a commitment to calve out the election, as president I have the commitment to make the election in Alvarado. " ***
Tete Terán PRI federal deputy for the third district and national leader of the small owners .- "Excellent, a great party, a must see for all the talk, very emotional, unity in Veracruz, the leadership of Governor encourages us to continue working. " Marcela Aguilera ***
Landeta, assistant attorney Cosamalopan region .- "PRI is a party and we are very pleased with the arrival of Héctor Yunes and Erika Ayala, the State Steering Committee of the PRI and we will work together for the election 2012, with our governor Javier Duarte Ochoa, very good speeches, representing the unity PRI para recuperar la Presidencia de la República”.
*** Elena Zamorano, Diputada local del PRI, por el Distrito del Cosamalopan.- “Muy bien, vamos a trabajar con Héctor muy bien, fue esta una asamblea como usted bien vio, muy nutrida, con todas las figuras del partido renovadas”.
*** Verónica de la Medina, Esposa de Héctor Yunes.- “Yo creo que es un momento nuevo del partido, vienen las elecciones federales y era el momento de la renovación del partido, a nivel estatal y a nivel nacional, y creo que Héctor es una muy buena opción, ahí el doctor Javier Duarte tuvo una muy buena decisión, yo escuché ambos discursos, fueron profundos e intensos, the Hector and Dr. Javier Duarte, for the work of all PRI Veracruz State. " ***
Ivan Lopez, State Comptroller .- "Good is not it?, I think that comes with lots of encouragement, and that's what counts, right?, Speeches seemed very good I think it looks the encouragement and good politician, thank you. "
*** Victor Hugo Alarcón Limón, Director General of the State Transit .- "Like everything else, is to strengthen the unity of the party, Héctor Yunes is a professional person with an important political career, which strengthens, more and most of our party, I welcome this arrival, I like this formula and will support it for the good of Veracruz. " ***
José Yunes Zorrilla, PRI federal deputy for the District of Perote .- "I think it was a very, very important, is virtually under the beginning of the preparatory work for the election of 2012 , for all that the game will be playing in the election, parce me that hit the front of the State Steering Committee, a man of proven track record, great discipline, a man who has trained since early youth in the tasks of party understands, who knows the PRI, which will surely be giving direction to the election, the state governor was very clear, leading work is insensitive, a work that is evident to all thinking the colors, the parties in Veracruz, stop the PRI are certain that deliver results and certainly will not coerce giving the Institutional Revolutionary and is recognized under the talent and careers of Ranulfo Marquez, party man, many personally owe the party into 2012, evidenced in unity. " ***
Paco Portilla, Mayor of Córdoba .- "Today in this special session of the Political Council of the PRI, which really gave us great pleasure to see so distinguished a militant of our party as Héctor Yunes, with experience and the work they are proof, has today assumed the presidency of the PRI state, along with a bright and talented woman like Erika Ayala, the PRI l hope renewed vigor and all work very hard for 2012, I think in Veracruz guaranteed the triumph of the PRI. " ***
Adolfo Ramirez Arana, Mayor of Paso Sheep .- "Sure give dynamism to the PRI, as Veracruz think hard next steps for our PRI, however, we will move forward, we will win the election in 2012, regaining the presidency of the republic, we have the two Senate seats and many federal councils through the work of Javier Duarte and the work to be performed the PRI, with Héctor Yunes, up front. "
Luck *** Nicodemus Santos, Political Advisor .- I think in all renewals of pictures, the freshness of the game is important there are new ideas, many commitments and all you have to join the party unity. " ***
Luis Arturo Ugalde, Political Advisor .- "The unbreakable unity of the party, has to happen for the presidential succession." ***
Loutfe José Murat, local PRI deputy, by the local District of Coatzacoalcos .- If in doubt are very important points for party unity and commitments made as Héctor Yunes said, and that looks like the governor Javier Duarte, meets all its commitments. "
*** Fernando Gonzalez Arroyo, director of Inveder .- Excellent, excellent is a man, a well-formed PRI since his youth, for me, personally, I do not doubt, that will make an excellent CDE role at the head of the PRI. " ***
Miguel Cabrera, Councillor City of Xalapa, third .- "I think it's a great recognition to the path, to a large PRI and especially to an energy renewal, which is needed for 2012 while recognizing the work of Ranulf, who for many years has been primarily and foremost as election strategist, is a fair size the person Héctor Yunes, heading 2012. " ***
Héctor Yunes Landa, neo CDE PRI leader in Veracruz .- "I remember the best period of play, with this crowd, that warmth, that enthusiasm, those expressions that I had while since I saw my party, I am happy, it's because Javier Duarte, who is her true leader of the party, encouraged us, giving us the message today gave us an impressive string with your message, and I think from there, later to clarify his message as just check the party going forward. " *** Raul
Zarrabal, undersecretary of communications was a Council Veracruz .- Politician, a great renewal, we have to do is to urge this committee to work, for this election 2011. " ***
Zeferino Tejeda, president of the Committee on Internal Processes CDE PRI .- "With a wide participation of sectors and interests it was good change of leadership especially highlight the presence of the first PRI of Veracruz, as other events to come to events, is a partner with experience that has played since his youth in the party, we hope that as he has made by such other party and government, well actually just take his seat in the CDE the PRI. "
Oliver Aguilar Yunes, President of CDM PRI Veracruz Puerto .- I think it was an event of great quality, which according to our bylaws, we have elected a new president and a new secretary general, speeches were very deep, there was much work and lots of joining in the appointment of Héctor Yunes and I think has shown the charts and also the direction he wants to bring in the game in Veracruz. " ***
Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... There will be more arrest warrants against leaders of the invaders, said Deputy Secretary of Government, Lagos Erick Hernandez, who explained that in Veracruz are 72 agrarian conflicts and problems about 95 invasions in the state, "but with a work table we will give order and solution ...
*** For the 212 municipalities ... That the Secretary of Government, Lagos Erick Hernandez was in his office the mayor of Yanga, Pascual Alvarado Martinez, who presented the projects in development is the City Council in its management 2011-2013, so he asked to be the responsible agency, who links the town with the dependencies that make the state administration and thus achieve cover needs that require the inhabitants of the first free town in America ...
*** Oooozuuuuu ... "Order and discipline must prevail in delegations Transit, "said Secretary of Government, Gerardo Buganza Salmeron, new offices responsible for Temapache Alamo, Botana Luis Alberto Medina, Rubén González Montalvo for Vega de Alatorre, Lindoro Espino Espinosa to Alto Lucero, Hector Burgos Cabalaro, Nahim Domínguez Gutiérrez Cuevas Zamora and the delegation of Coatzacoalcos ...
*** Oooooraleeeeeeeeeeee ... Duarte Héctor Yunes doubt that would do a great job in the state PRI ...
*** Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... Héctor Yunes Landa said that in his PRI arrival of the main priorities that will support within his party will win the next special election to be held in May in Coxquihui and Joseph Azueta, and thereafter claimed that the tricolor begin with the work to make changes to the 212 municipal committees that are located in the state of Veracruz, this in to work for the 2012 electoral process ...
*** Zzzzzzzaaaazzzz ... With the arrival of Héctor Yunes Landa PRI Veracruz prepares to face the federal government in 2012, said former local MP, Fernando Vázquez Maldonado ...
* ** In Sheep Pass ... As you know, the former mayor of Sheep Pass and musician Daniel Villalobos Hernández was arrested by the Agency Veracruzana Research based on an arrest warrant on charges of abuse of authority against the public service and the estate of Fernando Padilla ...
*** Jeeeeeeeeeeeee ... Alert to State Transit and the risk of confrontation in Ixhuacán de los Reyes ...
*** Zucuuuuuuuuuuuu ... This weekend was taken Sayula Municipal Palace ...
*** In Xalapa ... That the Municipal Civil Protection director, Víctor Hugo López Cerón, reported that during this Saturday Xalapa region suffered three fires and grassland, among which stand one on the Cerro Macuiltepetl, another in the town of El Castillo and the last recorded on the road Xalapa-Coatepec at the height of the Arenales ...
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